• Regeln für den Software-Bereich:


    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection v2



Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection Multilingual + Cracked.eXe | 22.09 MB


My Music Collection v2.0.4.77 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.4.77 Multilingual | 23 MB | Language: Multilanguage

My Music Collection is the most comprehensive music catalog software designed for organizing and managing music collections of any kind, including CD discs, MP3 files or vinyl records. This music organizer allows you to create an ordered CD database and view its contents, even if the disk is lying on a shelf or is being borrowed by a friend of yours. Now you can forget about creating music database on a paper, in Excel or text files.

Simply insert a disc, scan barcode or type the title and My Music Collection will fetch all album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release year, country, track titles and cover image, etc.

Furthermore, this music organizer does not only allow you to create comprehensive music collection with a great amount of options, but it is also a great loan manager allowing you to keep track of albums borrowed to your friends.

Familiar and intuitive interface allows you to easily and quickly search and browse your music collection. You can sort albums by artist, release year or even by media type. Checking statistics is also easy - My Music Collection allows you to view statistics in a table view or use a variety of diagrams. With music database software you can export your list into almost all popular file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML.

My Music Collection features
Add any type of media automatically. With My Music Collection you can add any media types to your collection, including CDs, vinyls (LPs), mini discs, MP3s audio files or even cassettes.
Add albums simply by inserting CD. Simply insert a CD into your CD driver and this music organizer will automatically add it to your collection and get all CD data from the Internet.
Add CD albums by reading barcodes. To add album to your collection, simply scan the barcode on jewel box with a barcode reader.
Add albums manually. To add a cassette or a vinyl record you can type all information into corresponding fields and select cover image from a folder on your computer.
Keep track of borrowed albums. Now you will know who has borrowed albums, when it was borrowed and when it should be returned to you.
Get CD information from the Internet. This CD inventory software will automatically download album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release date, cover, etc. Furthermore, you can choose databases to search in.
Online databases are used. All information about CDs, Vinyls can be fetched from MusicBrainz, Amazon, Discogs.
Create a wish list. This CD organizer allows you to create a list of items you would like to purchase.
Search albums by a keyword. It is really easy to find albums in your collection - simply enter a keyword and select fields to search for.
Sort items in your collection. Sort albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.
Filter and group albums in My Music Collection. Filter and group albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.
Print the list or export it to a variety of formats. My Music Collection allows you to either print a report or save it as HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML file.
View statistic for your music collection. CD Archive Software also allows you to view collection statistics and generate a report. The report shows total statistics for your collection, as well as allows you to view collection data grouped by various values (by artist, by release year, by genre, by country, etc.).
Customize My Music Collection easily. You can change application appearance, screen layout, select collection view, adjust toolbars or add and remove fields.
Friendly and intuitive user interface. This CD catalog software user friendly and intuitive interface allows you to do all operations easily and effectively.

Supported languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Türkçe, Українська.
System requirements: Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10.

Home Page -



My Music Collection v2.0.4.79 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.4.79 Multilingual | 25 MB | Language: Multilanguage

My Music Collection is the most comprehensive music catalog software designed for organizing and managing music collections of any kind, including CD discs, MP3 files or vinyl records. This music organizer allows you to create an ordered CD database and view its contents, even if the disk is lying on a shelf or is being borrowed by a friend of yours. Now you can forget about creating music database on a paper, in Excel or text files. Simply insert a disc, scan barcode or type the title and My Music Collection will fetch all album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release year, country, track titles and cover image, etc. Furthermore, this music organizer does not only allow you to create comprehensive music collection with a great amount of options, but it is also a great loan manager allowing you to keep track of albums borrowed to your friends.

Familiar and intuitive interface allows you to easily and quickly search and browse your music collection. You can sort albums by artist, release year or even by media type. Checking statistics is also easy - My Music Collection allows you to view statistics in a table view or use a variety of diagrams. With music database software you can export your list into almost all popular file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML.

