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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Category: Music
Updated: 06.10.2014
Version: 1.6.4
Size: 44.3 MB
Language: English
Seller: KORG INC.
© 2010-2013 KORG INC.
Requirements: Compatible with iPad. Requires iOS 7.0 or later.


Cracker: kOtyara
iMS-20 is an analog synth studio; a complete recreation of the Korg MS-20 synth, an analog sequencer, a drum machine, and even Korg's Kaoss Pad technology. Plus, you can share your songs online via the SoundCloud!

iMS-20 is a complete music production app for iPad. It consists of a complete recreation of the legendary Korg MS-20 analog synth with the patching capability, plus a 16-step analog sequencer based on the Korg SQ-10, a six-part drum machine which can create drum parts by simply tapping the buttons, and a seven-channel mixer with 14 types of effects.

iMS-20 is a complete music production app for iPad, consisting of a complete recreation of the legendary Korg MS-20 analog synth with patching capability, a 16-step analog sequencer based on Korg's SQ-10, a six-part drum machine with dedicated pads, and a seven-channel mixer with 14 types of effects.

In addition, iMS-20 offers dual Kaoss Pads allowing you to generate music by simply stroking the pad and moving your fingers over it. Experiment to come up with wild musical phrase! And with access to the SoundCloud audio platform*, you can publish your songs, or collaborate on ideas with people anywhere in the world from within the app!

• MS-20 monophonic synthesizer : 1 unit
• Analog sequencer : 1 unit
• 6-part drum machine : 1 unit
• Mixer : 1 unit
• Song/Pattern composer : 1 unit

MS-20 monophonic synthesizer:
• Analog modeling synthesizer (MS-20 modeled by “CMT” Component Modeling Technology)
• 2VCO / 2VCF / 1VCA / 2EG / Patch Panel
• Additional functions : Modulation Key/Tempo Sync
• Insert effect (selectable from 14 effect types as below)

Analog sequencer:
• 16-step analog sequencer
• Control notes, volume, pan, parameters, and voltages via knobs
• Configurable steps (1-16) and sequence mode (6 types)
• Trigger out per channel or step position

6-part drum machine:
• 6-part/16-step drum machine
• Create sounds by sampling a single note from a built-in MS-20
• Controllable notes, volume and pan by knobs
• Configurable steps (1-16) and sequence mode (6 types) per a part

• 7-channel mixer
• Double needle meter indicates VU level
• Master effect (selectable from 14 effect types as below)

Song/Pattern composer:
• Compose a song or select a pattern, built-in mixer
• 16 patterns and 256 bars per a song
• Tempo setting (20-300 BPM) and Swing function

Effect type:
• 14 types : Short Delay, BPM Sync Delay, Reverb 1, Reverb 2, Chorus/Flanger, Equalizer, Compressor, Tube Simulator (Valve Force), Low-Pass Filter, High-Pass Filter, Band-Pass Filter, Talking Modulator, Decimator, Grain Shifter

• Keyboard : Variable width (22, 26, or 29 keys)
• Kaoss Pad : 2 units
- Performance pad : Key/Scale (31 types) settings
- Parameter control pad : X-Y axis parameter settings

• Audio export function (Bouncing a song or pattern, and Real-time recording a performance: 16-bit/44.1 kHz stereo WAV format)
• Publish and share songs online with the SoundCloud audio platform
• Various template patterns by music genre are included
• Various template sounds by sound category are included



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