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CValley FILTERiT v5


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
CValley FILTERiT v5.4.0


CValley FILTERiT v5.4.0 | 14 MB | Plug-in for Adobe Illustrator | Language: English

The latest version 5 is compatible with CC 2018. FILTERiT is a plug-in suite for Adobe Illustrator which features unique effects. FILTERiT can stimulate your creative mind. This versatile tool lets you create simple to complex images in a matter of seconds. Some effects are simply impossible to make without FILTERiT. With its easy-to-use features, creating astounding images ranging from simple to complex is at your fingertips. Play around with FILTERiT for a while to discover for yourself the variety of features it has to offer.

Whats new about FILTERiT 5?

Live Symbol Path:
Live Symbol Path is a new Live Effect similar to MetaBrush Tool from the previous FILTERiT 4 and inherits some of its features. (MetaBrush Tool is now discontinued)

In MetaBrush Tool, selected path on a document was used as placed element. But in Live Symbol Path, Symbols (more than one) instance selected from Illustrators Symbols panel is used as placed element. The instance will be placed to selected path or text object. Symbol instance can be precisely placed along the outline of path or text object.

Live 3D Path:
Equivalent to features from each transformation menu in previous FILTERiT 4s Live 3D Transform submenu. In the previous version, each transformation style had dedicated menu and panel. In FILTERiT 5, all of menus and panels are unified to a single panel and changed its name to Live 3D Path. Transformation style can be selected in the panel, enabling to change style quickly.

Also, the tool to use in combination with this effect, 3D Rotate Tool has moved to this panel from Illustrators Tool Box for better usability.

Live Tiling:
In FILTERiT 5, tile can be placed in offset like bricks. Tile unit created from Live Tiling can be added to Illustrators Swatches panel as the pattern. The irregularly aligned unit can be precisely connected.

Live Neon/Border:
In Live Neon, The luminescent effect can be added around the neon with Light Emitting option. You can control gradient curve and contrast. By checking Auto Stroke Styling option in Live Neon or Live Border, the effect will use Corner: Round Joint and Cap: Round settings.

Live Explosion:
In FILTERiT 5, the explosion can have transparency inward or outward direction, or randomized transparency.

Live Trail
In FILTERiT 5, the names of some parameters have changed. The center of transformation can be displayed by cross-hair guide for better understanding of the relation between parameter changes and the result of control. Also, if the original object is the Grayscale mode, it will be automatically converted to CMYK or RGB color as needed.

Wave Effect/Lens Effect/Warp Effect:
These Effects can be called the Effect version of these Tools. It can apply directly to text object and adjust appearance or change style after using the effect.

Fractalize Effect/Filter:
In FILTERiT 5, the reverse option for horizontal/vertical axis, some other options, and parameters have been added in Generator. Also, it provides a more accurate result. Filter version of Fractalize remains but using Effect version is recommended.

Requirements: Adobe Illustrator 2020 (The latest version is compatible with Illustrator 2020 v24.3.)



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