• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

    - Angebote oder Beiträge, die gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen, sind über den "Melden"-Button im Beitrag zu melden.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials

Tech Explorations™ ESP32 For Arduino Makers


Tech Explorations ESP32 For Arduino Makers
.MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 7h 43m | 6.05 GB
Instructor: Dr. Peter Dalmaris

Use this powerful microcontroller to turbo-boost your Arduino projects

What you'll learn

Learn about the ESP32 and what makes it an excellent choice for Arduino Makers.
Learn about the differences and similarities between the ESP32 and the Arduino.
Learn about the variants of the ESP32 module.
Learn about the features ESP32 development kit.
Learn how to use the ESP32 in place of the Arduino to do things such as controlling LEDs, reading button and potentiometer states, drive displays and motors, read data from digital and analog sensors (including internal sensors).
Learn how to use the ESP32 more advanced capabilities, like its flash memory (as a file system), the digital to analog and analog to digital converters.
In the end, become confident in using the ESP32 in your projects.
Learn how to use the ESP32 to enable your project to communicate with the Internet.
Learn how to use the ESP32 to enable your project to communicate with Bluetooth devices (classic and BLE).


Be familiar with the Arduino Uno
Be familiar with writing and editing sketches for the Arduino Uno
Have completed Arduino Step by Step Getting Started (or have equivalent knowledge)
Be familiar with I2C, serial communications.
Be familiar with the breadboard and wiring.


The ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller.

It integrates Wifi and Bluetooth, many GPIOs, analog input and output capabilities, many device interconnection protocols, a fast dual-core processor.

All that, at a low price.

And best of all: you can use your existing Arduino knowledge and skill to turbo-charge your projects.

Especially if you have already learned how to use the Arduino Uno in your projects, it is likely that you have hit a hardware limitation.

Perhaps your projects needed more memory, more speed, or more pins.

With the ESP32, you can get a lot more capacity to build more interesting projects, almost for free.

However, the ESP32 is not a plug-in replacement for the Arduino.

While it shares much of the Arduino's programming and GPIO interface, you still need to learn the basics before you can deploy it.

This is the purpose of this course.

In this course you will learn:

What is the ESP32.

What are the various modules with that name, and how these modules are available to us in the form of development kits.

What are the differences and similarities between the ESP32 and the Arduino.

How can we use what we know from the Arduino to make things based on the ESP32.

How can we use the ESP32 GPIOs to work with simple components like LEDs and buttons, but also to drive peripherals like displays, sensors (including the integrated ones) and motors.

How can we set up the familiar Arduino IDE so that we can write programs for the ESP32.

How to store data in non-volatile memory.

How to communicate with near field devices and the Internet.

In this course, I have also included numerous mini-projects to demonstrate how to use capabilities such as GPIO read and write, classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wifi, digital to analog conversion, touch sensors, and more.

Larger projects will also show you how to create simple Internet of Things and Bluetooth applications, to name a few.
If you are ready to learn more, please be sure to watch the lectures in this introductory section to find our more.

Who this course is for:

People who are already making things with the Arduino and are looking for a more powerful microcontroller.
People who want to use the ESP32 but are not sure how to start.

More Info


Joe Robert - POD Masterclass


Joe Robert - POD Masterclass | 2.7 GB
Joe Robert's POD Masterclass
A Complete Guide To Print On Demand With Shopify

Go from beginner, to EXPERT with
- Over 70 Classroom Style Video Lessons to help you achieve profitable sales!
- Winning Niche Blueprint: $497 Value
- General Stores For Dummies: $497 Value
- Niche Stores For Dummies: $497 Value
- POD Designs For Dummies: $497 Value
- Social Media Brand Bootcamp: $497 Value
- Facebook Ads Bootcamp: $1,997 Value
- IG Influencer Bootcamp: $497 Value
- Funnels & Upsell Bootcamp: $997 Value

- To be successful with Shopify print on demand and Facebook/Instagram marketing you will need to first understand customer psychology. Get my thoughts on the subject..
- See my EXACT strategy for testing my print on demand products. In this section, you'll get several instructional videos so you can replicate this on your store!
- Once you have a campaign that is starting to work well, follow my simple instructions on how to scale it and make more sales per day with these easy to follow videos!



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Ruan Marinho - Underground Secrets


Ruan Marinho - Underground Secrets | 15.2 GB
Alright - Let's get started
Discover A New Level Of Digital Marketing Success By Leveraging The #1 Website In The World . Google.

