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Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2020.1.1 x64 Build 850


Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2020.1.1 x64 Build 850 | 1.89 GB | Language: English

Altair announced the acquisition of S&WISE Co., Ltd., a Seoul-based leading provider of polyurethane foaming simulation. Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2020.1.1 - the release is a cumulative stream of all hotfixes that are submitted after the base release.

Altair a global technology company providing solutions in product development, high-performance computing (HPC), and data analytics, announced the acquisition of S&WISE Co., Ltd., a Seoul-based leading provider of polyurethane foaming simulation.

The acquisition will allow Altair to offer customers the most advanced solution for polyurethane foam processing on the market. S&WISE accurately simulates the injection, foaming, and gelling processes, accounting for the important effects of chemical reactions during the process. An enhanced version of S&WISE's solver released within Altair Inspire PolyFoam, providing the ease-of-use and productivity of other Inspire solutions.

Inspire PolyFoam is the newest simulation analysis tool of Altair. It is an integral part of Inspire for manufacturing platform. With Inspire Polyfoam, learn and perform a mold filling simulation and evaluate design concepts.

Inspire PolyFoam software predicts polyurethane reaction phenomena during the foaming process such as injection, foaming, curing and post-foaming considering chemical reactions and physical reactions. Inspire PolyFoam can predict the foaming pattern, heat and mass transfer including density distribution and temperature distribution according to the foaming component that affects the quality of the product.

Altair transforms design and decision making by applying simulation, machine learning and optimization throughout product lifecycles. Our broad portfolio of simulation technology and patented units-based software licensing model enable Simulation-Driven Innovation for our customers. With more than 2,000 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and operates 71 offices throughout 24 countries. Altair serves more than 5,000 customers across broad industry segments.

Product: Altair Inspire PolyFoam
Version: 2020.1.1 Build 850
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.89 Gb

Platform support and system requirements
The recommended computer configuration is an Intel I7 or I9 or Xeon based computer; 4-cores (8-threads); 16 GB of memory; OpenGL compatible graphics card with OpenGL 3.1 or later; running Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only).



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