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Englische Tutorials


TTC Video - Introduction to Astrophysics
Course No. 1360 | .MP4, AVC, 1370 kbps, 960x540 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 24x30 mins | + PDF Guidebook | 8.43 GB
Lecturer: Joshua Winn, Ph.D.

Everyone loves to observe the beauty of the star-studded night sky, to say nothing of the dazzling images from the Hubble Space Telescope. But how many of us truly understand how stars shine, where Saturn's rings come from, or why galaxies have their distinctive shapes? Observational astronomy excels at imaging and cataloging celestial objects, but it takes a more rigorous discipline to come up with physical explanations for them. That field is astrophysics.

Astrophysics uses the laws of physics to investigate everything beyond Earth. In the process, it has made breakthroughs such as these:
Celestial motion: Astrophysics got its start with Isaac Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation, proposed in the late 1600s. Together, these cornerstones of classical physics explain why everything in the universe moves the way it does.
A universe of galaxies: In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble's study of an enigmatic nebula proved that it was, in fact, another galaxy-at a time when the Milky Way was thought to be the only galaxy there was. Since then, we have amassed evidence for hundreds of billions of galaxies.
Exoplanets: The hunt for planets orbiting other stars was considered impractical, until a range of clever techniques were developed in the 1990s. Thousands of "exoplanets" have since been discovered, many in planetary orbits unlike anything seen in our solar system.
Introduction to Astrophysics plunges you into this exciting quest, taking you step by step through the calculations that show how planets, stars, and galaxies work. In these 24 illuminating half-hour lectures, taught by noted astrophysicist Professor Joshua Winn of Princeton University, you tour the universe of exploding stars, colliding black holes, dark matter, and other wonders, just as in a traditional astronomy course. But Professor Winn takes you beyond the images and descriptions to teach you how to understand and solve the physics problems at the heart of the field.
Throughout the course, Dr. Winn uses custom-designed graphics and animations to help you visualize what's happening. As he makes clear from the first lecture, this course relies heavily on high school and first-year college math. As Dr Winn says: "I'll also rely on first-year physics. Sometimes I'll go deeper-I'll use vectors, or take derivatives, which I hope will be helpful to those of you who've studied more math. But if not, don't worry, I promise to do my very best to help you understand the results, even if you can't follow every step."
Even if you feel like math and physics are not your strongest subjects, you will find his presentation enthralling, as you witness how astrophysicists frame, analyze, and solve problems that have led to astonishing discoveries throughout the universe.
Experience the Thrill of Discovery
Dr. Winn has wide experience using Earth- and space-based telescopes in his research, and in Introduction to Astrophysics he puts you in the driver's seat-showing you how to gather data, pick formulas, simplify mathematical expressions, and come up with results that give you the thrill of discovering something concrete and often unexpected about the universe. For example:
How dense is the Sun: From observations of total solar eclipses and ocean tides, you can deduce that the Sun is, on average, half as dense as the Moon, or about 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This is an important clue about how the Sun and other stars work.
The Milky Way's core: At the center of our galaxy, stars orbit a seemingly empty point in space. It can only be a black hole. But how big is it? Given the orbital period and semimajor axis of one of the stars, the calculation is simple: four million solar masses.
Faster than light: The spectra of galaxies reveal that all except the closest are speeding away from us; the farther, the faster-with the most distant seeming to exceed light speed! But this apparent violation of the cosmic speed limit is an illusion, caused by the expansion of space itself.
Cover the Fundamentals
One of the intellectual delights of this course is retracing the steps that led to some of the great ideas in astrophysics. In a typical physics class, Newton's laws are memorized with little appreciation for where they came from. But Professor Winn shows how Newton was inspired by Johannes Kepler's three laws of planetary motion. Analyzing the laws with calculus (which he invented for the purpose), Newton discovered principles such as the inverse square law of gravity. His astonishing achievement was to prove that physical laws that apply on Earth also operate throughout the universe-something we take for granted today but which was a revelation to thinkers at the time.
Similarly, most astronomy lectures on the electromagnetic spectrum-the range of wavelengths from radio to visible light to gamma ray-don't normally explain the ultimate origin of radiation. James Clerk Maxwell's equations, published in the 1860s, show that electrically charged particles, when accelerated, generate a pattern of electric fields accompanied by magnetic fields-an electromagnetic wave-that travels at the speed of light. Quantum theory later modified this description to handle the case of electrons orbiting around a nucleus. Dr. Winn believes that ideas so fundamental to the physics of stars and telescopes deserve to be treated in detail.
In other cases, detail is exactly what you want to avoid. One of the tricks for dealing with the vast range of concepts and spatial scales in astrophysics is using shortcuts whenever possible, such as:
Order of magnitude: Dispense with constants, extra significant figures, and other unnecessary marks of precision, to zero in on the order of magnitude-the nearest factor of ten-of the answer you seek.
Dimensional analysis: Normally used to keep units straight in a calculation, this technique sometimes lets you guess the right equation you need, by reverse-engineering it from the known units of the solution.
Scaling relation: This trick is a shortcut for creating a streamlined version of an equation, based on a benchmark case with known values. Analogous cases can then be scaled up or down by the appropriate factor.
The Most Amazing Subject in the Universe
An award-winning teacher at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, Professor Winn has a fresh, exciting approach to astrophysics. For example, while many traditional astrophysics classes often don't touch on black holes until the end of the course, Professor Winn believes it is "a terrible idea-it's educational malpractice! Black holes are some of the most fascinating things in the universe." His infectious joy in the subject-even when it is at its most complex-is palpable in every lecture.
He then explains these intriguing objects in depth, walking you through the calculations for the theoretical boundaries of black holes with the mass of Earth (9 millimeters), the Sun (3 kilometers), and the supermassive black hole at the core of the Milky Way Galaxy (12 million kilometers). His treatment of black holes flows seamlessly from his discussion of gravity and tidal forces in the preceding lectures.
In the same enthusiastic spirit, Dr. Winn analyzes supernovas; gravitational waves; the Big Ban; dark energy; and much, much more. "Astrophysics is the concatenation of all of physics," he says proudly. That makes Introduction to Astrophysics an exploration of the most amazing subject in the universe.


