• Regeln für den Software-Bereich:


    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Best Top Paid ODay - Android Apps, Games & Themes Packs

Android - only Paid - Week 45 2016 - APPS
Multilingual | APPS | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 1.18 GB


* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Android - only Paid - Week 45 2016 - GPS
Multilingual | GPS | Mobile | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 596 MB



GPS - BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS v6.3.3 [Paid].apk
GPS - BikeComputer Pro v7.0.1 [Paid].apk
GPS - BikeComputer Pro v7.0.1 [Patched].apk
GPS - Car Widget Pro v1.9.3.apk
GPS - Drivemode Driving interface v4.12.3 [Premium].apk
GPS - Fake GPS PRO (KFN Studio) v2.2.1.apk
GPS - FLY is FUN Aviation Navigation Unlimited v18.32 [Unlocked].apk
GPS - Gaia GPS Topo Maps and Trails v6.6.1.apk
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part1.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part2.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part3.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part4.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part5.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.part6.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked] BASE.rtf
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked].apk
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 [Unlocked].rtf
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 Maps Downloader.rar
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 Maps Downloader.rtf
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 Original.apk
GPS - GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v16.4.2 Original.rtf
GPS - Handy GPS v21.4.apk
GPS - Map My Ride+ GPS Cycling v16.10.2 [Paid].apk
GPS - Maps & Navigation - OsmAnd+ v2.5.1 [Paid].apk
GPS - myRouteMap v7.7.1 [Unlocked].apk
GPS - Smart Driver Premium v1.5.3.7264.apk
GPS - Speed camera radar (PRO) v2.0 [Paid].apk
GPS - TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic v1.13.1 Build 1763 [Patched].part1.rar
GPS - TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic v1.13.1 Build 1763 [Patched].part2.rar
GPS - TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic v1.13.1 Build 1763 [Patched].part3.rar
GPS - TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic v1.13.1 Build 1763 [Patched].part4.rar

* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 45 2016 - GAMES
Multilingual | GAMES | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk .OBB | 4.66 GB



* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 46 2016 - APPS
Multilingual | APPS | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 1.61 GB


* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 46 2016 - GPS
Multilingual | GPS | Mobile | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 375.64 MB



GPS - BikeComputer Pro 7.0.3 [Patched].apk
GPS - BikeComputer Pro v7.0.2 [Paid].apk
GPS - City Maps 2Go Pro Offline Maps v4.10 [Paid].apk
GPS - Drivemode Driving interface v4.13.0 [Premium].apk
GPS - Fake GPS PRO v2.3.apk
GPS - Fishing Points GPS & Forecast v2.4.4 [Premium].apk
GPS - FITAPP Running Walking Fitness v3.4.4 [Premium].apk
GPS - Intrace - Visual traceroute v1.8 [Premium].apk
GPS - ISS Detector Pro v2.02.31 Pro [Paid].apk
GPS - Maps & Navigation - OsmAnd+ v2.5.3 [Paid].apk
GPS - MarineTraffic ship positions v3.5.8 [Patched].apk
GPS - MarineTraffic ship positions v3.5.8.apk
GPS - myRouteMap v8.0 [Unlocked].apk
GPS - Radardroid Pro v3.42.apk
GPS - Speed camera radar (PRO) v2.0.1 [Paid].apk
GPS - Speedometer GPS Pro v3.6.66 build 3667 [Patched].apk
GPS - Tomtom Go Navigation and Traffic v1.13.2 Build 1771 [Patched].apk
Sygic PC maps DOWNLOADER - [HERE 2016.09 - North America].exe

Folder: com.tomtom.gplay.navapp
Folder: Sygic Professional Navigation v13.6.6 build 104

* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 46 2016 - GAMES (Light)
Multilingual | GAMES | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk .OBB | 1.12 GB



* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 46 2016 - ICONS THEMES WALLPAPERS
Multilingual | ICONS | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 2.59 GB


* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all aps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install.

