• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

    - Angebote oder Beiträge, die gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen, sind über den "Melden"-Button im Beitrag zu melden.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials

Java - ambitny start. Zbuduj aplikację webową!


Java - ambitny start. Zbuduj aplikację webową!
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: Polish | Size: 6.03 GB | Duration: 8.5 hours

What you'll learn
Poznasz narzędzia używane na co dzień z Javą: Maven, Jetty
Zrozumiesz na czym polega HTTP, REST, CRUD
Wykorzystasz bazy danych SQL oraz narzędzie ORM - Hibernate
Zrozumiesz o co chodzi w architekturze warstwowej
Napiszesz testy jednostkowe korzystając z JUnit
Poznasz podstawy front-endu
Poznasz podstawy frameworka Spring

Programowanie obiektowe
Składnia języka Java
Kolejny kurs uczący słów kluczowych w Javie oraz podstaw programowania obiektowego? W żadnym wypadku! Zakładam, że znasz składnię Javy, dlatego od razu pokazuję Ci, jak zbudować prawdziwą aplikację zarządzającą listą zadań do zrobienia.

W kursie przekazuję wiedzę, której brakowało mi na początku mojej kariery programistycznej - jak konfigurować aplikację, jak dociągać zewnętrzne biblioteki, jak to wszystko uruchamiać. Pokazuję narzędzia Maven oraz Maven Central Repository, Jetty, HttpServlet, Spring oraz Hibernate.

Pamiętam, jak ciężko było mi się połapać w prawdziwym, dużym projekcie. Z tego powodu opowiadam sporo o architekturze wielowarstowej, architekturze REST oraz o systemach CRUD. Przemycam dobre praktyki i skróty, które powinny być znane każdemu programiście, np. SOLID.

Dobrze wiem, że sama Java nie zawsze wystarczy, dlatego w kursie dotykam też tematów SQL oraz front-endu.

Who this course is for:
Javowcy, znający podstawy języka
Chętni do stworzenia swojej pierwszej aplikacji
Javowcy, szukający zrozumienia "po co to wszystko"



Unreal Engine desde 0: Crea 3 Juegos con Blueprints y C++


Unreal Engine desde 0: Crea 3 Juegos con Blueprints y C++
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: Spanish | VTT | Size: 11.5 GB | Duration: 30 hours

What you'll learn
Crear tres géneros distintos de videojuego (Top Down Shooter, Laberintos, FPS)
Técnicas iniciales para la programación de videojuegos
Crear niveles agregando y ubicando objetos en el mismo
Crear objetos propios para realizar el juego deseado
Uso de dos lenguajes de programación (Blueprints y C++)
Agregar arte gráfico y sonoro al juego

No requiere experiencia previa en programación ni desarrollo de videojuegos
Manipulación de archivos y carpetas
Uso de archivos comprimidos (zip, rar, etc.)
Búsqueda en Internet (google, yahoo, etc.)
Procesador de 64 bits, Placa de video con soporte para Directx 11
Sin experiencia previa requerida, y con la ayuda de explicaciones paso a paso para principiantes, aprenderás a usar las técnicas esenciales de programación en Unreal Engine 4, uno de los motores de desarrollo de videojuegos más conocidos y con más trayectoria en el mercado. Utilizado por grandes títulos comerciales (Batman Arkham Asylum, Rocket League, Final Fantasy, y la lista continúa), Unreal es una herramienta muy completa para todo tipo de proyectos, tanto videojuegos como aplicaciones interactivas 3D, visualización arquitectónica o simuladores para entrenamiento. En el curso nos concentramos en cómo programar juegos con Blueprints y C++, y utilizar arte descargado de internet, o sea, modelos 3d, UI y audio (no haremos gráficos ni sonido propio).

El curso está dividido en 3 partes:

Introducción a Unreal: En esta primera parte haremos un juego de disparos con vista superior. Para ello aprenderemos los conceptos básicos de Unreal y programación a través del uso del lenguaje visual Blueprints, el cual nos permite adentrarnos fácilmente a pesar de no saber programar. También integraremos gráficos 3d y audio a nuestro juego.

Introducción a C++: Aquí crearemos un juego de laberintos en C++, un potente lenguaje de programación que nos permitirá hacer cosas más avanzadas en la siguiente parte. Aplicaremos lo visto anteriormente en dicho lenguaje y también veremos cómo crear interfaces gráficas para mostrar información del juego

Juegos FPS: En este módulo veremos cómo crear un juego de disparos en primera persona o FPS. Haremos los distintos sistemas de juego (disparos, vida, etc), una IA básica para los enemigos y profundizaremos sobre diferentes apartados gráficos, como partículas, iluminación y la creación de un ejecutable.

