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    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
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    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
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    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
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Englische Tutorials


Project Quality Management
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours | 289 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Updated to align with the 6th Edition of the PMBOK® Guide, this course introduces how to plan for quality management, how to undertake quality management, and how to use quality control activities to verify objectives are met.

Updated to align with the 6th Edition of the PMBOK® Guide, this course, Project Quality Management is the eighth course in Pluralsight's series preparing you for the newest version of the PMP® exam. This course explores many of the processes found in the Project Quality Management knowledge area. First, you'll learn about the importance of quality management and how to effectively plan for quality management. Next, you'll learn how to undertake quality management responsibilities. Finally, you'll learn how to use quality control activities to verify project objectives have been met. By the end of this course, you'll better understand the role of quality management in the project environment, and be better equipped to institute and implement quality management principles that can ensure your project satisfies its objectives.


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Caleb O´Dowd - High Profit Facebook Groups Mentorship Program


Caleb O´Dowd - High Profit Facebook Groups Mentorship Program | 5.4 GB
High Profit Facebook Groups 6-Week Mentorship Program

Take a look at what you'll learn in The High Profit Facebook Groups Program.
The course is broken up into 5 modules over the course of 6 weeks:

Module 1 The Exact System we use To Launch High Profit Facebook Groups In Less Than 90-Days!
- The entire process broken down into simple, easy to accomplish steps that anybody can take action on.

Module 2 The 10 Step Strategy That Gets Thousands Of New Members To Join Your Group Each Month
On Autopilot!
- 10 step strategy that works like gangbusters every time we use it. and we have tested this across every imaginable topic.. and it never fails.

Module 3 Everything You Need To Ensure Your Group Becomes A Thriving Community In Less Than 60 Days!
- Most Facebook Groups burn out because the owners don't know the secrets to turning their groups into thriving communities. We will take you through every last detail needed to ensure your members love your group, word spreads like wildfire and Facebook advertises your group to tens of thousands of people every single day!

Module 4 The "Make Easy Money" Blueprint For Generating Fast And Consistent Income With Your High Profit Facebook Group!
- You'll get everything you need to make the most amount of money in the fastest time possible. while doing the least amount of work. We will cover his entire strategy that leaves no grey areas in your understanding of exactly how to achieve financial freedom with your Group!

Module 5 The Long Term Financial Freedom Roadmap!
- We are going to dedicate all of week 5 to teaching you the secrets of getting other people to run your groups for you, so they do all the work and you keep all the profit.



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Detox Dudes - Premium Video Coaching Program


Detox Dudes - Premium Video Coaching Program | 2.17 GB
After a long hiatus from coaching, I am excited to announce that I will now be taking 1 on 1 clients again. Both in person in the bay area, and via Skype/phone.

The way I work with clients varies dramatically on a case by case basis. Some clients are super wealthy and can afford any supplement, any modality, any treatment. Some are on their last 1,000 and are in really bad shape. Some have absolutely no desire of going to energetic/spiritual/emotional places, and some need that more than they need any supplement or diet change. I dont have a set way that I work with every client. I use my intuition, connection, and experience to give each client what they need in the moment. Not what they necessarily want. Every situation calls for something different, and thus my recommendations and style are constantly in flux.

The fact is that everybody needs a good coach. In every field of life. Somebody who can call them out on their shit as an outside observer. Show them a new path. Lead the way through experience. And for emotional support as well.

Im a detox coach, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. I am here to coach you on how to prioritize your life for maximum wellness, vitality, and inner peace. I am here to show you that you have the power to recover from any chronic illness, and to show you a completely new lifestyle that you will hopefully get addicted to. I am here to show you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

If you do not live in the bay area:
I offer one hour coaching calls. Included after the call is a personalized program. You can sign up for one here.