Hey, I want to work with you
If you're looking for a solid way to make extra online income, you've come to the right place.
.in just in the past year, I've dedicated my life to one thing and one thing only.
. Free Local Targeted Traffic!
The truth is - I've never paid a penny for traffic. And i've redefined my process on video so you can replicate the same.
Businesses will pay you money to bring them leads. Using Google, you can get leads for free
Now - how can this help you?

The Easiest Way
Have you ever wondered, how many people search Google everyday?
Hey, I want to work with you
If you're looking for a solid way to make extra online income, you've come to the right place.
.in just in the past year, I've dedicated my life to one thing and one thing only.
. Free Local Targeted Traffic!
The truth is - I've never paid a penny for traffic. And i've redefined my process on video so you can replicate the same.
Businesses will pay you money to bring them leads. Using Google, you can get leads for free
Now - how can this help you?
The Easiest Way
Have you ever wondered, how many people search Google everyday?

Google traffic simply is the highest converting traffic
And it is free.
Meaning you don't pay for a visitor. ever
Why is this such a big opportunity?
Simply put, every business need traffic
Regardless of the business model.
With no traffic there are no sales
The truth is every other marketing method for a small business is not sustainable
Why are businesses spending this much money on SEO?
Well, SEO actually works .
Paid advertising deprives local business. It forces you to:
- Seem desperate for customers
- Spend too much money
- Attract the wrong customers, "tire kickers"
No business should not have to rely on paid traffic
They need a predictable lead generation system in place
In fact, the average person see's 500 advertisements per day
This is called "advertising clutter" (see image below)

This is not a predictable system.
Instead it is a money pit and often results in:
- Dissatisfied clients
- Unreasonable expectations
- Low paying retainers
You see SEO is like planting a seed and growing a tree over time
Paid advertising is like filling a bucket of water with a giant hole at the bottom
You need to keep refilling the bucket to have water
Businesses care about one thing
Regardless if you have fancy business cards, clothes, cars, or a fancy office . they want to see results
It is simply the reason as to why you're not getting them to accept your offer because you have nothing to show.


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Ultimate Node and Javascript Bundle: Learn Node and JS


Ultimate Node and Javascript Bundle: Learn Node and JS
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2ch | Size: 7.2 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 8 hour | Language: English

Learn Node.js and Javascript the Fast and Easy Way With This Popular Bundle Course!

What you'll learn

Javascript From Beginner To Advanced
Node From Beginner To Advanced
Javascript Variables, Numbers, and Math
Conditional If/Else & Comparisons
While and For Loops
Arrays, Objects, and Functions
How To Create a Simple Node Web Server
How to Use Git Version Control
How to use Github .com
How To Use MySQL Databases With Node
How to Build a Stock Market App With Node
How to Host Your Site On Heroku For Free


No programming skills or special tools are necessary to take this course
You just need a computer with Internet access, a Web Browser, and a Free Text Editor


This is a bundle course of four of my popular Javascript and Node.js courses all in one course. Aimed at the absolute beginner, in this course you'll learn the Javascript programming language and the Node Web Framework for building websites.

This course is broken up into four sections:


Node Basics

MySQL Database For Node.js

Building a Stock Market App With Node

We'll start out learning the Javascript programming language. You don't need any prior knowledge or special tools to learn Javascript, I'll walk you through everything you need to know. You'll learn:

Printing to the Screen


Numbers and Simple Math

Comparison Operators

Assignment Operators

After that, we'll move into more intermediate topics like:

Conditional If/Else Statements

While Loops

For Loops


Finally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:




After that we'll learn web development things like

Pop Ups

Web Forms

And More.

After that we'll dive into the Node.js Web framework. Node is one of the most popular web development frameworks for a reason! You'll learn:

Install Node

Install Git bash and Sublime Text Editor

Run a Console Log Node Test

Create Our First Basic Node.js Server

Explaining the Node Server Code

Exploring The URL Module Query String

File System and Index Page

Create Server Console Status Messages

Show Different Web Pages

Show an Index Page

Remove HTML from the URL

Create a Bootstrap Navbar

Create an About and Resume Page

Add a Bootstrap Jumbotron

Generate SSH Keys

Initialize Git and Github

Install the Heroku Toolbelt CLI

Create a Package JSON File

Push Our Code To Heroku

And More.