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 46 2016 - GAMES (Full)
Multilingual | GAMES | Mobile Phone | Android | Full: +11GB .OBB Files included | RAR=>.apk .OBB | 12.31 GB



GAME - 1775 Rebellion v1.7.3.apk
GAME - Albert and Otto v1.0.5.apk
GAME - Albert and Otto v1.0.5-OBB.part1.rar => part4.rar
GAME - Bridge Constructor v5.3.apk
GAME - Choice of Robots v1.0.9.apk
GAME - Congresswolf v1.0.6 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - Creatures Such as We v1.1.1 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - DC Legends v1.8.3 [MOD].apk
GAME - Eisenhorn XENOS v1.0.apk
GAME - Eisenhorn XENOS v1.0-OBB.part01.rar => part87.rar
GAME - FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator v2.71.apk
GAME - Heroes Rise The Hero Project v1.1.3.apk
GAME - Heroes Rise The Prodigy v1.3.0 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - Jade Empire Special Edition v1.0.0 FULL.apk
GAME - Jade Empire Special Edition v1.0.0 FULL-OBB.part001.rar => part119.rar
GAME - Maestro 4 v1.0.0.apk
GAME - Maestro 4 v1.0.0-OBB.part01.rar => part26.rar
GAME - Mental Hospital V v1.03.apk
GAME - Mental Hospital V v1.03-OBB.part1.rar => part8.rar
GAME - Minecraft - Pocket Edition v0.17.0.1.apk
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Adreno.apk
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Adreno-OBB.part01.rar => part20.rar
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Mali.apk
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Mali-OBB.part01.rar => part21.rar
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] PowerVR.apk
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] PowerVR-OBB.part01.rar => art20.rar
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Tegra.apk
GAME - Need for Speed No Limits v1.6.6 [MOD] Tegra-OBB.part01.rar => part20.rar
GAME - Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator v1.05.apk
GAME - PartyHardGO v0.10010.apk
GAME - PartyHardGO v0.10010-OBB.part1.rar => part3.rar
GAME - Pocket Mine 2 v3.2.3.48.apk
GAME - Raiden Legacy v2.3.apk
GAME - Raiden Legacy v2.3-OBB.rar
GAME - Reigns v1.0 build 16.apk
GAME - Replica v1.0.apk
GAME - RPG Astral Frontier Premium v1.1.0g.apk
GAME - RunGunJumpGun v1.0.apk
GAME - SKYHILL v1.0.45.apk
GAME - Templar Battleforce RPG v2.5.3.apk
GAME - That Dragon, Cancer v1.0.4.apk
GAME - That Dragon, Cancer v1.0.4-OBB.part01.rar => part27.rar
GAME - THE GAME OF LIFE 2016 Edition v1.4.12.apk
GAME - THE GAME OF LIFE 2016 Edition v1.4.12-OBB.part1.rar => part4.rar
GAME - The Quest v1.8.18 b3943.apk
GAME - The Quest v1.8.18 b3943-OBB.part1.rar => part6.rar

* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 47 2016 - APPS
Multilingual | APPS | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk .OBB | 2.83 GB


* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 47 2016 - GAMES (Light)
Multilingual | GAMES | Mobile Phone | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 1.99 GB