If you live in the Bay area:
Option 1: Detox The Home - I come to your home, and we go through your health history and I learn as much as possible about you. Then we go through your entire living situation. From the food you are eating, positioning of your bed (earth energy lines), EMF situation, products you are putting on your skin, to the stuff you clean the house with, cookware etc. We clean up everything in your living situation. It is completely invaluable and irreplaceable for me to actually be in your living space during this, as opposed to seeing me in my office. After the home detox comes supplement, food, modality etc. recommendations for the individual. Also with this comes a personalized program that I will send you that includes links to all of the products we discuss throughout the process. This option is a 3-hour process.
Option 2: Finding the Root- I do in-person coaching sessions at my office on Shattuck Ave in Berkeley. These sessions are 75 minutes and are intended to dive deep together. Like I said above, for some this will mean talking about supplements and foods. For others this will be exploring deep emotional wounds and faulty patterns. These are generally follow up sessions after the initial home session, though they can also serve as an introduction session for certain people.


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Daygame - Yads Ultimate Texting Formula Webinar


Daygame - Yads Ultimate Texting Formula Webinar | 1.87GB
How To Attract The Girl Of Your Dreams.
Youre walking down a street in your city and you see her. The most beautiful woman youve seen all week. Those legs. That body. Her face. Shes stunning.

She is your dream girl.
Shes walking in YOUR direction.
You find yourself feeling nervous. Your mind begins to fantasize about what a life with her would be like.
How To Attract Girls
What it would be like to have a girl this beautiful be your girlfriend.
What it would be like to go on adventures with her.
To have her hugging and kissing you excitedly when you come home after work.
And then she walks straight past you. You never see her again. You spend the rest of the day fantasizing about her. Then you get back to your every day life.

How to Ask a girl out
What if it didnt have to be like this?
What if when you saw your dream girl, you knew EXACTLY what to say to get her attention, get her laughing, get her to come on a date with you, fall in love with YOU and become your girlfriend?

For the past 10 years, Ive been helping men like you achieve just that. How? Using what I call, Daygame.

What is Daygame?
Daygame is the art of meeting and attracting amazing women without going to nightclubs. It could be while youre walking down the street, in a clothing store, at the train station. It usually happens during the day, hence why its called Daygame.

How to joke with girls
The reason Daygame works so well is because it bypasses the negative response a beautiful woman would usually have if you tried to talk to her in a nightclub.

Heres why.
Women Fantasize about Meeting a Great Guy During The Day
When women go to nightclubs, they expect to be hit on. They get approached by drunk guys all night so theyve had to learn to put up a shield.

This shield makes it really difficult to get a great girl to like you.
Besides, no girl wants to admit to her friends and family that she met her boyfriend on a night out.
However, when you strike up a conversation with a woman during the day, you create a situation shes been fantasizing about her entire life.
The reason women watch romantic comedies and read romantic fiction novels is because it plays into their fantasy of how theyll meet the guy of their dreams.

Learn how-to-talk-to-women
In any classic romance story, the woman meets the man by some spontaneous moment and its almost always during the day.
Yet no one ever approaches a beautiful woman when shes going about her day, apart from the occasional wolf whistle from a construction worker.
Once you learn how to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman during the day, youll play into her fantasy of randomly meeting the guy of her dreams just like in the movies.


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Alpha Wolf Pack - Terry Dean, Yoav Ezer, Glenn Livingston


Alpha Wolf Pack - Terry Dean, Yoav Ezer, Glenn Livingston | 7.86 GB
"Do You Qualify For A Step-By-Step, Personally Customized Blueprint (And Ongoing Direct Advice) From These 3 Proven Rainmakers.to Double Your Profits, Enjoy More Free Time, and/or Launch a New Business FAST?"
We've Made $50,000,000+ Ourselves, Saved 1,200,000+ Hours of Work for Our Clients, and Helped Generate Billions of Dollars in Sales. and Now We're Available to Help You!.

