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    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1 Final


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1 Final | 203 MB

JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1

Version: 2020.1
Year: 2020
Developer: JetBrains
Tablet: there
Requirements: MS Visual Studio 2010 - 2019


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.2.1 x64


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.2.1 x64 | 971 MB | Language: English

How ReSharper helps Visual Studio users
Analyze code quality
On-the-fly code quality analysis is available in C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, javascript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, and XML. You'll know right away if your code needs to be improved.

Eliminate errors and code smells
Not only does ReSharper warn you when there's a problem in your code but it provides hundreds of quick-fixes to solve problems automatically. In almost every case, you can select the best quick-fix from a variety of options.

Safely change the code base
Automated solution-wide code refactorings help you safely change your code base. Whether you need to revitalize legacy code or put your project structure in order, you can rely on ReSharper.

Instantly traverse the entire solution
You can instantly navigate and search through the whole solution. Jump to any file, type, or type member, or navigate from a specific symbol to its usages, base and derived symbols, or implementations.

Enjoy code editing helpers
Multiple code editing helpers including extended IntelliSense, hundreds of instant code transformations, auto-importing namespaces, rearranging code, and displaying documentation.

Comply with coding standards
Code style and formatting functionality with fine-tuned, language-specific settings will help you get rid of unused code and create a common coding standard for your team.

ReSharper makes Visual Studio a much better IDE
Code analysis
ReSharper extends Visual Studio with over 2200 on-the-fly code inspections for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, javascript, TypeScript and other technologies. For most inspections, ReSharper provides quick-fixes (light bulbs) to improve the code.

Find and remove unused code? Migrate your code to C# 7? Convert loops to LINQ at will? Find and prevent possible exceptions? Use a common naming standard? All that and a lot more code improvements are made possible with ReSharper's code analysis.

.NET code analysis in ReSharper
60+ refactorings and 450+ context actions help safely organize code and move it around the solution, distribute responsibility, decouple, decrease complexity, or simply use alternative language syntax.

Navigation and search
ReSharper helps instantly get to any code in a solution, no matter how large the solution is. It can also navigate you from any symbol to its related code such as implementations of a given interface, extension methods of a class, or usages of a field.

Refactorings and navigation in ReSharper
Code formatting and cleanup in ReSharper
Code formatting and cleanup
Configure and apply code style based on your personal preferences or your team standard. Code style and formatting settings for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, javascript, TypeScript and other languages can be applied in any scope, from a selection to a solution.

Code generation
ReSharper can create a lot of code for you: from new files and classes to conditional blocks and GUIDs; from methods and properties required by an interface being implemented to equality checks and formatting members.

This document covers all ReSharper Ultimate products: ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace, dotMemory, and dotPeek.

General requirements
Processor: min. Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
For Visual Studio integration: min. 4 GB, recommended 6 GB or higher
For standalone dotTrace, dotMemory, dotPeek: min. 512 MB, recommended 2 GB or higher
Minimum space: 400 Mb
Using SSD instead of HDD is recommended for optimal performance
.NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.
The strong-name bypass feature must not be disabled.
Visual Studio integration
ReSharper Ultimate products integrate into the following Visual Studio releases (Community, Professional and higher editions; Express editions are not supported):
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 5
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Update 3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Profiling tools
dotMemory, dotCover, dotTrace and their respective remote profiling agents require .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher to be installed.
dotMemory and dotTrace allow profiling any .NET application that targets the following frameworks:
.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 or 4.8
.NET Core 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 or 3.1
dotPeek requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher to run.

Version: 2020.2.1
Year: 2020
Developer: JetBrains Tablet: there
Operating system (a 64-bit OS is highly recommended for optimal performance):
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 R2
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows 7


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.2.2 x64


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.2.2 x64 | 973 MB | Language: English

How ReSharper helps Visual Studio users
Analyze code quality
On-the-fly code quality analysis is available in C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, javascript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, and XML. You'll know right away if your code needs to be improved.

Eliminate errors and code smells
Not only does ReSharper warn you when there's a problem in your code but it provides hundreds of quick-fixes to solve problems automatically. In almost every case, you can select the best quick-fix from a variety of options.

Safely change the code base
Automated solution-wide code refactorings help you safely change your code base. Whether you need to revitalize legacy code or put your project structure in order, you can rely on ReSharper.

Instantly traverse the entire solution
You can instantly navigate and search through the whole solution. Jump to any file, type, or type member, or navigate from a specific symbol to its usages, base and derived symbols, or implementations.

Enjoy code editing helpers
Multiple code editing helpers including extended IntelliSense, hundreds of instant code transformations, auto-importing namespaces, rearranging code, and displaying documentation.

Comply with coding standards
Code style and formatting functionality with fine-tuned, language-specific settings will help you get rid of unused code and create a common coding standard for your team.

ReSharper makes Visual Studio a much better IDE
Code analysis
ReSharper extends Visual Studio with over 2200 on-the-fly code inspections for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, javascript, TypeScript and other technologies. For most inspections, ReSharper provides quick-fixes (light bulbs) to improve the code.

Find and remove unused code? Migrate your code to C# 7? Convert loops to LINQ at will? Find and prevent possible exceptions? Use a common naming standard? All that and a lot more code improvements are made possible with ReSharper's code analysis.

.NET code analysis in ReSharper
60+ refactorings and 450+ context actions help safely organize code and move it around the solution, distribute responsibility, decouple, decrease complexity, or simply use alternative language syntax.

Navigation and search
ReSharper helps instantly get to any code in a solution, no matter how large the solution is. It can also navigate you from any symbol to its related code such as implementations of a given interface, extension methods of a class, or usages of a field.

Refactorings and navigation in ReSharper
Code formatting and cleanup in ReSharper
Code formatting and cleanup
Configure and apply code style based on your personal preferences or your team standard. Code style and formatting settings for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, javascript, TypeScript and other languages can be applied in any scope, from a selection to a solution.

Code generation
ReSharper can create a lot of code for you: from new files and classes to conditional blocks and GUIDs; from methods and properties required by an interface being implemented to equality checks and formatting members.

This document covers all ReSharper Ultimate products: ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace, dotMemory, and dotPeek.

General requirements
Processor: min. Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
For Visual Studio integration: min. 4 GB, recommended 6 GB or higher
For standalone dotTrace, dotMemory, dotPeek: min. 512 MB, recommended 2 GB or higher
Minimum space: 400 Mb
Using SSD instead of HDD is recommended for optimal performance
.NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.
The strong-name bypass feature must not be disabled.
Visual Studio integration
ReSharper Ultimate products integrate into the following Visual Studio releases (Community, Professional and higher editions; Express editions are not supported):
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 5
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Update 3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Profiling tools
dotMemory, dotCover, dotTrace and their respective remote profiling agents require .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher to be installed.
dotMemory and dotTrace allow profiling any .NET application that targets the following frameworks:
.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 or 4.8
.NET Core 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 or 3.1
dotPeek requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher to run.

Version: 2020.2.2
Year: 2020
Developer: JetBrains Tablet: there

Operating system (a 64-bit OS is highly recommended for optimal performance):
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 R2
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows 7


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