Inferno Beyond The 7th Circle - Razor1911


Inferno Beyond The 7th Circle-Razor1911



Grid-Based First Person Dungeon Crawler with survival elements. It's inspired by classic cRPG from the 90s. An old-school game for hardcore players.

Genre: RPG | Erscheinungsjahr: 30. Apr. 2021 | Sprache: Englisch
Sprachausgabe: N/A | Bildschrimtexte: Englisch
Hoster: DD, RG | Format iso | Größe: 661.07 MB | Parts: 1



Archiv-Passwort: kein Passwort




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Inferno Beyond The 7th Circle - Razor1911

657 MB




The world is dominated by demons: few humans survived and now they are just a minority on the planet. You are one of the survivors, struggling to find food and resources while demons and abominations rule over the Earth.

Inferno - Beyond The 7th Circle is an old-school Dungeon Crawler with survival elements. It's made for hardcore gamers and fans of 80s and 90s cRPG.

It's the spiritual successor of The 7th Circle. Unlike its predecessor, Inferno - Beyond The 7th Circle has a more "classic" approach to the Dungeon Crawler genre: you can now save and load the game when you want and if you die you can just reload your last saved game. Also, there are plenty of new contents: more items, more skills, more spells, more tasks, quests and lot of resources to find.

Key features of the game
  • Grid-based First Person Dungeon Crawler. If you've enjoyed classic CRPG from the 90s, you will like this game.
  • Turn based combat. Take your time, plan your strategy.
  • Create your character: choose attributes, skills, traits, personality and background.
  • Learn more than 70 "Magic Formulas" to cast spells and use resources to empower your magics.
  • Deep character customization system
  • Survive: search for food, clean water and other resources to craft items, weapons, armors and useful items.
  • A huge map to explore.
  • Improve your skills as you use them. E.G: the more you use an axe, the more you will improve your "Bladed Weapon" skill.
  • Puzzle to solve, hidden areas to find, tasks to fulfill and a lot of demons to kill.



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