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Mastering Prometheus: Gain expert tips to monitoring your infrastructure, applications, and services


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

English | 2024 | ISBN: 1805125664 | 310 pages | True PDF EPUB | 12.66 MB​

Learn how to effectively implement, manage, and optimize Prometheus for monitoring your systems
Key Features

Achieve high availability with Prometheus by using Thanos
Integrate Prometheus into your broader observability stack with OpenTelemetry
Tweak, tune, and debug Prometheus to reliably scale without limits
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description

With an increased focus on observability and reliability, establishing a scalable and reliable monitoring environment is more important than ever. Over the last decade, Prometheus has emerged as the leading open-source, time-series based monitoring software catering to this demand. This book is your guide to scaling, operating, and extending Prometheus from small on-premises workloads to multi-cloud globally distributed workloads and everything in between.

Starting with an introduction to Prometheus and its role in observability, the book provides a walkthrough of its deployment. You'll explore Prometheus's query language and TSDB data model, followed by dynamic service discovery for monitoring targets and refining alerting through custom templates and formatting. The book then demonstrates horizontal scaling of Prometheus via sharding and federation, while equipping you with debugging techniques and strategies to fine-tune data ingestion. Advancing through the chapters, you'll manage Prometheus at scale through CI validations and templating with Jsonnet, and integrate Prometheus with other projects such as OpenTelemetry, Thanos, VictoriaMetrics, and Mimir.

By the end of this book, you'll have practical knowledge of Prometheus and its ecosystem, which will help you discern when, why, and how to scale it to meet your ever-growing needs.
What you will learn

Deploy Prometheus and Node Exporter to public clouds and Kubernetes
Gain in-depth knowledge of how Prometheus's underlying code works
Build your own custom service-discovery providers for Prometheus
Debug Prometheus performance issues to identify cardinality issues in your environment
Use VictoriaMetrics and/or Grafana Mimir for remote storage of Prometheus data
Define and implement SLO-based alerting

Who this book is for

The book is for site reliability engineers (SREs), developers, and platform engineers involved in the monitoring and observability of their team or company's systems. A background in Prometheus is assumed, so the book dedicates minimal time to the basics of getting Prometheus up and running. Whether you aim to expand monitoring capabilities, streamline configuration management, or enhance integration with existing tools, this book will help you maximize the potential of your Prometheus monitoring stack.
Table of Contents

Observability, Monitoring, and Prometheus
Deploying Prometheus
The Prometheus Data Model and PromQL
Using Service Discovery
Effective Alerting with Prometheus
Advancing Prometheus: Sharding, Federation, and HA
Optimizing and Debugging Prometheus
Enabling Systems Monitoring with the Node Exporter
Utilizing Remote Storage Systems with Prometheus
Extending Prometheus Globally with Thanos
Jsonnet and Monitoring Mixins
Utilizing Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines with Prometheus
Defining and Alerting on SLOs
Integrating OpenTelemetry with Prometheus
Beyond Prometheus

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