What Is An Alpha Wolf Entrepreneur?
Alpha wolf entrepreneurs are the leaders of their tribe. They possess the fighting skill, the ambition, and the power to fight challengers.
Alpha wolves conquer their market and maintain their top position against constant threats.
They also fiercely PROTECT their pack (colleagues, employees and customers).
And as leaders of the hunt, they accept full responsibility for the happiness and welfare of their followers.
An Alpha wolfs power and responsibility empowers him or her to sit back and relax while the pack does all the work
The Alpha does NOT have to get his teeth bloody-his pack mates make the kill for him
And the Alpha STILL eats first!
Now if YOU think you might be an Alpha Wolf
If youre willing to accept the responsibility which comes with dominating your market and leading your own tribe
Or youd just like to learn how its done
Then youre invited to join our Pack

The Alpha Wolf Pack Opportunity
Heres the deal
We have big plans for the Internet Marketing and Business Development Markets, and these plans require us to lead a team of highly motivated entrepreneurs with success in their own businesses.
For this reason weve priced the Alpha Wolf Pack at an extremely affordable rate, and we are highly motivated to help our members succeed.
In fact, were going to be offering you planning services, advice and support that have been previously unavailable to 99 of entrepreneurs

Heres What You Get As a Member of The Alpha Wolf Pack:
- A WEEKLY Business Breakthrough Webinar (The Hunt) - In this webinar Glenn, Yoav and I help up to three Alpha Wolf Entrepreneurs achieve a business breakthrough. Either by formulating a specific step by step plan that outlines the fastest way to achieve their business goals, or by tackling their biggest marketing/business challenge and coming up with a solution. To be selected, youll just submit a short form with a few details about your business, goals, and resources. You can make repeated submissions to The Hunt after executing the changes we recommended, and in this way get our ongoing, direct personal feedback.We prioritize Alpha Wolf Members primarily based on the date they joined the Pack. So if youd like to ensure getting a spot as quickly as possible you should join the group ASAP. (All members may participate in The Hunt to ask questions and submit their observationsbut there are only three hot-seats each week)
- A Second Weekly Q&A Webinar (The Gathering): This webinar will be conducted either by one of us (Yoav, Glenn or Myself) or one of our resident experts. The Gathering is where you get help with your day to day marketing and business challenges. And unlike the Business Breakthrough Webinar (The Hunt), at The Gathering there are NO hot seats and NO limits on how many people can present. Come discuss anything from writing ad copy, feedback on your offers, research, leadership, and product development issuesor even questions about the best shopping cart and/or landing page tools. ANYTHING you need help with in your business is fair game.
- Access To Our Private Facebook Group (The Howling) - In this group you can howl about ANY question you may have in your business. Youll get a response from either one of us (Glenn, Yoav and myself), our resident experts, and/or other group members. We consistently monitor the group, but at times well need to give your questions serious thought, so you might not get a response immediately. But we guarantee everyone will get a response within three business days.




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Irene Lyon - The NEW INNER GAME


Irene Lyon - The NEW INNER GAME | 3.87 GB
This is NOT Your Typical Online Program
Ive done those programs that doll out a pre-recorded call, and then offer handout after handout, where you fall behind and never actually do the program content. This program is different.

This Program is About Giving You BIG SHIFTS THAT STICK!
This program does not contain filler content that is thrown in to beef up the appeal. All content is there for a reason. It is ordered and delivered in a specific way to best support your shifts.

This Program Will Teach You A New Way of Life.
This is about building a deep and rich set of skills that will serve your health, family, work-life, productivity and future. Youll have the ability to improve how you feel all day long, and to bring even more of YOU to your purpose, family and other relationships.

Knowledge IS Power (Especially when its science that applies to your life daily.)
Youll get the scientific essentials for conquering your upper limits, increasing your energy reserves, and being intelligent with the stress in your life so you are always a step ahead of the rest.

This Unique Program Will Help You:
- heal old traumas that are at the root of physical, mental, and emotional blocks
- tap into reserves of energy so you can accomplish more every day
- discover a new way to handle stress so your body doesnt burnout and breakdown
- and much more

During the 12 weeks youll get powerful learning (theory & practical) and support via:
Weekly Neurosensory Exercises
These practical exercises are a blend of my expertise in somatic healing arts of Feldenkrais and Somatic Experiencing and they tap into multiple layers of your body, brain and nervous system.

Biology of Stress Video Training Series
This training will give you answers and most importantly hope by providing a solid biological explanation for a lot of the pain and angst that youve been struggle to figure out and fix.

