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Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio v16


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio (MacOSX)


Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio (MacOSX) | 860 MB

Blackmagic Design recently released Fusion Studio, an update to its VFX and motion graphics software. This update includes improved performance and addresses a few issues based on customer feedback.

This software update adds GPU accelerated support for gradient backgrounds, digital video effects (DVE), corner pinning, stereo 3D and more. It also adds support for write on/off, end-cap style and miter limits in the mask tools, new "show folder" and "show macro" options in the effects library, support for reversing temporal behavior in the keyframe stretcher too, fusion transition template support, RED SDK 7.2.1 support, improved OpenEXR on Linux and more.

Blackmagic Fusion - Release Notes:
- Support for write on/off, end-cap style and miter limit in mask tools.
- Support for a "show folder" option in the Fusion effects Library.
- Support for showing macros in the Fusion effects library.
- Support for inverting the temporal behavior of the keyframe stretcher tool.
- Support for resolve parameter modifier, for transition template animation.
- Support for using DaVinci Resolve dongles with Fusion Render Nodes.
- Support for RED SDK 7.2.1 and decoding clips from the Komodo camera.
- Improved OpenEXR support on Linux.
- Improved persistence of view settings.
- Improved kerning of some Adobe type 1 fonts in text+ and text 3D tools.
- Improved display of localized font names in text+ and text 3D tools.
- Improved performance with gradient background now in GPU.
- Improved performance with dve now in GPU.
- Improved performance with corner pin now in GPU.
- Improved performance with stereo combining in 3D renderer now in GPU.
- General performance and stability improvements.

Fusion 16 Studio is a major upgrade that brings all of the improvements made to Fusion inside of DaVinci Resolve to the stand alone version of Fusion. Customers get an updated and more modern user interface, along with dramatically faster performance. All 3D operations are GPU accelerated, making Fusion much more responsive and interactive. In addition, there are dozens of GPU accelerated tools such as time effects, dissolves, stereo 3D tools, vector motion blur, corner positioning, color tools and more. B-spline and bitmap mask operations are accelerated, as are the planar and camera trackers. Improved memory management makes large compositions with high tool counts more reliable, making Fusion 16 dramatically faster and more stable than ever before.

Fusion Studio 16.2 adds GPU-accelerated gradient backgrounds, DVE, corner pinning, and stereoscopic 3D combiner, new mask features, options for viewing macros and folders in the effects library, support for Fusion transition templates in DaVinci Resolve, and more.
Black Magic Design Fusion 16 Studio - Nodal Tracking and Lineup.

Blackmagic Design creates the world's highest quality video editing products, digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, post production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design's DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company's Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design has offices in the USA, UK, Japan, Singapore and Australia.

Product: Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio
Version: 16.2.0 Build 22
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: macOs *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Minimum system requirements for macOs
- macOS 10.14.6 Mojave
- 16 GB of system memory. 32 GB when using Fusion
- GPU with at least 2GB of VRAM which supports Metal, OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 10
- Latest graphics driver as recommended by your GPU manufacturer
- Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 or later
- RED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or later
- RED Rocket Driver and Firmware or later


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