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FilmLight Baselight for Avid v5


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

FilmLight Baselight for Avid v5.2.13741


FilmLight Baselight for Avid v5.2.13741 | 107 MB | Language: English

Baselight Editions extends the capabilities of a high-end colour grading system directly onto the Avid timeline in a powerful, flexible, and tightly integrated workflow. This AVX plugin features unlimited layers of colors, grading inside and outside mattes, variable feathering, point tracking and area tracking - all live and fluidly interactive on the Avid timeline, minimising and even eliminating the need to go back into the colour suite with last-minute changes.

If you're not already familiar with Baselight, you'll find the intuitive and friendly interface quick to learn and a pleasure to work with. Take a look at the Baselight Editions Overview for a description of the features common to all products in the Baselight Editions range.

Renderless Workflows for Ultimate Efficiency & Flexibility
Everything you do within Baselight for Avid - or a full Baselight system - is saved within the project and can be embedded in an AAF file and/or saved to the FilmLight BLG file format. The grade can be exported from a full Baselight suite and imported into Avid so you can apply a full, complex grade in a matter of seconds - without rendering. It includes all grading layers, tracking information and even keyframes so no manual adjustment is needed.

And the workflow is fully bidirectional - if the grade is changed in Avid it can be exchanged with a Baselight system or even another Avid suite just as easily, with all edits intact and without needing to conform.

Baselight for Avid allows you to view - or to render - grades passed between departments via BLG data encoded in AAF files - without purchase. It's perfect for collaboration with colleagues or facilities that don't have Baselight, or that don't need complete creative control of the look.

The full licence for Baselight for Avid allows you to modify the grade if you need to - with the power of the Baselight core toolset and without leaving Avid.

Baselight Grade File (BLG) support
The BLG file is a small and portable data file that enables looks to be exchanged in a streamlined workflow with all FilmLight systems including Baselight, Daylight and Prelight. When we use the term 'look', we're not just talking about a LUT or a restricted grade - the look within the BLG is the full creative intent with all the individual grading layers.

Link to Full Baselight Grades with the Baselight Lens
The Baselight Lens can change the way you work - for the better. With less time and increased creative demands, it's easy for the grading process to feel squeezed. But the Baselight Lens gives you back that time without compromising results.

The Lens sits in an Avid effect layer above the sequence; just point it at a directory of BLG files and Baselight for Avid will apply the right grade to each clip automatically. Not only that, but you can adjust the look in Avid and save it back to the grade directory so that all edit stations - and the colour suite - are working from the latest version all the time.

The Lens works in real-time - scrub or play through the sequence and Baselight for Avid will follow the cursor to apply the latest grade at every point based solely on metadata.

Home Page -

Größe: 107 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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