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PassMark Software Memtest86 PRO Edition v7

PassMark MemTest86 v7.4 Pro Edition



Memtest86 is considered by the majority of the hardware testing community the number one application when it comes to defective RAM sticks. The answer to the question regarding the working state of the installed memory modules comes fast with Memtest86 and that is what matters the most besides the certainty of the verdict.

There are many good approaches for testing memory. However, many tests simply throw some patterns at memory without much thought or knowledge of memory architecture or how errors can best be detected. This works fine for hard memory failures but does little to find intermittent errors. BIOS based memory tests are useless for finding intermittent memory errors.

RAM chips consist of a large array of tightly packed memory cells, one for each bit of data. The vast majority of the intermittent failures are a result of interaction between these memory cells. Often writing a memory cell can cause one of the adjacent cells to be written with the same data. An effective memory test attempts to test for this condition. Therefore, an ideal strategy for testing memory would be the following:
Write a cell with a zero.
Write all of the adjacent cells with a one, one or more times.
Check that the first cell still has a zero.

It should be obvious that this strategy requires an exact knowledge of how the memory cells are laid out on the chip. In addition there are a never ending number of possible chip layouts for different chip types and manufacturers making this strategy impractical. However, there are testing algorithms that can approximate this ideal and MemTest86 does just this.

Starting from MemTest86 v5, the code was re-written to support booting from the newer UEFI platform. UEFI is able to provide additional services that is unavailable in BIOS, such as graphical, mouse and file system support.

System Requirements:
UEFI or BIOS platform firmware
Windows, Linux
CD or USB Flash Drive

Größe: 29,34 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/ISO
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator



Memtest86 Pro v7.4 ISO + USB Retail

Englisch // 32 + 64-Bit // ISO + USB // Retail // Handbuch


Testen Sie mit dem Tool MemTest86 Pro Ihren Arbeitsspeicher

Nachdem Sie MemTest86 von einem externen Speichermedium gestartet haben, können Sie über »Start Test« Ihren RAM auf Herz und Nieren prüfen lassen. Mit über 13 verschiedenen Algorithmen kontrolliert diese Software mit einem Stresstest Ihren Hauptspeicher auf Defekte und Unstimmigkeiten. Falls der Arbeitsspeicher fehlerhafte Speicherzellen beinhaltet, zeigt Ihnen MemTest86 eine Liste mit den detaillierten Speicheradressen der kaputten Zellen an. Mit dem Update auf Version 6.x können Sie mit MemTest86 jetzt auch DDR4 RAM überprüfen. Diese Pro-Version verfügt über ein größeren Funktionsumfang im Gegensatz zu der kostenlosen Version.

The latest version of MemTest86 supports all the current technologies, including

13 different RAM testing algorithms
DDR4 RAM (and DDR2 & DDR3) support
XMP - high performance memory profiles
UEFI - The new graphical standard for BIOS
64bit - From version 5, MemTest86 is native 64bit code
ECC RAM - support for error-correcting code RAM
Secure boot - With MemTest86 being code signed by Microsoft
Graphical interface, mouse support and logging of results to disk
Foreign language support (Chinese, German & more)
Self booting off USB or CD, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows
Network (PXE) boot - Scalable, disk-less provisioning from a single PXE server
Dual booting - Will boot to V4 in BIOS and V6 in UEFI from a single flash drive

Requirements: CD or USB Flash drive.

Windows / Linux (32 oder 64-Bit)


Memtest86 Pro 7.4 ISO + USB Retail + Handbuch


Memtest86 is considered by the majority of the hardware testing community the number one application when it comes to defective RAM sticks. The answer to the question regarding the working state of the installed memory modules comes fast with Memtest86 and that is what matters the most besides the certainty of the verdict.

There are many good approaches for testing memory. However, many tests simply throw some patterns at memory without much thought or knowledge of memory architecture or how errors can best be detected. This works fine for hard memory failures but does little to find intermittent errors. BIOS based memory tests are useless for finding intermittent memory errors.

RAM chips consist of a large array of tightly packed memory cells, one for each bit of data. The vast majority of the intermittent failures are a result of interaction between these memory cells. Often writing a memory cell can cause one of the adjacent cells to be written with the same data. An effective memory test attempts to test for this condition. Therefore, an ideal strategy for testing memory would be the following:
Write a cell with a zero.
Write all of the adjacent cells with a one, one or more times.
Check that the first cell still has a zero.

It should be obvious that this strategy requires an exact knowledge of how the memory cells are laid out on the chip. In addition there are a never ending number of possible chip layouts for different chip types and manufacturers making this strategy impractical. However, there are testing algorithms that can approximate this ideal and MemTest86 does just this.

Starting from MemTest86 v5, the code was re-written to support booting from the newer UEFI platform. UEFI is able to provide additional services that is unavailable in BIOS, such as graphical, mouse and file system support.

System Requirements:
UEFI or BIOS platform firmware
Windows, Linux
CD or USB Flash Drive

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 23,97 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Memtest86 Pro v7.5 ISO + USB Retail

Englisch // 32 + 64-Bit // ISO + USB // Retail // Handbuch // 05.02.2018


Testen Sie mit dem Tool MemTest86 Pro Ihren Arbeitsspeicher

Nachdem Sie MemTest86 von einem externen Speichermedium gestartet haben, können Sie über »Start Test« Ihren RAM auf Herz und Nieren prüfen lassen. Mit über 13 verschiedenen Algorithmen kontrolliert diese Software mit einem Stresstest Ihren Hauptspeicher auf Defekte und Unstimmigkeiten. Falls der Arbeitsspeicher fehlerhafte Speicherzellen beinhaltet, zeigt Ihnen MemTest86 eine Liste mit den detaillierten Speicheradressen der kaputten Zellen an. Mit dem Update auf Version 6.x können Sie mit MemTest86 jetzt auch DDR4 RAM überprüfen. Diese Pro-Version verfügt über ein größeren Funktionsumfang im Gegensatz zu der kostenlosen Version.

The latest version of MemTest86 supports all the current technologies, including

13 different RAM testing algorithms
DDR4 RAM (and DDR2 & DDR3) support
XMP - high performance memory profiles
UEFI - The new graphical standard for BIOS
64bit - From version 5, MemTest86 is native 64bit code
ECC RAM - support for error-correcting code RAM
Secure boot - With MemTest86 being code signed by Microsoft
Graphical interface, mouse support and logging of results to disk
Foreign language support (Chinese, German & more)
Self booting off USB or CD, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows
Network (PXE) boot - Scalable, disk-less provisioning from a single PXE server
Dual booting - Will boot to V4 in BIOS and V6 in UEFI from a single flash drive

Requirements: CD or USB Flash drive.

Windows / Linux (32 oder 64-Bit)


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