After that we'll jump into the MySQL database for Node. Chances are, at some point, you're going to want to use a database for your website. In this section you'll learn:

What Is A Database

How To Install Node

How To Install Git Bash Terminal

How To Download MySQL

How To Install Wamp and PHPMyAdmin

How To Install the MySQL Node Module

How To Connect to Database in Node

How To Explore MySQL With PHPMyAdmin

How To Create A Database

How To Create A Table

How To Insert One Record Into Table

How To Insert Many Records Into Table

Understanding Data Types

How To Select Data From Table

How To Format Our Results

How To Use The Where Clause

How To Use The Like Clause and Wildcards

How To Use AND and OR

How To Updating Records

How To Limit and Order Results

How To Delete Records

How To Delete (Drop) A Table

And More!

Finally, in the last section of the course we'll put it all together and build a Stock market Portfolio app with Node. You'll connect to a third party API to get stock quote data, mess around with it, and then spit it out on your own website. You'll also learn the Bootstrap CSS framework, and all kinds of other cool things.

If you've every wanted to learn web development with the Javascript and Node stack, this is the course for you.

Sign up today and I'll see you on the inside!

-John Elder

Who this course is for:

This course is aimed towards absolute beginners who want to learn the Javascript programming Language
Anyone who wants to learn to build web apps with Node
Anyone who want's to use MySQL Databases with Node
Anyone who wants to build a stock market app with Node


The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve


The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve
Video: .MP4, 1920x1080, 25 fps | Audio: AAC, 48 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 9h 30m
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 10.3 GB

The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve is Blackmagic Designʼs official training course for people wanting to get a basic overview of the editing, motion graphics, color correction and audio tools in DaVinci Resolve. Presented over more than eight hours, Ollie Kenchington, a Blackmagic Design Certified Trainer, guides you through the fundamentals of this incredibly powerful program which prepares you for Blackmagic Design's own certification exam. The course also includes a bonus module that takes you through the additions to Davinci Resolve 16.



Python Hacking for Cyber Security: From A-Z Complete Course


Python Hacking for Cyber Security: From A-Z Complete Course
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 5.30 GB | Duration: 17.5 hours

What you'll learn
Learn how to Hack Using Python
Learn Password Cracking Methods
Understand Port and vulnerability scanning
Website Penetration Testing With Python
Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, OS X and Linux)
Have in-depth understanding on how computer systems work
Understand MAC address and how to change it
Write a remote keylogger, register all key strokes and send them by Email
Extract and submit forms from python

Computer or a Laptop with An Internet Connection.
Any Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux
No Software Required, as we will be downloading them together on all different OS.
No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.
Would you like to learn how to use python for ethical hacking from Kali Linux installation to basic scripts and coding your own tools? This knowledge is very useful for you to advance your ethical hacking career?

In this course you will learn:

Python for ethical hacking!

Port and vulnerability scanning

SSH & FTP attacks

Password cracking

Sniffers, flooders, and spoofers

Coding DNS spoofer

Network analysis

and more.

You'll be getting:

✔ Lifetime Access to over 80 Lectures

✔ Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

✔ A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

This course was designed for total beginners and there is no particular knowledge requirement. Thank you for learning about the course and we hope you love it!

Enroll to become a Python Hacking expert today.

Who is the target audience?

Employees who want to expand their Cyber Security skills.

Anyone looking to develop skills for Python Hacking.

Anyone who wants to Improve their resume with programming courses.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with the well to learn, as no requirements needed for this course. We cover from basics and up.
Programmers who want to expand their programming language and add Python Hacking into their resume.
Anyone interested to learn Python programming
Anyone interested to learn ethical hacking and penetration testing
Employees who want to expand their Cyber Security skills.



Planning & Scheduling Professional: Be professional


Planning & Scheduling Professional: Be professional
h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 |ARABIC, aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 128 kb/s | 13h 25 mn | 5.7 GB
Instructor: Akram Elnagar

PSP Planning and Scheduling Course
What you'll learn

The training course will provide participants with a thorough background in the concepts of Planning and Scheduling Engineering and Construction projects. The course addresses how to identify, monitor, and balance information crucial for the successful management of projects. It will discuss the development of a baseline performance management plan (PMP) for the project that will allow the efficient compilation and the timely generation of quantitative performance comparisons. The comparisons highlight significant performance departures ("actual vs. baseline") and allow for preventive and early remedial and corrective action