6 Live Group Training & Q&A Calls (90 Minutes Each)
During these calls, youll receive a core piece of teaching that will supplement the course curriculum.

Program Bonuses
- Guest Expert Interviews
- Six Audio Tracks for Sparking Up Mind-Body Connections
- Two Specialized Neurosensory Video Trainings
Pain-Free Sitting
Dynamic Movement For Core Strength



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Deepak Wayne - Meet Women Every Day


Get Meet Women Every Day - WayneDatingLifestyle | 1.46 GB
Our promise: Flirt with 70 gorgeous women in the next 7 days!
This program is designed for people who want to literally meet new, attractive women every day. It will teach you, even if you have never approached an attractive stranger before in your life, to approach women with confidence - wherever you are!

In the course you will learn
Mindsets of a Master Seducer
What is the best and fastest way to get girls? Deepak will explain you where to meet women and exactly show you how!
How to deal with your insecurities: Let Deepak install a Boss-Mindset in you, for more confidence, so you can talk to women with ease
How to deal with rejections. Become the man who does not care about girls not being nice to him and be the man who confidently goes for what he wants
How to get the hottest girls, no matter how you look. Ever been intimidated by one of those goddesses? Be no more! Deepak will show you how.

Practice like a Pro
The most efficient and best way to get better with women. Dont waste years dabbling around, do THIS instead!
Overcome your approach anxiety. Approaching hot girls is tough but with this little known method it will be a childs play
Proven habits and success-systems to get good with women. Get the step by step system Deepak used for him and his clients to get massive success
Master your motivation. You need to take action: This is not a course for bookworms. With these methods you will be able to motivate yourself to achieve ANYTHING in life!

How to start picking up girls
Deepak will clearly show you through real life examples:
Dealing with nervousness and shyness. How to embrace your masculinity and feel at ease, wherever you are, no matter who you talk to.
Secret techniques to overcome approach anxiety and talk to super hot girls with 0 chance of rejection (Really! Do this and they will not EVER reject you)
How to flirt with married girls/ girls with BF. You will see how Deepak flirts with girl who usually would reject 99.99 of guys in seconds. See how he turns those interactions around!
How to spot girls which are easy to talk to and pick up. Ever wasted a lot of time talking to mean or unperceptive girls who dont want to talk to you? This is how you filter them out.
Become communicative instantly! If you are working a lot or introverted, it is hard to start talking to strangers. Deepak shows you, how he (and you from now on!) changes his state rapidly
Dealing with rejections or girls who are not interested in you. Never be afraid of rejections again!
Overcoming resistance from girls (maybe/no girls). You will see how Deepak talks to girls who give MASSIVE resistance to his flirt and exactly see how he successfully overcomes it
Different powerful ways to stop girls. Make her stop and give you her full attention with these proven techniques!
How to approach indoors. Deepak shows you how he approaches girls in a shopping mall and tells you about everything you need to take care of.

Full flirt of Deepak and a super hot girl
(youll see the full analysis of a real interaction)
Full video with explanation of how Deepak picks up this super hot, 20 y.o. girl
How exactly Deepak starts the conversation and gets her to engage in the conversation as well (hint: Most hot girls just stand there and give normal guys NOTHING to work with)
How he exactly overcomes her perception of him as a negative stereotype (This is a super hot girl in her 20s and he is an overweight Indian guy, reaching his 40s)
How exactly a high level flirts look like. We show you EVERY little detail!
How to set up a date (where she actually wants to meet him) and how to get her phone number
How to make her feel like he is a friend instead of a random scary guy who she can open to
How he approached her indirectly and later still effectively communicated his sexual intent!



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Wim Hof Method Video Course: Fundamentals


Wim Hof Method Video Course: Fundamentals | 19.4 GB
The ICEMAN'S Secret Method to Control your Physiology for: Strength, Immunity, and Power

Our flagship product -the original 10-Week Video Course- is universally loved. After 4 years, with the help of useful recommendations from many in our community, we figured it was time to expand our product line. That is why we are proud to announce our brand new product: the Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Video Course!
With our new version of The Wim Hof Method Fundamentals, we hope to teach people like you how to become stronger, happier, and healthier. This new course is designed to make it easier for people to learn this method and improve their lives.

