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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Awesome Miner v4



Awesome Miner 4.2.6 Ultimate Plus - Inkl. Keygen

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Keygen verwenden --> Fertig!


Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 10 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Englisch





Awesome Miner 4.2.6 Ultimate Plus


Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 10,6 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Awesome Miner 4.2.7 Ultimate Plus


Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 7 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Awesome Miner v4.2.8 Ultimate Plus

Englisch / inkl. Keygen



Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

Größe: 7 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator, FileFactory



Awesome Miner 4.2.8 Ultimate Plus


Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 7 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Awesome Miner Ultimate Plus v4.5

Englisch / inkl. Crack



Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

Größe: 10 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, FileFactory



Awesome Miner Ultimate Plus v4.5

Englisch / inkl. Crack



Manage and monitor mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more Centralized management for up to 5000 miners

Profitability Switching
Awesome Miner Next generation profitability switching uses both real-time multi-pool statistics and coin statistics to automatically switch between multiple pools, algorithms and mining software to always ensure highest possible profitability. The profitability switching can be used for both GPU and ASIC miners.

Notifications and Recovery
Awesome Miner can show Desktop Notifications on the Windows desktop and send e-mail messages to alert about mining issues. With a Cloud Services subscription, the notifications can also be delivered via SMS or via the Telegram app.

Multiple Mining Engines
Awesome Miner has support for multiple mining engines. A total of 11 mining engines are supported, including Cgminer, Bfgminer, Sgminer, Ccminer and several Claymore miners. Awesome Miner supports all popular mining algorithms. A total of 26 algorithms are supported including SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum and Zcash.

Pool Management
Add, switch and manage mining pools easily. Track the status of each pool and define coin to see profitability. The Switch pool operation can be performed for multiple miners in a single operation, making pool switches for large number of miners efficient.

GPU and Devices
Monitor the status and temperature of GPU, FPGA, ASIC devices. System information available for CPU, GPU, memory and storage. Large scale GPU overclocking and configuration settings for remote systems without dependency on mining software having to run.

Web and Mobile
Awesome Miner is a Windows application, but also offers a built-in web frontend that can be accessed from any computer, tablet or smart phone. The web interface gives an overview of all miners, detailed information about selected miners and provides operations for starting and stopping the miners.

Größe: 10 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, FileFactory



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