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Templating with Twig
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 49M | 166 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Templating languages and tools are used with frameworks like Slim and Laravel to incorporate PHP and logic into static HTML web pages. In this course we will see how to apply Object-Oriented methodology to views (web pages with HTML).


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MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .VTT | Duration: 1 hours | Size: 503 MB
All the tricks that will help you work with the system &Installation of Sap-GUI​

What you'll learn
Sap Best Tips and Tricks
This course was built for anyone interested in using the SAP system. The tips and tricks demonstrated in the system were taken from many years of work on the system. They were designed to help users at different levels, reducing the time needed to work and making the work easier and more enjoyable.
Who this course is for:
Anyone who intends to work with SAP


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Unity,Make a complete Android Game in 1 Hour
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 141 MB
Duration: 1 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Build A Complete Android Game
What you'll learn
Build Complete Android Game After Complete This Course
What knowledge & tools are required?
Unity version 5.6 and above
You should be familiar with using a computer with internet
Some programming experience with C#
Unity version 5.6 and above
You should be familiar with using a computer with internet
Some programming experience with C#
Welcome To Unity & C# - Complete 2D Android Puzzle Game Development Course!
List Of Things You Will Learn:
Build A Complete 3D Android Game
Learn Unity Basics
Learn C# Scripting
Menu setup
making differnt Levels
Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional 3D Games with the Unity game engine and C#.
Build a strong foundation in Unity and 3D Game Development with this course.
Unity Installation & Setup
Learning Unity Editor
Unity Physics
Unity Animations
Unity UI
Unity C# Scripting
A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of Unity Android Game Development puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Unity is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the game engine used for building 3D games.
Jobs in unity android game development are plentiful, and being able to learn unity android game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome android games.
Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 1 hour of content, you'll learn all of the unity 3D game development fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind android game development.
Starting with the installation of the Unity . This course will take you through various unity features and how to use them. By creating Puzzle game, you'll a establish a strong understanding of unity game development.
With these basics , the course will take you through building different example games with unity to learn more about the proces of creating mobile android games with unity.
Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create fully functional and ready to publish 3D games with unity.
you'll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept.
Build A Complete 3D Android Game.
Who this course is for:
Who should take this course?
Build A Complete 3D Android Game
Learn Unity Basics
Learn C# Scripting
making differnt Levels


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SharePoint and Digital Transformation: Sites for Collaboration and Communication
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hour 15M | 206 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

In contrast with the classic team sites, modern SharePoint sites offer users the ability to create either collaboration or communication sites. In this course, learn the difference between the two, how to determine whether a collaboration or communication SharePoint site is best for your situation, and how to build both of these modern sites. Instructor Gini von Courter begins by discussing how to create and modify modern SharePoint sites, including how to customize the site theme and add web parts. She then steps through how to plan and create both communication sites and team sites.