My Music Collection features:
* Add any type of media automatically. With My Music Collection you can add any media types to your collection, including CDs, vinyls (LPs), mini discs, MP3s audio files or even cassettes.
* Add albums simply by inserting CD. Simply insert a CD into your CD driver and this music organizer will automatically add it to your collection and get all CD data from the Internet.
* Add CD albums by reading barcodes. To add album to your collection, simply scan the barcode on jewel box with a barcode reader.
* Add albums manually. To add a cassette or a vinyl record you can type all information into corresponding fields and select cover image from a folder on your computer.
* Keep track of borrowed albums. Now you will know who has borrowed albums, when it was borrowed and when it should be returned to you.
* Get CD information from the Internet. This CD inventory software will automatically download album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release date, cover, etc. Furthermore, you can choose databases to search in.
* Online databases are used. All information about CDs, Vinyls can be fetched from MusicBrainz, Amazon, Discogs.
* Create a wish list. This CD organizer allows you to create a list of items you would like to purchase.
* Search albums by a keyword. It is really easy to find albums in your collection - simply enter a keyword and select fields to search for.
* Sort items in your collection. Sort albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.
* Filter and group albums in My Music Collection. Filter and group albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.
* Print the list or export it to a variety of formats. My Music Collection allows you to either print a report or save it as HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML file.
* View statistic for your music collection. CD Archive Software also allows you to view collection statistics and generate a report. The report shows total statistics for your collection, as well as allows you to view collection data grouped by various values (by artist, by release year, by genre, by country, etc.).
* Customize My Music Collection easily. You can change application appearance, screen layout, select collection view, adjust toolbars or add and remove fields.
* Friendly and intuitive user interface. This CD catalog software user friendly and intuitive interface allows you to do all operations easily and effectively.
* Supported languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Türkçe, Українська.

Operating System: Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10.

Home Page-

Größe: 25 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






My Music Collection v2.0.6.93 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.6.93 Multilingual | 18 MB | Language: Multilanguage

My Music Collection is the most comprehensive music catalog software designed for organizing and managing music collections of any kind, including CD discs, MP3 files or vinyl records. This music organizer allows you to create an ordered CD database and view its contents, even if the disk is lying on a shelf or is being borrowed by a friend of yours. Now you can forget about creating music database on a paper, in Excel or text files.

Simply insert a disc, scan barcode or type the title and My Music Collection will fetch all album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release year, country, track titles and cover image, etc. Furthermore, this music organizer does not only allow you to create comprehensive music collection with a great amount of options, but it is also a great loan manager allowing you to keep track of albums borrowed to your friends.

Familiar and intuitive interface allows you to easily and quickly search and browse your music collection. You can sort albums by artist, release year or even by media type. Checking statistics is also easy - My Music Collection allows you to view statistics in a table view or use a variety of diagrams. With music database software you can export your list into almost all popular file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML.

My Music Collection Features:

Add any type of media automatically.
With My Music Collection you can add any media types to your collection, including CDs, vinyls (LPs), mini discs, MP3s audio files or even cassettes.

Add albums simply by inserting CD.
Simply insert a CD into your CD driver and this music organizer will automatically add it to your collection and get all CD data from the Internet.

Add CD albums by reading barcodes.
To add album to your collection, simply scan the barcode on jewel box with a barcode reader.

Add albums manually.
To add a cassette or a vinyl record you can type all information into corresponding fields and select cover image from a folder on your computer.

Keep track of borrowed albums.
Now you will know who has borrowed albums, when it was borrowed and when it should be returned to you.

Get CD information from the Internet.
This CD inventory software will automatically download album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release date, cover, etc. Furthermore, you can choose databases to search in.

Online databases are used.
All information about CDs, Vinyls can be fetched from MusicBrainz, Amazon, Discogs.

Create a wish list.
This CD organizer allows you to create a list of items you would like to purchase.

Search albums by a keyword.
It is really easy to find albums in your collection - simply enter a keyword and select fields to search for.

Sort items in your collection.
Sort albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.

Filter and group albums in My Music Collection.
Filter and group albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.

Print the list or export it to a variety of formats.
My Music Collection allows you to either print a report or save it as HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML file.