Project Management


1A. Planning Development

1.1 Input and Data

1.1.1 Contract Requirements

1.1.2 Identification of Stakeholders

1.1.3 Constructability Methods

1.2 Considerations and Constraints

1.2.1 Identification of Resources

1.2.2 Value Engineering

1.2.3 Stakeholder Considerations

1.2.4 Project Variables

1B. Planning Product

1.3 Planning Output and Deliverables

1.3.1 Define Scope of Work

1.3.2 Define Project Goals

1.3.3 Define Project Plan

1.3.4 Phase Definition

1.3.5 Establish Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

1.3.6 Establish Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)

1.3.7 Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS)

1.3.8 Sequencing and Phase Relationships

1.3.9 Review by Stakeholders

1.3.10 Cost Estimate Development

1.3.11 Baseline Plan

1.3.12 Periodic Forecasts

1.3.13 Risk and Recovery Plan


2A. Schedule Development

2.1 Input and Data (from Planning)

2.1.1 Define Schedule Scope

2.1.2 Breakdown Structures (WBS/OBS/CBS)

2.1.3 Schedule Specification

2.1.4 Feedback from Stakeholders

2.1.5 Cost Estimate Model

2.2 Creating Schedule

2.2.1 Types of Schedules

2.2.2 Activities

2.2.3 Durations

2.2.4 Relationships

2.2.5 Constraints and Calendars

2.2.6 Cost/Resource Loading

2.2.7 Milestones

2.2.8 Schedule Quality Analysis and Compliance Review

2.2.9 Schedule Basis Documentation

2B. Schedule Maintenance/Controlling

2.3 Maintain Schedule

2.3.1 Baseline Schedule

2.3.2 Tracking Schedule Progress

2.3.3 Cost and Resource Management

2.3.4 Schedule Change Management

2.3.5 Acceleration

2.3.6 Schedule Maintenance Feedback

2.4 Schedule Output and Deliverables

2.4.1 Control Level Schedules

2.4.2 Variances and Trends

2.4.3 Schedule Analysis

2.4.4 Schedule Forecasts

2.4.5 Constructability Review

2.4.6 Progress Reports and Reviews

2.4.7 Recovery Schedules

2.4.8 Management Summary
Who this course is for:

Planners , Resources Managers, Project Managers, Engineers , Information Technology Manager



MasterClass - Danny Elfman Teaches Music for Film


MasterClass - Danny Elfman Teaches Music for Film
.MP4, AVC, 960x540, 24 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 3h 9m | + PDF Workbook | 2.44 GB

With his first soundtrack for Tim Burton's Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Oingo Boingo founder Danny Elfman went from playing rock and new wave to trying out his own new adventure: creating film scores. Since then, he's crafted soundtracks for more than 100 films.

His composer-director collaborations with Tim Burton continued, and Danny is now recognized as one of the most versatile and accomplished composers in the entertainment business. He's landed four Oscar nominations so far, and he wrote the iconic theme music for the television series The Simpsons and Desperate Housewives. Now he's teaching you how he conjures up music to match and elevate a story.

In Danny's MasterClass, learn his unconventional approach to the art and craft of film composition. Danny will walk you through his eclectic creative process, from starting a new project and staying on track to finding sound inspiration and working through creative insecurity. Learn his techniques for building out a soundtrack, finding your theme and melody, interpreting a director's vision, and making templates. Join Danny in his music studio, and discover how to work through the chaos of ideas to create sounds that are truly unique.

In this online class, you'll learn about:

• Writing feature film scores
• Dealing with insecurity and following your instinct
• Organizing creative projects
• Storytelling through sound
• Capturing the tone of a story
• Spotting sessions
• Creating themes and melodies
• Building templates
• Instrumentation
• Working with directors

More Info


Master Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security and Penetration Test


Master Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security and Penetration Test
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 13.4 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 27.5 hour | Language: English

Become an Ethical Hacker. Hack computer systems like Black Hat Hackers. Secure Systems like Cyber Security Expert.

What you'll learn

140+ Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security and Kali Linux videos
Learn what is ethical hacking, its fields and the various types of hackers
Start from scratch and work your way up to expert level
Secure systems from all the attacks shown
Hack & secure both WiFi & wired networks
Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system
Install windows & vulnerable operating systems as virtual machines for testing
Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, OS and Linux)
Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions using a number of methods.
Discover vulnerabilities & exploit them hack into servers
Hack secure systems using client-side and social engineering attacks
Use 35+ hacking tools such as Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, SQLmap...etc
Understand how websites work, how to discover and exploit web application vulnerabilities to gain full control over websites
Create a fake Wi-Fi network with internet connection & spy on clients
Discover Stored XSS vulnerabilities
Discover reflected XSS vulnerabilities
Learn the right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections
Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections
Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website
Discover unpublished directories and files associated with a target website
Discover emails and sensitive data associated with a specific website
Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user
Gather sensitive information about websites
Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames and passwords using SQL injections
Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections
Use a compromised computer as a pivot to gain access to other computers on the same network
Capture keystrokes on a compromised system
Gain access to any account accessed by any client in your network.
Learn linux basics
Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal
Learn Network Penetration Testing
ARP Spoofing/ARP Poisoning
and much, much more.