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More CSS Selectors for React Developers
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hour 15M | 191 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Continue to bolster your CSS skill set. In this course-the second in a series of two courses on CSS selectors-instructor Eric Greene teaches React developers about more advanced CSS selector possibilities, including selector combinators, pseudo-element selectors, and more. Eric digs into how to use custom selectors and explores cascading and selector specificity. Plus, he goes over some best practices for working with selectors.


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Web Accessibility Compliance
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | 409 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Your content is clear, your images are responsive, your code is clean, and your layout flows beautifully on all the most popular devices. You think you're ready to launch, but you might have overlooked a crucial aspect of your website's development. If it's not easy for a person to access your content, regardless of the way in which they use the internet, there's still work to be done. Developing for accessibility should be part of the standard workflow, but it's often given too little attention. In this course, you'll learn about the standards in place to guide developers in creating a web that is accessible to all users as well as techniques to help bring your projects up to those standards.


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Dart 2 in 7 Days
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 4 Hours | 3.52 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Google's Dart appears to be a much more robust framework, superseding JavaScript in several aspects to create next-generation apps.
This video starts by setting up a development environment for Dart and Flutter from which to build your first app. You will then learn how to create variables and perform operations and will learn about conditional statements. Next, you will focus on Object-Oriented Programming aspects, wherein you will learn about creating classes, functions, and data structures. You will learn to build a TO-Do list application by calling APIs to get JSON data. Finally, you will learn how to deploy your app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
By the end of this video, you will be well-acquainted with Dart and Flutter and will be able to create your own amazing applications and show them to the World.
The code bundle for this video course is available at


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MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 3 Hours | 317 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
This course deals with the Google Kubernetes Engine, the most robust and seamless way to run containerized workloads on the GCP. Cluster creation, the use of volume storage abstractions, and ingress and service objects are all covered in this course.​

Running Kubernetes clusters on the cloud involves working with a variety of technologies, including Docker, Kubernetes, and GCE Compute Engine Virtual Machine instances. This can sometimes get quite involved. In this course, Deploying Containerized Workloads Using Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine, you will learn how to deploy and configure clusters of VM instances running your Docker containers on the Google Cloud Platform using the Google Kubernetes Service. First, you will learn where GKE fits relative to other GCP compute options such as GCE VMs, App Engine, and Cloud Functions. You will understand fundamental building blocks in Kubernetes, such as pods, nodes and node pools, and how these relate to the fundamental building blocks of Docker, namely containers. Pods, ReplicaSets, and Deployments are core Kubernetes concepts, and you will understand each of these in detail. Next, you will discover how to create, manage, and scale clusters using the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). You will also learn about StatefulSets and DaemonSets on the GKE. Finally, you will explore how to share states using volume abstractions, and field user requests using service and ingress objects. You will see how custom Docker images are built and placed in the Google Container Registry, and learn a new and advanced feature, binary authorization. When you're finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of the Google Kubernetes Engine needed to construct scalable clusters running Docker containers on the GCP.


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Cisco NetFlow for Cyber Security Big Data Analytics
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 4.5 Hours | 6.27 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Cisco NetFlow for Cyber Security Big Data Analytics walks you through the steps for deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting NetFlow and learning big data analytics technologies for cyber security. Cisco NetFlow creates an environment where network administrators and security professionals have the tools to understand who, what, when, where, and how network traffic is flowing. Cisco NetFlow LiveLessons is a key resource for understanding the power behind the Cisco NetFlow solution.
Omar Santos, a Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) technical leader and author of Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX, the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide, and other key security video and book titles by Cisco Press demonstrates how NetFlow can be used by large enterprises and small-to-medium-sized businesses to meet critical network challenges. This video courseexplores everything you need to understand and implement the Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution, while also providing configuration and troubleshooting walk-throughs.
Skill Level
What You Will Learn
NetFlow and IPFIX basics
NetFlow Deployment Scenarios
Cisco Flexible NetFlow
NetFlow Commercial and Open Source Monitoring and Analysis Software Packages
Big Data Analytics Tools
The Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution
Troubleshooting NetFlow
NetFlow for Anomaly Detection and Identifying DoS Attacks
NetFlow for Incident Response and Forensics


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Wim Hof World Tour 2018 - Live Online Experience
.MKV, AVC, 2100 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 4.1h | 4.08 GB
Instructor: Wim Hof