View statistic for your music collection.
CD Archive Software also allows you to view collection statistics and generate a report. The report shows total statistics for your collection, as well as allows you to view collection data grouped by various values (by artist, by release year, by genre, by country, etc.).

Customize My Music Collection easily.
You can change application appearance, screen layout, select collection view, adjust toolbars or add and remove fields.
Friendly and intuitive user interface. This CD catalog software user friendly and intuitive interface allows you to do all operations easily and effectively.


Größe: 18 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






My Music Collection v2.0.7.103 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.7.103 Multilingual | 18 MB | Language: Multilanguage

My Music Collection is the most comprehensive music catalog software designed for organizing and managing music collections of any kind, including CD discs, MP3 files or vinyl records. This music organizer allows you to create an ordered CD database and view its contents, even if the disk is lying on a shelf or is being borrowed by a friend of yours. Now you can forget about creating music database on a paper, in Excel or text files.

Simply insert a disc, scan barcode or type the title and My Music Collection will fetch all album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release year, country, track titles and cover image, etc. Furthermore, this music organizer does not only allow you to create comprehensive music collection with a great amount of options, but it is also a great loan manager allowing you to keep track of albums borrowed to your friends.

Familiar and intuitive interface allows you to easily and quickly search and browse your music collection. You can sort albums by artist, release year or even by media type. Checking statistics is also easy - My Music Collection allows you to view statistics in a table view or use a variety of diagrams. With music database software you can export your list into almost all popular file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML.

My Music Collection Features:

Add any type of media automatically.
With My Music Collection you can add any media types to your collection, including CDs, vinyls (LPs), mini discs, MP3s audio files or even cassettes.

Add albums simply by inserting CD.
Simply insert a CD into your CD driver and this music organizer will automatically add it to your collection and get all CD data from the Internet.

Add CD albums by reading barcodes.
To add album to your collection, simply scan the barcode on jewel box with a barcode reader.

Add albums manually.
To add a cassette or a vinyl record you can type all information into corresponding fields and select cover image from a folder on your computer.

Keep track of borrowed albums.
Now you will know who has borrowed albums, when it was borrowed and when it should be returned to you.

Get CD information from the Internet.
This CD inventory software will automatically download album information from the Internet, including artist, title, release date, cover, etc. Furthermore, you can choose databases to search in.

Online databases are used.
All information about CDs, Vinyls can be fetched from MusicBrainz, Amazon, Discogs.

Create a wish list.
This CD organizer allows you to create a list of items you would like to purchase.

Search albums by a keyword.
It is really easy to find albums in your collection - simply enter a keyword and select fields to search for.

Sort items in your collection.
Sort albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.

Filter and group albums in My Music Collection.
Filter and group albums or tracks alphabetically, chronologically, or by any other field.

Print the list or export it to a variety of formats.
My Music Collection allows you to either print a report or save it as HTML, Excel, PDF, Text file or XML file.

View statistic for your music collection.
CD Archive Software also allows you to view collection statistics and generate a report. The report shows total statistics for your collection, as well as allows you to view collection data grouped by various values (by artist, by release year, by genre, by country, etc.).

Customize My Music Collection easily.
You can change application appearance, screen layout, select collection view, adjust toolbars or add and remove fields.
Friendly and intuitive user interface. This CD catalog software user friendly and intuitive interface allows you to do all operations easily and effectively.


Größe: 18 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection | v2.0.7.110 | Deutsch | inkl. Patch


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

My Music Collection ist die umfassendste Musikkatalog-Software für das Organisieren und Verwalten von Musik-Sammlungen aller Art, einschließlich CD’s, MP3-Dateien oder Schallplatten. Mit dieser Musikverwaltung können Sie eine geordnete Datenbank erstellen und Ihre Titel ansehen, auch wenn das Album im Schrank liegt oder gerade an einen Freund verliehen ist. Vergessen Sie Musikkataloge auf Papier, in Excel oder Text-Dateien.

Legen Sie einfach eine CD ein, scannen Sie den Barcode oder geben Sie den Interpreten ein und My Music Collection wird alle Informationen über das Album, darunter Künstler, Titel, Erscheinungsjahr, Land, Titel und Cover-Bild, etc. aus dem Internet holen.

