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IBM SPSS Statistics v25


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 FP002 (IF007)IF008


IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 FP002 (IF007)IF008 | 1.1 GB

IBM has released an interim fix (IF007)IF008 to SPSS Statistics 25.0 HF002 is the world's leading statistical software used to solve business and research problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, and predictive analytics. This release brings major new features including Bayesian statistics, a new chart builder, customer requested statistics enhancements, and more.

interim fix IF008 - Date: 2020/03/12
Platforms: Windows 32-bit, x86, Windows 64-bit, x86
Applies to versions:
Upgrades to:
Severity: 30 - Moderate Impact/High Probability of Occurrence
Categories: Usability
Abstract: This is an interim fix for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 Fix Pack 2.
interim fix IF007 - Date: 2020/03/11
Platforms: Linux 64-bit,pSeries, Linux 64-bit,x86_64, Linux 64-bit,zSeries, Mac OSX, Windows 32-bit, x86, Windows 64-bit, x86
Applies to versions:
Upgrades to:
Severity: 30 - Moderate Impact/High Probability of Occurrence
Categories: Usability
Abstract: This is an interim fix for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 Fix Pack 2.

IBM SPSS Statistics 25 IBM SPSS Statistics is an application for statistical analysis of data from multiple sources. Analytics plays a vital role in helping your organization achieve its objectives.

The SPSS Statistics family delivers the core capabilities needed for end-to-end analytics. To ensure that themost advanced techniques are available to a broader group of analysts, researchers and business users, enhancements have been made to the features and capabilities of the IBM SPSS Statistics portfolio and its many specialized modules.

IBM SPSS Statistics 25 continues to increase accessibility to advanced analytics through improved tools, integration, output and ease-of-use features. This release focuses on increasing the analytic capabilities of the software through:
- New and advanced statistics
- Stronger integration with third-party applications.
- Enhanced productivity.

IBM SPSS Statistics Introduction and Overview of New User Interface

IBM (International Business Machines) ranks among the world's largest information technology companies, providing a wide spectrum of hardware, software and services offerings.
IBM, frequently referred to as "Big Blue," got its start in hardware and prospered in that business for decades, becoming the top supplier of mainframe computers. Over the years, the company shifted its focus from hardware to software and services. By the 2010s, IBM further modified its business mix to emphasize such fields as cloud-based services and cognitive computing. IBM Watson, a cognitive system, has become the company's high-visibility offering in the latter technology segment. IBM, while still a major IT player, has lost the dominance it enjoyed during the mainframe era.

Product: IBM SPSS Statistics
Version: 25.0 HF002 (IF007)IF008
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page:
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 HF002
Size: 1.1 Gb

IBM SPSS Statistics 25 for Windows
Operating System: Windows 10 Education, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 8.1 Professional, Windows 8.1 Standard, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Professional, Windows 8 Standard.

Hardware Requirement (Windows)
Memory - 4 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more is required, 8 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more is recommended for 64-bit Client platforms.
Hard Disk - 2 gigabytes (GB) of available hard-disk space.



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

IBM SPSS Statistics v25.0 FP002 IF014(IF015)IF016 Multilanguage (x86/x64)


IBM SPSS Statistics v25.0 FP002 IF014(IF015)IF016 Multilanguage (x86/x64) | 895 MB | Language: Multilanguage


Größe: 895 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


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