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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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ON1 NoNoise AI 2021 v16


macOS Supplier

ON1 NoNoise AI 2021 v16.0.0.10861

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: English
Größe: 1.49 gb


The New Standard in Quality and Speed for Removing Image Noise. It's the best noise reduction software for photography. Quickly remove noise and get the sharpest details in your photos with AI-powered NoNoise AI. ON1 NoNoise AI intelligently removes all the image noise while intelligently recovering and enhancing the details. It integrates into your workflow by supporting common photo editors and file formats, including saving DNG raw files that maintain the full tonal and color range.

• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor​
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ON1 NoNoise AI 2021 v16.0.0.10747 (MacOSX)


ON1 NoNoise AI 2021 v16.0.0.10747 (MacOSX) | 1.49 GB | Language: English

The New Standard in Quality and Speed for Removing Image Noise. It's the best noise reduction software for photography. Quickly remove noise and get the sharpest details in your photos with AI-powered NoNoise AI.

ON1 NoNoise AI intelligently removes all the image noise while intelligently recovering and enhancing the details. It integrates into your workflow by supporting common photo editors and file formats, including saving DNG raw files that maintain the full tonal and color range.

Get the Absolute Best Results Way Faster!
ON1 NoNoise is up to ten times faster than the other leading image noise removal products and the results will amaze you!

AI-Based Noise Reduction
Leverages state-of-art machine learning to build an AI network to remove luminance and color noise while maintaining the details like no other application producing excellent results.

AI-Based Demosaicing
For raw photos, most image noise comes in the demosaicing process. Combining this step with the noise reduction during the AI training in ON1 NoNoise AI will achieve both better noise reduction and help increase detail and sharpness.

AI-Based Demosaicing
Includes the ON1 exclusive Progressive Sharpening algorithm to enhance the sharpness and details based on the size of the details in the photo, without the halos and artifacts that other sharpening techniques can create.

Super-Fast Live Preview of the Adjustments
Results can be viewed in only a fraction of the time it takes other apps to produce viewable results. There are also far fewer controls to adjust without the limitation of sacrificing sharpness to reduce image noise.

Plugin to Your Workflow
ON1 NoNoise AI is the perfect fit for almost any workflow.

Get amazing retouching results in seconds when using ON1 NoNoise AI as a plugin for:
Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Lightroom Classic • Adobe Photoshop Elements • Affinity Photo • Capture One • Corel Paintshop Pro

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor.

Größe: 1.49 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .dmg
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Mac Plattform: Intel or Apple Silicon


K2s.cc (Keep2share)





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