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Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise v11


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise || Englisch


Cerberus FTP ServerTM provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS en.cryption and powerful FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use.
Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray.




DOWNLOAD || 55 MB || Format: exe

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise
Requirements: Windows 10, 8, 7
Cerberus FTP Server is a professional FTP server that offers support for encrypted FTPS and SFTP sessions, as well as HTTP and HTTPS file transfer operations. Although it comes packed with a multitude of dedicated parameters, it sports a clean and straightforward layout that offers quick access to a set of well-organized tools.


Powerful SFTP Server
Managed File Transfer Solution
SFTP - The SSH2 File Transfer Protocol, also known as SFTP. SFTP is a network protocol that provides secure and reliable file access, file transfer, and file management functionality. You can also allow clients to use public key authentication for SFTP connections.
FTPS and FTP - There are generally two modes of secure FTP available, FTP with explicit SSL/TLS encryption (FTPES) and implicit SSL/TLS (FTPS). Cerberus FTP Server supports both secure modes, as well as plain FTP. We also support MODE Z for compression, extensions for IPv6, as well as international support extensions to allow FTP in any language
HTTP/S web client - The HTTP/S web client capability allows any user with access to a common web browser to easily connect to the server to perform file operations (uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming, creating directories, and zipping and unzipping files and directories) using a desktop or mobile web browser.
Event Notification and Automated Processing, Auditing and Reporting, Ad Hoc File Transfers, and File Retention Policies.
Synchronization manager to replicate all users and settings from a master server to any number of backup or clustered servers

Web-based Secure File Access
File management using a web browser with no software or plugins required
Allows any user to easily and securely connect to the server with a web browser to perform file operations (uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming, creating directories, and zipping and unzipping files and directories)
Native mobile HTTP/S web client
Two-factor authentication using any HOTP phone client (Google Authenticator, OTP Auth, Duo,
Multiple pre-built themes included
Web client image and video thumbnail viewing
Easily create your own custom themes using the popular Bootstrap 3 framework
Users can now request automatic password resets through the web client using email links and security questions (if allowed by the administrator)

More Info:
Download Instructions:
Platform: Windows
Size: 56.1 Mb
Format:".rar/.zip" archive.. ".exe" after extracting
Language: English
Hoster: uploadship / uploaded

Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise v11.2.7.0


Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise v11.2.7.0 | 96 MB | Language: English

Cerberus FTP ServerTM provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS encryption and powerful FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use. Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray.

The server is able to listen for connections on multiple interfaces (Multi-homed PCs), integrate with the Windows NT user database or Active Directory, run as an NT service, resume failed transfers, and offers an easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations. Connection limit, timeout, and IP access can be controlled by the administrator as well as a variety of other settings. In addition,Cerberus FTP Server offers statistics on connections as well as robust logging capabilities.

Features of Cerberus FTP Server:
Small installation size
Low CPU and memory utilization
Easy to use interface
Integrated Windows NT and Active directory Windows authentication
Web Services access and administration
Native NT Service Support
Taskbar icon control and status indicator
Hidden server mode (Hides server window)
Resume failed transfers!
Automatic interface discovery with the ability to configure each one independently
IP Manager to control connection attempts
Easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations
Control over most aspects of server configuration
Connections limit and timeout controls
Automatic connection and message logging
Transfer and connection statistics
Thread priority control
Adherence to RFC959 and RFC1123
RFC1579-Firewall - Friendly FTP
Free for personal use!!

Secure SSL/TLS Encryption
FIPS 140-2 Validated Cryptography
HIPAA Compliant
IP Manager to automatically block malicious connection attempts
Fine-Grained Directory Access Restrictions
Force Secure Client-Server Connections

UTF-8 - Display filenames in foreign languages with their native charset
User and Group support with per User Virtual Directories
Taskbar icon control and status indicator
Connections limit and timeout controls
Transfer and connection statistics
Hidden server mode (Hides server window)

Native 64-bit Version
Small installation size
Minimal System Requirements
Very low memory utilization

Syslog Integration
Highly configurable via Log4cxx logging framework
Client and server connections
Rolling log files with configurable size limits

Advanced Features:
File Transfer Integrity Checking
SOAP control API
Active Directory Authentication with Security Groups
LDAP and LDAPS Authentication
Resumes failed file transfers
NT Service Support
IPv6 Support

Whats New:



Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise v11.3.3.0


Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise v11.3.3.0 | 56 MB | Language: English

Cerberus FTP ServerTM provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS encryption and powerful FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use. Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray.

The server is able to listen for connections on multiple interfaces (Multi-homed PCs), integrate with the Windows NT user database or Active Directory, run as an NT service, resume failed transfers, and offers an easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations. Connection limit, timeout, and IP access can be controlled by the administrator as well as a variety of other settings. In addition,Cerberus FTP Server offers statistics on connections as well as robust logging capabilities.

Features of Cerberus FTP Server:

Small installation size
Low CPU and memory utilization
Easy to use interface
Integrated Windows NT and Active directory Windows authentication
Web Services access and administration
Native NT Service Support
Taskbar icon control and status indicator
Hidden server mode (Hides server window)
Resume failed transfers!
Automatic interface discovery with the ability to configure each one independently
IP Manager to control connection attempts
Easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations
Control over most aspects of server configuration
Connections limit and timeout controls
Automatic connection and message logging
Transfer and connection statistics
Thread priority control
Adherence to RFC959 and RFC1123
RFC1579-Firewall - Friendly FTP
Free for personal use!!

Secure SSL/TLS Encryption
FIPS 140-2 Validated Cryptography
HIPAA Compliant
IP Manager to automatically block malicious connection attempts
Fine-Grained Directory Access Restrictions
Force Secure Client-Server Connections

UTF-8 - Display filenames in foreign languages with their native charset
User and Group support with per User Virtual Directories
Taskbar icon control and status indicator
Connections limit and timeout controls
Transfer and connection statistics
Hidden server mode (Hides server window)

Native 64-bit Version
Small installation size
Minimal System Requirements
Very low memory utilization

Syslog Integration
Highly configurable via Log4cxx logging framework
Client and server connections
Rolling log files with configurable size limits

Advanced Features:
File Transfer Integrity Checking
SOAP control API
Active Directory Authentication with Security Groups
LDAP and LDAPS Authentication
Resumes failed file transfers
NT Service Support
IPv6 Support

Whats New:

Größe: 56 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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