We edited the material from the first course to make sure that its more helpful and easier to follow. After teaching thousands of people all over the world, weve discovered more efficient ways to make it easier for you, the student.
Now, the course is formated in a way that will allow you to go at your own pace, so you wont feel overwhelmed or skip ahead. It will be easy for you to stay on track, despite your time commitment.
We also brought in a professional videographer to make the videos as high quality as possible. When you find a quiet place and watch the videos, you will feel like Wim is talking directly to you.

The new course is made up of 10 major themes - Going Deep, Stress Control, Energy Management, Inflammation, Endurance, Longevity, Under Pressure, Spirituality, Creativity and Life Adventure.
These themes were chosen carefully to help you get the most benefits from the advanced breathing and cold exposure techniques.

Each theme will come with videos that follow the theme - a group video, a homework video, a stretching video, and a one-on-one guided breathing video. These videos will help you understand this technique both intellectually and experientially.
These videos look at all angles of these techniques, especially the scientific background. The better you can understand the concepts, the more you will understand when you see all of the positive effects on your body and health.

You asked and we listened. For the last few years, weve got a lot of feedback about the videos. While theyre helpful, it can be challenging to get into the practice while youre watching a video.
The new course will have audio of breathing exercises so you can listen to it without watching from wherever you want. You can listen alone, with your eyes closed, in nature or at a Wim Hof breath caf with your closest friends.

Each week will include a homework video to help you stay accountable and keep track of your progress. Youll be able to print out the exercises and fill it out as you complete each assignment.

Each week will include a homework video to help you stay accountable and keep track of your progress. Youll be able to print out the exercises and fill it out as you complete each assignment.

If youre not familiar with the Wim Hof Method, it combines a variety of exercises to keep your mind, body, and spirit as healthy as possible.
On top of cultivating the proper mindset, we use three types of exercises to help you improve your quality of life and heal whatever ailment you may be facing.
The first exercise we teach is a breathing technique that will help you go deep and feel energized instantly. Next, we help you retrain your monkey mind as well as your nervous system through cold immersion. The third type of exercise is stretching. This helps keep your bodys muscles loose and healthy.



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Amazon Sponsored Ads Course by Philip Jepsen


ManageByStats - Amazon Sponsored Ads Course by Philip Jepsen | 3.13 GB
Take Our Course On
How To Become An Amazon Sponsored Ads Pro!

One of the hottest topics these days for Amazon sellers is Sponsored Ads. Wrapping your head fully around this key component of sales, understanding it, has become a sort of Holy Grail for Amazon Sellers. Amazon Sponsored Ads are one of the easiest ways to drive booming sales.
They can also be one of the most difficult to master.

In the interest of helping, ManageByStats is now offering a full course on this critical subject.
Our founder, Philip Jepsen, has put together a complete, comprehensive, end-to-end (Basic to Pro) video series showing you in detail how to become an expert on Sponsored Ads. Its 23 videos covering the entire subject, delivered by Philip himself, a proven seller with millions of dollars in Amazon sales. Part of his success has come from his expertise with Sponsored Ads, and he shares that knowledge here in this special course.
Cost is 197$ - easily worth it when you consider you can generate thousands of additional monthly sales with a good series of sponsored ads. Signing up is easy, and you can get started right away.
Become a student of The Jepsen Way today!

Find out how to:
- Get ads going right away
- Target more profitable niches
- Read the results
- Optimize
- Craft successful product launch strategies
- Do bulk operations
- Streamline and drive expansion

Leading to:
- Highly profitable ads
- The ability to use sponsored ads like a pro




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Sellers Summit 2017 - The Ultimate Ecommerce Learning Conference


Sellers Summit 2017 - The Ultimate Ecommerce Learning Conference | 7.18GB
Who This Event Is For
In order to accommodate sellers of all skill levels, the event will be divided into 2 main tracks.
If you are new and just getting started...

