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Film1080 Camera


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Film1080 Camera

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Foto und Video
Aktualisiert: 07.01.2015
Version: 2.8
Größe: 4.8 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: JINWOO CHOI
© AR3DS Inc.
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 8.1 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.



You can make a film inspired high quality HD movie !
It can record a movie with max 60 frame by second. The other major function is a extracting a frame or frames from movie file in video player.

This support a cinematic film effected full HD video camera recording and can take a film effected picture.

You can adjust the exposure duration, ISO, Focus in real time while recording.

This app’s video player has a function what can extract frames from a video file. This function can extract one frame or interval capture. All extracted frames are saved in the camera roll.

Anti-shake video stabilizer is added for zoom and recording movie.
Another major feature is a night vision recording.
Film1080 camera can takes a picture and movie in a great low light circumstance.

* All captured picture is saved in camera roll.
* All recorded or trimmed video is saved in Film1080 app’s Document folder.
* App’s document folder can be accessed by the iTunes file sharing.
* Also Film1080’s media album explorer can copy movies to camera roll.


1. Record a movie and take a picture with a film effect.
2. Color control while recoding a movie.
3. Color control for HUE, Saturation, Bright, Exposure, Saturation and Film effect.
4. Support timer for start of recording movie or capture a picture.
5. Timer shutter use the flash light tic count to notify you how much second is remained.
6. When touch up after dragging focus icon, focus is locked.
7. Support 1920x1080p, 1280x720p 640x480p video recording with 30 fps. Specially you can select HD60 mode for 1280x720p 60 fps.
8. Support 1920x1080, 1280x720, 640x480 picture capturing.
9. HD mode is a highest resolution what your device can support. (ex, iPhone4's max HD video resolution is 1280x720p. iPhone5 max HD video resolution is 1920x1080p)
10. SD mode is fixed in 640x480p.
11. Direct saving a picture to your iPhone photo album. All makead video file is saved in app’s document folder.
12. Support night recoding a movie and taking a picture.
13. After recording movie, extract frames in the media player of album.
14. This app support Maximum 45x zooming for recording a movie and taking a picture. (iPhone5s, iPhone5, iPhone4s)
15. If your device is iPhone4, This app only support 1x video and picture zoom.
16. Anti-shake video stabilizer.
(Rear camera HD mode only)
17. Rotation lock.
18. Memory a recent color setting and camera mode. And reload the memoried settings.
19. Bitrate of HD mode is 24 Mbit/sec.
( 172 MByte/min, 10 GByte/hour )
Bitrate of HD60 mode is 48 Mbit/sec.
( 360 MByte/min, 21 GByte/hour )
20. Support a wide list view in album.
21. Manual camera control for ISO, Exposure duration, Focus.
22. Button for white balance lock/unlock button.
23. White balance lock/unlock button.
24. Adjust the exposure duration, ISO, Focus in real time while recording.




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