Fast and reliable internet connection.
Computer with any Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux
Wireless networking card.
For WiFi cracking - Wireless adapter that supports monitor mode (more info provided in the course).


Master Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, Penetration Testing and Kali Linux!

Unleash your cyber security skills beginning with Kali Linux installation, footprinting, and Nmap scanning for 2020 and beyond through coding advanced back doors and brutefruters in this complete ethical hacking video course going from beginner to advanced!

You are probably wondering what could possibly make this course different from any other course you attended online or any other course you watched on YouTube, Udemy, or basically anywhere else.

There is a difference between this course and other courses that you probably watched.

First of all, I decided to split this course into three sections, the beginner section, the intermediate section, and the advanced section.

Now, the thing that differs in this course from other courses is the advanced section.

What we will be doing in the advanced section is making our own tools, we will be coding our own advanced tools, and not the basic kinds of tools. Most likely we will be coding our own Metasploit framework, for example.

This means we will be coding our own command and control center that can receive many connections from other PCs, not just one. We will be coding in the advanced reverse shell, backdoor, keyloggers and many other tools used by ethical hackers.

Now, if you don't know what these tools do yet, we will be covering all those in the beginner and in the intermediate section, but we will be covering the tools from other people. In the advanced section, we will be making the same tools just by ourselves.

Why Learn Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, Penetration Testing and Kali Linux?

You are about to experience an awesome ethical hacking course with brand new tutorials that will empower you to go from knowing absolutely nothing about hacking into getting started today.

You might wonder, why would I want to learn ethical hacking? What is it?

Ethical hacking is just hacking used for good, to help people secure their websites, their applications, and their online properties.

Ethical hacking is an extremely valuable job skill that the more applications, the more website, the more software that is created, the more ethical hackers are needed to keep these things secure, to proactively find the vulnerabilities before real hackers or black hat hackers find them.

This is a very valuable job skill that you can work on, and you can get a full-time job in this almost anywhere in the world. You can see people earning a fortune and earning great hourly rates all over the world to do ethical hacking.

You can see anywhere from $35 an hour at the very lowest as a security consultant to over $250 an hour to be an ethical hacker that is certified and experienced with a consistent job success.

This is why I have executively produced this video course for you, to give you this very valuable skill here to help you get great results in your life online.

You can see that as of today, the course has got six sections of videos from introduction and installation, basic commands, prepare your lab, footprinting, scanning, and web penetration testing.

After you are done with footprinting, then we have got scanning, including Metasploitable, Nmap, Zenmap, TCPscans, then into web penetration testing.

Thank you very much for getting started with "Master Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, Penetration Testing and Kali Linux."

We imagine you are going to love what's next. Go Hack'm

First e Academy Team

Who this course is for:

Anyone with any level of knowledge (or no knowledge) in Hacking, System/Network Security
Anyone interested in learning Ethical Hacking / Cyber Security / Kali Linux / penetration testing
Anyone interested to learn how to secure his/her system from other hackers
Anyone interested to learn how can he/she hack computer systems
Anyone interested to learn how to secure networks and protect assets


11 Steps to Awesome with Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative LiveLessons


11 Steps to Awesome with Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative LiveLessons
.MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 7h | 11.49 GB
Instructor: Burr Sutter

The Sneak Peek program provides early access to Pearson video products and is exclusively available to Safari subscribers. Content for titles in this program is made available throughout the development cycle, so products may not be complete, edited, or finalized, including video post-production editing.

More Info


Matt Plapp - ROI Engines


Matt Plapp - ROI Engines | 43 GB
Finally You Can SEE What's Working & Get An ROI
My book and programs are based off 1 thing, ROI. This book and program were built to help business owners FINALLY get an ROI for their advertising dollars!

If you're a business looking for a measurable way to track and see results.
If you're an adverting agency looking for the tools and help to take your business to the next level and help you get amazing results for your clients, then you'll love the agency program as well.