Have you been closely following our World Tour, fervently hoping to see your city added as the next destination? Today is your lucky day, as Wim will travel right to your screen on November 11, at 9 AM PDT, for our first ever LIVE Wim Hof Experience!
Learn all about the Wim Hof Method, take part in all the proceedings, and join the chat to ask your questions directly, straight from your living room. The event will include an ice bath session, and we encourage you to join have your tub, barrel or pool ready!
In this one-of-a-kind event, let Wim take you on a personal journey deep into his groundbreaking method.
If you've ever wanted a science-backed, heart-centered approach to improving your mind, body, effectiveness, and performance, this is it!
Come along and learn how to:
Master your energy levels
Feel energized within minutes
Reduce stress & feel more relaxed
Boost your body's alkalinity for super fast recovery
Unlock the power of your mind
With his singular, hypnotizing voice, Wim will explain the 3 pillars of his method - the breathing technique, cold exposure, and mindset - what led to its birth, and the science behind it all.
There will be a breathing session to break up the day and the event will be capped off with a voluntary ice bath! Online viewers are encouraged to set up their ice baths at home and follow along!
Join Wim for this special event and learn to unleash your inner fire.



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Software testing TECHNIQUES - Must for beginners
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 2.34 GB
Duration: 4 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Test techniques are explained in detail
What you'll learn
You will learn different techniques used in company for testing
Indepth explaination of testing techiques
Covers widely used white box and black box testing techniques
This explaination is not available any where in the internet or udemy
No prior knowledge of testing is required
Very basic coding knowledge will be advantagious
Just watch 2 Preview video and you will be clear that you want to go only with this Testing Course
After providing 3 best selling course in UDEMY this is my fourth course , i am confident you will enjoy it and it will help you in you software testing career.
No testing theory , only practical examples
Are you new to testing ?
Are looking for course which will enhance your testing skills?
You want to know how people work inside industry ?
ALL-IN-ONE Software testing test technique course
Study Lectures + Reference book + International syllabus PDF
Examples and in-depth explanation to each techniques.
HD videos - HD Audio (no power point style reading) : Watch the preview lectures to get the feel.
Solved questions are added (for written exam in MNC)
COURSE CONTENT (international course for testing )
Chapter 1 : Structure-Based Testing
Condition testing
Condition testing - EXAMPLE
Decision testing
Decision testing - EXAMPLE
Condition vs Decision testing
Condition vs Decision testing - EXAMPLE
MC-DC Testing
Multiple condition Testing
Multiple condition Testing - EXAMPLE1
Multiple condition Testing - EXAMPLE2
Path Testing
Chapter 2 : Static testing
Static Testing Basics
Control Flow Analysis - Overview
Control Flow Analysis - EXAMPLE-1
Control Flow Analysis - EXAMPLE-2
Control Flow Analysis - USE
Cyclomatic Complexity
Cyclomatic Complexity Example-1
Cyclomatic Complexity Example-2
Data Flow Analysis - Overview
Data Flow Analysis - Anomalies
Data Flow Analysis - Facts
Data Flow Analysis - EXAMPLE-1
Data Flow Analysis - EXAMPLE-2
Maintainability Overview
Moduler Design
Call graph - Overview
Call graph - USES
Pairwise - Overview
Pairwise - Example
Neighborhood - Overview
Neighborhood - Example
Chapter 3 : Dynamic analysis
Dynamic analysis - Introduction
Dynamic analysis - Overview
Dynamic analysis - Important
Detecting Memory Leaks - Overview
Detecting Memory Leaks - Symptoms
Wild pointer - Overview
Wild pointer - Consequences
Analysis of Performance
I am an "International Certified trainer" for below topic along with my authentication no*:
1. Certified ISO-26262 for functional safety testing
2. 87973 Foundation level
3. 108197 Advance level Technical Test Analyst
4. 116388 Advance level Test Analyst
5. 114710 Agile tester Extension
6. 117029 Model based testing
(*you can put these no. in respective websites and find my details)
This course is designed for the students or professional who are looking for job in testing.
Course will take you through the different aspect of testing and it will make sure your will be getting what you want.
Highlights of the Testing course:
1. It is designed based on the "The International Software Testing Qualifications Board® (ISTQB®) "
2. it contains 1000+ real testing environment example to bring concept near to the real environment.
150+ Study material to help you understand the testing knowledge in depth
Prepare you for the ISTQB certification so that , not only you get the Testing knowledge but an international testing certificate.
What are you waiting for enroll to the course and become the Certified tester.
Do you want to become a Strong tester?
Are you looking for JOB?
Do you want to switch testing job?
Preparing for testing interview ?
Are you a student / professional who what to make career in Multinational company ?
you want to understand testing techniques from in-n-out ?
Then this is the end for your search!! Download now
Who this course is for:
Any on who is starting testing activity


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