You will leave the Sellers Summit with a product to sell and potential sourcing vendors. You will also come away with all of the necessary steps to get your first sale and a road map for scaling your business
If you are an experienced seller...
You will learn techniques to take your business to the next level whether it be through creating sales funnels, SEO, social media, PPC advertising, conversion optimization, email marketing or copywriting.
You will have the chance to see how other experienced sellers are executing their sales campaigns and improve upon your own.
And most importantly, you will have the opportunity to hang out with me and my colleagues and let us teach you everything we know about ecommerce
In addition, we're also offering a special private mastermind for experienced sellers making at least $250,000 or $1,000,000 in revenues.

INclude file:
1 Opening Keynote Sellers Summit 2017 - Steve Chou.mp3
1 Opening Keynote Sellers Summit 2017 - Steve Chou.mp4
2 How to Choose Profitable Products for Amazon- What Products are Working for 2017 - Greg Mercer.mp3
2 How to Choose Profitable Products for Amazon- What Products are Working for 2017 - Greg Mercer.mp4
2 How to Choose Profitable Products for Amazon- What Products are Working for 2017 - Greg Mercer.pdf
3 Focus On The Three Key PPC Metrics To Turn Loss Into Profit - Brian Johnson.mp3
3 Focus On The Three Key PPC Metrics To Turn Loss Into Profit - Brian Johnson.mp4
3 Focus On The Three Key PPC Metrics To Turn Loss Into Profit - Brian Johnson.pdf
4 How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with Influencer Marketing and Video Content - Jason Katz.mp3
4 How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with Influencer Marketing and Video Content - Jason Katz.mp4
4 How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with Influencer Marketing and Video Content - Jason Katz.pdf
5 Supplier Selection and Verification in China - How to Find the Right Supplier - Manuel Becvar (Import Dojo).mp3
5 Supplier Selection and Verification in China - How to Find the Right Supplier - Manuel Becvar (Import Dojo).mp4
5 Supplier Selection and Verification in China - How to Find the Right Supplier - Manuel Becvar (Import Dojo).pdf
6 Breaking The Amazon Shackles How to Generate Sales With Your Own Branded Store - Steve Chou.mp3
6 Breaking The Amazon Shackles How to Generate Sales With Your Own Branded Store - Steve Chou.mp4
6 Breaking The Amazon Shackles How to Generate Sales With Your Own Branded Store - Steve Chou.pdf
7 How To Launch Your Private Label Product On Amazon With No Incentivized Reviews - Scott Voelker.mp3
7 How To Launch Your Private Label Product On Amazon With No Incentivized Reviews - Scott Voelker.mp4
7 How To Launch Your Private Label Product On Amazon With No Incentivized Reviews - Scott Voelker.pdf
8 How to Leverage Facebook and Instagram Ads to Drive Ecommerce Sales - Steve Weiss.mp3
8 How to Leverage Facebook and Instagram Ads to Drive Ecommerce Sales - Steve Weiss.mp4
8 How to Leverage Facebook and Instagram Ads to Drive Ecommerce Sales - Steve Weiss.pdf
9 My Exact Blueprint for How to Bootstrap a 7 Figure Brand With Email and Giveaways - Mike Jackness.mp3
9 My Exact Blueprint for How to Bootstrap a 7 Figure Brand With Email and Giveaways - Mike Jackness.mp4
9 My Exact Blueprint for How to Bootstrap a 7 Figure Brand With Email and Giveaways - Mike Jackness.pdf
10 Poor Amazon Sales_ How to Determine if You Have a Ranking, Conversion or Review Problem - Jeff Cohen.mp3
10 Poor Amazon Sales_ How to Determine if You Have a Ranking, Conversion or Review Problem - Jeff Cohen.mp4
10 Poor Amazon Sales_ How to Determine if You Have a Ranking, Conversion or Review Problem - Jeff Cohen.pdf
