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MacX MediaTrans v7


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
MacX MediaTrans 7.0 (MacOSX)


MacX MediaTrans 7.0 (MacOSX) | 49 MB | Language: English

MediaTrans is the fastest mac file manager for iPhone iPad iPod, which gives you full control over iOS data. As iTunes alternative, MacX MediaTrans can transfer and manage any video, music, photo, Podcasts, Audiobooks, iTunesU and more between iPhone iPad iPod and Mac.

upgrading to new iOS/iPhone, or share iPhone files with family and friends, it would be helpful. With MacX MediaTrans, users are empowered to transfer music from iPhone to Mac in batch with 1 click, directly manage/delete playlists, tracks, etc. and create ringtones for iPhone.

Who wants to save his time will be pleased by the transferring speed, which allows you transfer 100 4k photos within 8 seconds. For die-hard Apple fans, this iPhone transfer offers powerful auto video converting function so that AVI, MKV, FLV videos can be converted to iOS-friendly format during the transferring process and sideways videos can also be rotated as you will. On top of that, it is the World's first iPhone transfer for Mac users to delete camera roll photos from iPhone and remove DRM from music, video, audiobook purchased from iTunes and convert to MP4, MP3 to be playable on other computer and devices.

* Directly transfer video, music, photo, HD movie, TV show from iPhone to Mac and vice versa
* Import/export/delete ringtones, ebooks, VoiceMemo, iTunesU, Podcast
* Remove DRM from iTunes M4V Video/M4P AudioBooks/Apple music and convert to MP4, MP3
* Use iPhone as USB-Stick to send files, including PDF, APP, dmg
* Make/create ringtone for iPhone
* Manage playlists, tracks, albums, and genres in batch
* Able to delete all photos in Camera Roll, as well as recorded videos
* Transfer files at lightning-fast speed without quality loss or data loss
* Auto convert AVI, FLV, MKV, etc. to MP4, audio file to mp3 or aac
* Auto rotate sideways videos for better watching experience on iPhone without hassle
* Two-way synchronization is available for music
* Auto convert Epub into PDF, Html, TXT, etc.
* Added new photo album categories.

Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit.



MacX MediaTrans 7.6

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: Englisch
Size: 39 mb


MacX MediaTrans is an excellent iPhone content manager for the transfer of photos, music, videos, TV shows, movies, etc., between iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac. You can also use an iPhone as a USB drive for file backup from Word or Excel to PDF, apps, etc. It provides an easy and hassle-free way to create/delete/edit playlists, and to manage music tracks, albums and genres in batch. The embedded video conversion mode can handle auto-video-conversion to fit iPhone or iPad while preserving high quality. In addition, with cutting-edge tech, MacX MediaTrans can transfer 100 4k photos in merely 8 seconds.

Requires OS X 10.9 or later.​

MacX MediaTrans 7.8

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel|Apple Silicon
Sprache: Englisch
Size: 39 mb


MacX MediaTrans is an excellent iPhone content manager for the transfer of photos, music, videos, TV shows, movies, etc., between iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac. You can also use an iPhone as a USB drive for file backup from Word or Excel to PDF, apps, etc. It provides an easy and hassle-free way to create/delete/edit playlists, and to manage music tracks, albums and genres in batch. The embedded video conversion mode can handle auto-video-conversion to fit iPhone or iPad while preserving high quality. In addition, with cutting-edge tech, MacX MediaTrans can transfer 100 4k photos in merely 8 seconds.

Requires OS X 10.9 or later.​
MacX MediaTrans 7.8 macOS



MacX MediaTrans ist ein hervorragender iPhone-Content-Manager für die Übertragung von Fotos, Musik, Videos, Fernsehsendungen, Filmen usw. zwischen iPhone, iPad, iPod und Mac. Sie können ein iPhone auch als USB-Laufwerk für Dateisicherungen von Word oder Excel in PDFs, Apps usw. verwenden. Es bietet eine einfache und problemlose Möglichkeit, Wiedergabelisten zu erstellen/löschen/bearbeiten sowie Musiktitel, Alben und Genres zu verwalten im Stapel. Der eingebettete Videokonvertierungsmodus kann eine automatische Videokonvertierung durchführen, um sie an iPhone oder iPad anzupassen und gleichzeitig eine hohe Qualität beizubehalten. Darüber hinaus kann MacX MediaTrans dank modernster Technologie 100 4K-Fotos in nur 8 Sekunden übertragen.


Größe: 43 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/DMG (1x gepackt)
Plattform: macOS 10.9+
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload


MacX MediaTrans 7.9

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel|Apple Silicon
Sprache: Englisch
Size: 39 mb


MacX MediaTrans is an excellent iPhone content manager for the transfer of photos, music, videos, TV shows, movies, etc., between iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Mac. You can also use an iPhone as a USB drive for file backup from Word or Excel to PDF, apps, etc. It provides an easy and hassle-free way to create/delete/edit playlists, and to manage music tracks, albums and genres in batch. The embedded video conversion mode can handle auto-video-conversion to fit iPhone or iPad while preserving high quality. In addition, with cutting-edge tech, MacX MediaTrans can transfer 100 4k photos in merely 8 seconds.

Requires OS X 10.9 or later.​
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