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Jess Ryder - Lie to Me


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Title: Lie to Me: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist
Author: Jess Ryder

Published: 2017
Language: English
Publisher: Bookouture
Extension: EPUB
Size: 447 KB
Subjects: Fiction, Thriller

How can you tell the truth... if all you've ever known is a lie?Three minutes. That's all it takes for Meredith's entire world to fall apart when she watches the videotape of her four-year-old self with Becca, the mother who abandoned her.Meredith can't believe what her eyes have seen. Yet what if her memory has locked away the painful reality of her childhood? Can there be any truth in the strange and dangerous story her mother forced her to tell on camera? The search for answers leads Meredith to Darkwater Pool, the scene of the murder of a young woman, Cara, over 30 years ago. What could possibly be the link between her mother and the victim?To find the truth Meredith must search through a past that is not her own. The problem is, she's not the only one looking...A dark, compulsive psychological thriller that will keep you up all night. Perfect for fans of Paula Hawkins and Louise Jensen.What people are saying about Lie to Me'I was hooked in from the very first page of this gripping, fast-paced story of secrets, relationships and betrayals... I really enjoyed this thrilling debut and would have given it more than five stars if I could. I look forward to reading more book by this author in the future.' Nicki's Life of Crime'Wow!! Couldn't put this book down. Great storyline and full of suspense. I was hooked from the first chapter... Lie to Me kept me on tenterhooks some of the twists took me completely by surprise. Read this book and enjoy.' Goodreads 5
[*]'A twisty tale of lost memories and dark truths.' Cayo Costa'Secrets, lies, betrayal, jealousy, deception, and everything in between. I simply loved this story... I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for an enthralling story with fascinating characters and I personally will be looking forward to reading more of this author's work!' Bookishly Ever After'Wow! What an amazing debut! Loved it from start to finish. I did not want it to end even as I was turning the pages to find out what had happened, what the truth was. A multi-layered, masterful story from a very skilful storyteller. I loved every word. Intriguing and thrilling, packed with twists and turns that I did not see coming. I am so glad to have discovered this author and will be looking forward to more from her. Highly recommend this amazing book to everyone.' Renita D'Silva'Jess Ryder knows how to write a mesmerizing story that will hook your attention from the first chapter and pull you across the emotional spectrum as the story and characters unfold.' Artistic Bent 'Unpredictable and addictive... Lie to Me is an excellent and suspenseful read.' Goodreads 5
[*]'A brilliant book from a newly discovered author!! I honestly didn't want the book to finish but couldn't put it down! I loved each of the characters. The different character stories were easy to follow. Gripping storyline to the end and an unexpected twist kept me on the edge of my seat right to the end!!' Brid Corcoran'Lie to Me is an enjoyable and well structured thriller with an absorbing mystery and a satisfying conclusion. An excellent debut and I look forward to reading more from Jess Ryder in the future.' Hair Past a Freckle

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