11 The Amazon Way and the Metrics Behind Creating a Million Dollar Ecommerce Business - Brad Moss.mp3
11 The Amazon Way and the Metrics Behind Creating a Million Dollar Ecommerce Business - Brad Moss.mp4
11 The Amazon Way and the Metrics Behind Creating a Million Dollar Ecommerce Business - Brad Moss.pdf
12 Your Legal Questions Answered - Jared Stark.mp3
12 Your Legal Questions Answered - Jared Stark.mp4
13 Making Pinterest Profitable - How to Set up and Run Profitable Pinterest Campaigns for Your Ecommerce Products - Toni Anderson.mp3
13 Making Pinterest Profitable - How to Set up and Run Profitable Pinterest Campaigns for Your Ecommerce Products - Toni Anderson.mp4
13 Making Pinterest Profitable - How to Set up and Run Profitable Pinterest Campaigns for Your Ecommerce Products - Toni Anderson.pdf
14 How To Get Your Products Viral Attention By Creating A Brand On Facebook - Rachel Miller.mp3
14 How To Get Your Products Viral Attention By Creating A Brand On Facebook - Rachel Miller.mp4
14 How To Get Your Products Viral Attention By Creating A Brand On Facebook - Rachel Miller.pdf
15 How to Create an 8 Figure Ecommerce Business on Amazon by Leveraging Flywheels and Customer Feedback Loops - Bernie Thompson.mp3
15 How to Create an 8 Figure Ecommerce Business on Amazon by Leveraging Flywheels and Customer Feedback Loops - Bernie Thompson.mp4
15 How to Create an 8 Figure Ecommerce Business on Amazon by Leveraging Flywheels and Customer Feedback Loops - Bernie Thompson.pdf
16 How to Maintain a Pristine Amazon Account and Prevent Suspensions - Cynthia Stine.mp3
16 How to Maintain a Pristine Amazon Account and Prevent Suspensions - Cynthia Stine.mp4
16 How to Maintain a Pristine Amazon Account and Prevent Suspensions - Cynthia Stine.pdf
17 The Tools I Use to Run and Scale My 7 Figure Ecommerce Businesses on Autopilot - Bill D'Alessandro.mp3
17 The Tools I Use to Run and Scale My 7 Figure Ecommerce Businesses on Autopilot - Bill D'Alessandro.mp4
17 The Tools I Use to Run and Scale My 7 Figure Ecommerce Businesses on Autopilot - Bill D'Alessandro.pdf
18 How to Triple Your Profits in 1 Year A Step by Step System On How to Grow Your Existing Shop - Dana Jaunzemis.mp3
18 How to Triple Your Profits in 1 Year A Step by Step System On How to Grow Your Existing Shop - Dana Jaunzemis.mp4
18 How to Triple Your Profits in 1 Year A Step by Step System On How to Grow Your Existing Shop - Dana Jaunzemis.pdf
19 How to Transport Your Products From Supplier to Your Final Destination - Pam Cail.mp3
19 How to Transport Your Products From Supplier to Your Final Destination - Pam Cail.mp4
19 How to Transport Your Products From Supplier to Your Final Destination - Pam Cail.pdf
20 Closing Panel Sellers Summit 2017 - Steve Chou Dana Jaunzemis Bernie Thompson Brad Moss.mp3
20 Closing Panel Sellers Summit 2017 - Steve Chou Dana Jaunzemis Bernie Thompson Brad Moss.mp4
21 Sellers Summit 2017 Live Speaker Q&A Webinar.mp4



Link Download:
Alex Becker - H-Com 2020 (Update March.2018)


Alex Becker - H-Com 2020 (Update March.2018) | 8.73GB
The H-Com (Hero E-Commerce) Program is a 10 week online program with the sole goal of creating a Shopify store and getting it profitable in as short of time as possible with step by step proven methods taught by E-Commerce experts making at least $500,000 a MONTH in revenue.

Upon purchase you will get immediate access to the entire program which begin by showing you in a step by step format to pick your first products without hard costs, build a store, and use super cheap Facebook advertising to get customers.
The program will then focus on how to scale these stores as fast as possible and build a full fledged empire.

