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DisplayFusion Pro 9.7.2 Beta 10 Multilingual


DisplayFusion Pro 9.7.2 Beta 10 Multilingual

File size: 90.9 MB

DisplayFusion will make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) experience smooth and painless. With DisplayFusion you can add a taskbar to every monitor that works and looks just like the Windows Taskbar. Or take advantage of advanced multi-monitor wallpaper support, Flickr Integration for image searching and fully customizable window management hotkeys. These are just a few of the many things that DisplayFusion can do.
DisplayFusion will make your multi-monitor life much easier. With powerful features like Multi-Monitor Taskbars, TitleBar Buttons and fully customizable Functions, DisplayFusion will make managing your multiple monitors easy. Take a look at some of the features below to learn how DisplayFusion can help you!
Advanced Wallpaper Management
Multi-Monitor Taskbars
Multi-Monitor TaskbarsKeep your windows easily organized by adding a taskbar to each of your monitors. The taskbar on each monitor can be configured to show all windows, or only the windows that are located on that monitor. Use button grouping, auto-hide, window previews, shortcuts, a Start Button and much more to help you work more easily with your application windows.
Advanced Wallpaper Management
Advanced Wallpaper ManagementDisplayFusion has powerful Wallpaper features that let you use images from your own computer, or load images from online sources. Tile, stretch, scale, crop, position and tint your images exactly how you want.
Customizable Functions
Customizable FunctionsDisplayFusion comes bundled with over 30 pre-configured Functions, or you can create your own powerful custom Functions. Create Functions to load Wallpaper or Monitor Profiles, move windows around, change window opacity, toggle DisplayFusion features and much more. Any Function, including custom Functions that you've created, can be assigned to a TitleBar Button for easier access with the mouse, or to a keyboard shortcut for keyboard power users. Functions can also be assigned to the Jump List menus on the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars, allowing them to be run even on applications that are minimized.
Monitor Configuration
Monitor ConfigurationUse DisplayFusion to set your Monitor Configuration. Configure the resolution, colour depth, refresh rate and orientation. You can even save your configurations as Monitor Profiles that you can load later using a key combination or TitleBar Button. Link a Wallpaper Profile with your Monitor Profile to load your desktop wallpaper automatically based on the monitors you have connected.
Windows 8 Tweaks
Windows 8 TweaksThe Windows 8 Tweaks in DisplayFusion provide extra options so that you can customize Windows 8 to your liking. Bypass the Start Screen to go directly to the Desktop, move the Power User Menu (Win + X) to the current mouse position, and more!
Window Snapping
Window SnappingDisplayFusion's Window Snapping feature makes it easy to line-up your windows with each other, or line-up your windows along a monitor edge. Just drag a window near a monitor edge or another window and release the mouse button to let DisplayFusion snap the window into place. Fully configurable, with the ability to ignore specific applications if needed.
Window Management
Window ManagementUse DisplayFusion's Window Management feature to easily move windows between your monitors. Whether you use the simple Middle-Click Move, or the more advanced Maximized Window Dragging, managing your desktop windows has never been so easy. You can even show tooltips when moving or resizing windows to help you position them precisely.
Window Location
Window LocationThe Window Location feature allows you to specify which monitor you would like selected applications to open on. You can customize this by specifying actions like maximize, centre, span or 'Run Function'. You can have all windows from the selected application open on the specified monitor, or only the first window.
Windows Logon Background
Windows Logon BackgroundUse DisplayFusion's powerful Windows Logon background image changer to customize your logon screen. Load images from your computer, or from any of the online providers that DisplayFusion supports. Customize the image positioning and colours (greyscale, sepia... etc) to suit your taste.
Multi-Monitor Screen Savers
Multi-Monitor Screen SaversWhy settle for one screen saver on your main monitor? With DisplayFusion you can span your screen saver across all monitors, or even display a different screen saver on each monitor. Use the default Windows screen savers, or load your own custom screen savers to fully customize your desktop.
Desktop Icon Profiles
Desktop Icon ProfilesEasily save and load your desktop icon layouts using DisplayFusion's Desktop Icon Profile feature. Loading a previously saved Desktop Icon Profile is an easy way to restore your familiar desktop icon layout when the icons get jumbled after adding or removing a monitor.
Easy Administration
Easy AdministrationDeploy and manage DisplayFusion in your corporate environment with ease by using DisplayFusion's silent installer options, and custom ADMX templates for Active Directory Group Policy environments. The custom ADMX templates will allow you to make sure your DisplayFusion settings are consistent across all workstations, making management and troubleshooting much easier.
Available in dozens of Languages
Available in dozens of LanguagesDisplayFusion comes bundled with dozens of languages, and more are added all the time. Using DisplayFusion in your native language makes it easier to fully understand and use each feature.


DisplayFusion Pro - Versionen - 2013 - 2023 - Sammlung

Genre: Wallpaper/Background
Freischaltung: KeyGen
Bit-Version: x86-32bit & x64-64bit
Sprache: Multilingual/Deutsch
Packer: WinRAR
Format: *.rar > *.iso > *.exe (Setup)

Parts: siehe Download
Passwort: "MrOliver" ohne die "

[Release: November 27, 2013] - Größe: 9,83 MB
[Release: Juni 18, 2014] - Größe: 9,82 MB
[Release: September 3, 2014] - Größe: 10,00 MB
[Release: Januar 19, 2016] - Größe: 17,80 MB
[Release: Januar 20, 2016] - Größe: 17,55 MB
[Release: Januar 20, 2016] - Größe: 26,31 MB
[Release: August 8, 2016] - Größe: 20,06 MB
[Release: August 8, 2016] - Größe: 25,60 MB
[Release: Oktober 25, 2017] - Größe: 20,53 MB
[Release: Dezember 27, 2018] - Größe: 20,41 MB
[Release: Dezember 23, 2019] - Größe: 89,88 MB
[Release: Juni 24, 2020] - Größe: 87,19 MB
[Release: Dezember 28, 2020] - Größe: 91,31 MB
[Release: Mai 4, 2021] - Größe: 91,18 MB
[Release: April 17, 2023] - Größe: 28,25 MB
[Release: September 5, 2023] - Größe: 28,69 MB

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