GAME - Afterpulse v1.5.6.apk
GAME - Albert and Otto v1.0.5 b13.apk
GAME - Block Story Premium v11.1.0.apk
GAME - Championship Manager 17 v1.3.0.805 (Mod Money).apk
GAME - Choice of Broadsides v1.2.4 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - Choice of Zombies v1.2.1.apk
GAME - Cracked Mind v3.2.apk
GAME - Eventide 2 (Full) v1.0.apk
GAME - F18 Carrier Landing v7.2.apk
GAME - Final Cut Fade to Black v1.0 (Full).apk
GAME - Follow Chess v2.6.4 [Pro].apk
GAME - Football Manager Mobile 2017 v8.0_(ARM) [Patched].apk
GAME - For Rent Haunted House v1.1.3.apk
GAME - Frecce Tricolori Flight Sim v1.0.apk
GAME - Hero Generations v2.07.apk
GAME - Heroes of Loot 2 v1.1.4 b27.apk
GAME - Infamous Machine v1.0.7.apk
GAME - It's Killing Time v1.0.11.apk
GAME - Kathy Rain v1.0.7.apk
GAME - Lost Lands 3 v1.0.11.apk
GAME - MaterialChess v0.7.0.apk
GAME - Minecraft - Pocket Edition v0.17.0.2.apk
GAME - Neo Monsters v1.4.4 + Mods.apk
GAME - Overtake Traffic Racing v1.03 [Mod Money].apk
GAME - Phantom of the Kill V1.3.4-1124-1 (root).apk
GAME - Pyramid Solitaire Saga_v1.48.0_Mod.apk
GAME - Rayman Classic v1.0.1.apk
GAME - Real Racing 3 v4.7.3 [Mega Mod].apk
GAME - Replica v1.1.apk
GAME - RunGunJumpGun v1.0.1.apk
GAME - Rusty Lake Roots v1.2.apk
GAME - Sky Force Reloaded v1.51.apk
GAME - Sonic Jump Fever v1.6.0 [Mod].apk
GAME - Sorcery Is for Saps v1.0.6 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - Space Grunts v1.4.2 b23.apk
GAME - Space Marshals 2 v1.1.8 [Unlocked].apk
GAME - Templar Battleforce 2.5.7.apk
GAME - Temple Run Oz v1.7.0.apk
GAME - That Dragon, Cancer v1.0.5.apk
GAME - THE GAME OF LIFE 2016 Edition v1.5.0.apk
GAME - The Walking Dead No Man's Land v1.8.0.19 (High Damage).apk
GAME - The Walking Dead No Man's Land v2.2.2.5 (Mega Mod).apk
GAME - Top Boat Racing Simulator 3D v1.00 [Mod].apk
GAME - Top Boat Racing Simulator 3D_v1.01.apk
GAME - Tour de France 2016 - The Game v1.7.9.apk
GAME - Tour de France 2016 - The Game v1.8.2.apk
GAME - Townsmen Premium v1.9 (Mod).apk
GAME - Trial Xtreme 4 v1.9.0 b61 (Mod).apk
GAME - Zombie City Defense 2 v1.2.3.apk

Folder: com.wonil.overtake

* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 47 2016 - GPS
Multilingual | GPS | Mobile | Android | Full | RAR=>.apk | 278.21 MB



BikeComputer Pro v7.0.4 build 238 Patched.apk
BikeComputer Pro v7.0.4 LP and GP.apk
Drivemode Driving interface v5.0.1 [Premium].apk
Endomondo - Running & Walking v16.11.0 [Premium].apk
FITAPP Running Walking Fitness v3.4.5 [Premium].apk
Maps & Navigation - OsmAnd+ v2.5.4 [Paid].apk
RunKeeper - GPS Track Run Walk v7.3 [Elite].apk
Soviet Military Maps Pro v4.4.3 Patched.apk
Soviet Military Maps Pro v4.4.3 Retail.apk
Speedometer GPS Pro v3.6.70 [Patched].apk
Sygic Car Navigation v15.4.0 Maps.exe
Sygic Car Navigation v15.4.0.rar
Sygic Professional Navigation v13.6.6 build 104 Maps.exe
Sygic Professional Navigation v13.6.6 build 104.rar

Folder: com.tomtom.gplay.navapp
Folder: Sygic Professional Navigation v13.6.6 build 104

* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

PLEASE keep in mind that not all apps/games work on all devices due to the software the device providers install

How to install APK and data on Android:
Android - only Paid - Week 47 2016 - GAMES (Full)
Multilingual | GAMES | Mobile Phone | Android | Full: +6GB .OBB Files included | RAR=>.apk .OBB | 7.91 GB



* Use WinRAR 5+ to extract Files
* Copy and paste to extSD and Install
* Some Apps/Games need "Root"

How to install APK and data on Android:
Oben Unten