Week One - Intro To Shopify
The first two weeks of this program are ENTIRELY dedicated to getting results as fast as possible (products, ads, results NOW)

Week Two - Choosing The Perfect Products
The first 2 weeks are entirely focused on getting you fast results (product, ads,results NOW)
Week 2 is about the most important part of Shopify... Picking killer products

Week Three - Making Addicting Offers
The next step to having a thriving store is knowing how to actually SELL your products. Just linking to stock photos and a cookie cutter store will not cut it anymore. You will see how to

Week Four - Branding
Most Shopify stores fall flat because they are zero personality forgettable thrown up stores with no customer loyalty or brand. The key to great stores is great branding and we will walk you step by step on how to create brands people love and return to buy from.

Week Five - Ad Targeting Master Class
Facebook and Youtube ads have changed. Period. In this section you will see how to get a edge over all the other people scrambling and failing to get traffic.

Week Six - Advertising Master Class PT 2
Everything we need to do master level sales on our stores

Week Seven - Instagram Influencer Partnership
Instagram is one of the hottest and easiest ways to blow up a store. Lucky for you we dominate this space and are going to show you how to do it. You will see

Week Eight - E-Commerce Email Marketing
Now that we have customers and sales its time to MAXIMIZE this with email marketing that can DOUBLE sales WITHOUT more ads or traffic

Week Nine
Analytics and Tracking
It's not super hot, but knowing your numbers and how people use your store is KEY for scaling. We could put a bunch of hypey things here, but lets be honest...You are going to learn a bunch of boring number crunching tactics that yield INSANE ROIs on your store. That's good enough right? =D

Week Ten
Bonus Content



Link Download:
RGGEDU - Commercial Hair Retouching Workflow With Sef McCullough


RGGEDU - Learn Advanced Photoshop Techniques for Retouching Hair | 4.3 GB
Retouching hair is an advanced skill and poses a constant challenge for even the top commercial retouchers. Hair is complex by nature. It can be fine, thick, corse, smooth and often out of focus.

In over 10 years of high end commercial retouching, Sef McCullough has developed a variety of systematic and repeatable methods for cleaning up, isolating and extracting hair in Photoshop. Join Sef in his second RGG EDU tutorial where Sef gives an in-depth look at his ground-breaking processes and workflows for retouching hair. These methods are what sets him apart and puts him in front of the most demanding clients in the world.

In this post production-only tutorial you get access to every step of Sef's advanced hair retouching workflow. He begins with a basic cleanup of hair, providing an overview and introduction to the hair retouching process. He then teaches how to create a natural hair edge using advanced masking techniques, channel pulls and custom brushes. Sef goes on to expand upon these techniques demonstrating an advanced hair extraction on difficult, textured hair. Finally, he shows his process of creative color grading on hair.

General Overview
- Closed Captions In English
- 12 Chapters of Instructional Content
- 5 hours of Downloadable HD Content
- iTunes Ready Optimized for Mobile Viewing
- RAW + Tiff Files Included for You to Follow Along
- How To Make Hair Brushes That Work
- When To Rely On Special Brushes & When Not To
- 4 PS Actions/Brushes Included
- Destroy Bands Action Included
- Earth Hair Brush Included
- Retouchist Everyday Action Included
- FS 2.0 Action Included
- Learn Basic Cleanup For Hair Retouching
- Learn To Determine What You Can Do With Pixel Info
- Learn To Create Realistic Hair Edges When Photos Suck
- Building Bulletproof Hair Masks
- Step-By-Step Hair Rendering Workflow
- Learn To Extract Hair At Multiple Depth Of Focus
- Learn Step-by-Step Workflow For Any Hair Problem
- Learn How to Create Natural Masks Quickly
- Learn To Perfect The Natural Edge
- Learn To Create Advanced Clipping Masks
- LearnTo Perform Advanced Channel Pulls
- Learn To Extract Hair In Images With Low Contrast
- Learn To Rebuild Eyelashes
- Learn To Extract Complex, Textured Hair
- Learn How Create Custom Hair Brushes
- Learn To Color Grade Hair




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