Darüber hinaus ermöglicht Ihnen diese Musik-Verwaltung nicht nur eine umfassende Musiksammlung mit einer großen Menge von Möglichkeiten anzulegen, sondern es ist auch eine super Verleihverwaltung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht Überblick über, an Ihre Freunde ausgeliehene Alben, zu behalten.

Die vertraute und intuitiv bedienbare Oberfläche erlaubt es Ihnen einfach und schnell Ihre Musik-Sammlung zu durchsuchen. Sie können Alben nach Interpret, Erscheinungsjahr oder auch durch Medien-Typ sortieren. Statistiken zu kontrollieren ist auch einfach – in My Music Collection können Sie Statistiken in einer Tabelle anzeigen oder eine Vielzahl von Diagrammen verwenden. Mit der Musik-Datenbank-Software können Sie Ihre Liste in fast alle populären Dateiformate, darunter HTML, Excel, PDF, Text- oder XML-Datei exportieren.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows10
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Multi inkl. Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded, Rapidgator, DDownload
Größe: 19 MB
Parts: 1


_ .: Download :. _


My Music Collection v2.0.7.111 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.7.111 Multilingual | 20 MB | Language: Multilanguage


Größe: 20 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






My Music Collection v2.0.7.114 Multilingual


My Music Collection v2.0.7.114 Multilingual | 19 MB | Language: Multilanguage


Größe: 19 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






Nuclear Coffee My Music Collection (32 oder 64-Bit) Multilingual

Plattform: windows 10 , 8 , 8.1 , 7 , 11 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Größe: 33.51 MB
Sprache(n) -> multi / deutsch / englisch
Format: rar / exe
Hoster: rapidgator / ddownload / nitroflare

My Music Collection ist die umfassendste Musikkatalog-Software zum Organisieren und Verwalten von Musiksammlungen jeglicher Art, einschließlich CDs, MP3-Dateien oder Schallplatten. Mit diesem Musik-Organizer können Sie eine geordnete CD-Datenbank erstellen und deren Inhalt einsehen, selbst wenn die CD im Regal liegt oder von einem Freund ausgeliehen wird. Jetzt können Sie das Erstellen einer Musikdatenbank auf Papier, in Excel oder Textdateien vergessen. Legen Sie einfach eine Disc ein, scannen Sie den Barcode oder geben Sie den Titel ein und My Music Collection ruft alle Albuminformationen aus dem Internet ab, einschließlich Interpret, Titel, Erscheinungsjahr, Land, Tracktitel und Coverbild usw. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht Ihnen dieser Musik-Organizer nicht nur, eine umfassende Musiksammlung mit einer großen Anzahl von Optionen zu erstellen, sondern er ist auch ein großartiger Leihmanager, mit dem Sie den Überblick über Ihre ausgeliehenen Alben behalten können friends.Vertraute und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Musiksammlung einfach und schnell zu suchen und zu durchsuchen. Sie können Alben nach Künstler, Erscheinungsjahr oder sogar nach Medientyp sortieren. Auch das Überprüfen von Statistiken ist einfach – My Music Collection ermöglicht es Ihnen, Statistiken in einer Tabellenansicht anzuzeigen oder eine Vielzahl von Diagrammen zu verwenden. Mit der Musikdatenbank-Software können Sie Ihre Liste in fast alle gängigen Dateiformate exportieren, einschließlich HTML, Excel, PDF, Textdatei oder XML. Funktionen von My Music Collection Fügen Sie jeden Medientyp automatisch hinzu. Mit My Music Collection können Sie beliebige Medientypen hinzufügen Ihre Sammlung, einschließlich CDs, Vinyls (LPs), Mini-Discs, MP3s-Audiodateien oder sogar Kassetten. Fügen Sie Alben einfach durch Einlegen der CD hinzu. Legen Sie einfach eine CD in Ihr CD-Laufwerk ein und dieser Musik-Organizer fügt sie automatisch Ihrer Sammlung hinzu und ruft alle CD-Daten aus dem Internet ab.


Oben Unten