This video is a quick look into my thinking on advertising and marketing.
There are 3 Ways To Grow Your Restaurant Sales
- New Customers
- Repeat Customers
- Increase Average Check
What are YOU doing to make these 3 possible ON DEMAND for your restaurant? The ROI Engine is built to grow a database of new and existing customers and then systematically drive them back into your restaurant for repeat visits and menu items they didn't order before, hence increasing your average check.



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Rachel Miller - Moolah's Grow Your Audience Course


Rachel Miller - Moolah's Grow Your Audience Course (Facebook Page Strategies) | 24.25 GB
What is Moolahs
Grow Your Audience is a six-module video training program that teaches you how to create a highly engaged audience of raving fans.

What lessons are folks excited about in the
Grow Your Audience Course
Module 1 - Your Page
How to dial in your target market and attract the right audience of BUYERS.
In this module youll learn:
The 2 MOST important customers to grow your facebook page reach
Why not all page likes are equal and how the wrong kind can DESTROY your page
The number 1 thing Facebook wants - and why you MUST care if you want to grow your audience
How to use your competitions audience to grow your engaged followers while avoiding facebook jail

Module 2 - Your Content
How to OPTIMIZE your content for maximum ORGANIC ENGAGEMENT
In this module youll learn:
The 6 Rules of Facebook for increasing your organic reach and decreasing your ad costs (HINT: These rules are HUGE)
Page Pitfalls
How to use Facebooks algorithm (and ego) to show your page to your perfect, targeted audience. With NO additional ad spend!
How to create irresistible content.

Module 3 - Your Audiences
How to turn up the heat and exponentially GROW your audience of BUYERS
In this module youll learn:
The Step-by-step Strategies for EVERY growth phase - From 0 - 1K Fans, 1K - 25K Fans, 25K - 50K Fans, 50K - 100K Fans, and 100K+ Fans.
The EXACT number of times to post on your page to work WITH the Facebook algorithm.
How to organize your posts to save you time, frustration, and overwhelm.
How to recycle content that consistently keeps your fans coming back for more.

Module 4 - Your Targeting
How to Harness the Viral power of Social Media to rapidly EXPLODE your fans
In this module youll learn:
The exact definition of a viral post for YOUR niche.
Why not all reach is good reach.
How to target your perfect Customer.
The 1 tip for handling a rush of likes, fans, or followers to ensure the Facebook algorithm keeps your content in front of your BUYERS

Module 5 - Your Sales
How to BEAT Facebook at their own game and keep your money in YOUR pocket
In this module youll learn:
How to navigate the Facebook Ads platform like a pro - even if you dont have ANY technical background.
The 7 tactics successful marketers charge your THOUSANDS of dollars to implement (and you can learn them in less than 14 minutes).
How and when to scale your ads to maximize your return on investment.
The BEST fail-safe method to help you sleep at night while running paid ads.

Module 6 - Beyond Facebook
How to use Facebooks Data collection to DEEP DIVE into what your Audience wants
In this module youll learn:
How to turn cold, disinterested followers into HOT, RAVING FANS who BUY your stuff.
The ONLY way to use paid like campaigns that doesnt destroy your page.
How to peek behind the Facebook data curtain to understand your fans on a deeper, more intimate level - so you can sell them what they really want.
The Step-by-Step process to take your audience from likes, to fans, to engagement, to buyers. (Note: This strategy alone is worth the cost of the course).
PLUS: Bonus Next Level Lessons
Together these are valued at over 497
These include FAST, put-it-into-action tactics that you can use RIGHT NOW to take your business to the next level, taught by students whove done it using their Facebook pages as the vehicle for MASSIVE successes!

BONUS 1: Win Google Page 1 Using Your Facebook Page
Want to become 1 on Google That value is NEARLY PRICELESS!
This fast-action bonus shows you how you can use your page to become 1 on search.

BONUS 2: The Mind-Hack That Transformed A Food Blogger Into A Personality
Wish you could land not just a lucrative book contract but also TV appearances
Meet a student of Moolah in this video class bonus he tells us how he made a small change to his page, got book deals & TV appearances.

BONUS 3: How To Create Your Own Viral Videos
Use video to make your audience smile. Transform content into video in mere minutes.
These doable tactics have been used to craft multiple videos that have reached 10m+ people. And all you need to create them is your phone!

BONUS 4: Use Facebook & Kickstarter to Fund Your Product In 12Hrs!
How about fully fund the development of your new product, in 12 hours
You can use the engagement of your audience to fund a kickstarter campaign and do it in under 12 hours! This bonus class shows you how



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