Cualquier duda sobre el curso no duden en mandarme un mensaje privado antes de comprarlo.

Saludos y disfruten del curso!

Who this course is for:
Jugadores interesados en crear su primer juego
Artistas interesados en comenzar a darle vida a sus obras
Agencias interesadas en publicitar productos de formas novedosas
Profesionales interesados en aplicaciones interactivas no lúdicas (medicina, educación, capacitación, etc.)
Programadores interesados en las técnicas básicas del desarrollo de juegos



Kurs Tworzenia Stron WWW w HTML i CSS od Podstaw do Eksperta


Kurs Tworzenia Stron WWW w HTML i CSS od Podstaw do Eksperta
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: Polish | Size: 7.26 GB | Duration: 46.5 hours

What you'll learn
tworzyć od zera stronę WWW w HTML z rozwijanym menu w CSS
pobierać/zmieniać/dodawać zawartość na stronie bez przeładowywania
czym są, jakie są oraz jak korzystać z tagów HTML/selektorów CSS
tworzyć animacje/przejścia
nowości związane z HTML 5: tagi semantyczne, eventy, atrybuty
Responsive Web Design (idealnie wyglądająca strona niezależnie od urządzenia)
różnice między HTML, XHTML, HTML 5, CSS i CSS 3
czym jest jQuery, jQuery UI, jak z nich korzystać i jak tworzyć własne pluginy
pełnego wsparcia CSS 3
video i audio tagów, geolokalizacji
grafikę 2D / 3D (element canvas)
local storage
tworzyć aplikację, która przeniesione pliki z pulpitu ładuje od razu bezpośrednio na serwer z paskiem postępu
wielowątkowych aplikacji w JavaScript
nowych selektorów CSS 3, Web fonts - własne czcionki, rozwijane menu
stworzyć sklep z koszykiem do którego można przeciągać przedmioty. Koszyk automatycznie podlicza kwotę dodanych elementów.
zaokrąglać krawędzie, transformacji 2D/3D
tworzyć gradienty / cienie / przeźroczyste elementy
flex / table layout
AJAX, czyli technologię która umożliwi Ci wczytywanie / sprawdzanie danych na Twojej witrynie przez użytkownika bez przeładowywania lub też przechodzenia na inną stronę
czym jest XML i jego praktyczne zastosowanie w AJAX
tworzyć aplikację: suggestBox - pudełko z podpowiedziami, po wpisaniu pewnej literki, pudełko będzie podpowiadało użytkownikowi co miał na myśli (coś na wzór Google suggest box)
tworzyć aplikację: dynamiczna filtracja danych - po wpisaniu do formularza danych, dane tabelaryczne na stronie będą natychmiast aktualizowane bez przeładowywania strony, dodatkowo będzie zmieniał się URL, przez co użytkownicy będą mogli dzielić się dynamicznie wygenerowaną treścią oraz zaczną działać button'y historii BACK i FORWARD
tworzyć aplikację: rozwijane boxy - po kliknięciu na nagłówek rozwinie się pudełko, którego zawartość będzie pobrana dynamicznie z bazy danych
tworzyć aplikację: podpowiedzi, które po najechaniu myszką na element, pojawią się koło elementu i dadzą użytkownikowi więcej informacji o takim elemencie
tworzyć aplikację: automatyczne odświeżanie zawartości strony - dowiesz się jak sprawić, aby pewna część często zmieniającej się strony, mogła być aktualizowana natychmiast po zmianie bez żadnej ingerencji użytkownika i przeładowywania strony
SASS - rozszerzenie możliwości CSS, zredukujesz czas potrzebny na pisanie i edytowanie CSS
Compass - bibliotekę SASS
Grunt.js - biblioteka wykonująca za Ciebie monotonne zadania jak np. automatyczna kompresja obrazków/CSS/JS czy też dodawanie dodawanie vendor prexifów
Application Cache - aplikacje offline

Wszystko wyjaśnione jest w kursie. Nie musisz posiadać żadnych wiadomości. Wystarczą dobre chęci :)
Naucz się wszystkiego od zera. Obal mit, że tworzenie stron internetowych jest trudne. Twórz własne strony WWW od A do Z.

Po moim kursie możesz zostać pożądanym na rynku pracy front-end developerem tzn. osobą, która zajmuje się tym co widać na stronie.

Będziesz znał i rozumiał HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, XML, jQuery oraz AJAX.

Co więcej nauczysz się Responsive Web Design czyli techniki, która sprawi, że Twoja strona będzie wyglądać idealnie na smartfonach jak i na komputerach stacjonarnych.

To jeszcze nie koniec! Przekażę Ci w kursie cenną wiedzę na temat SASS, Compass oraz Grunt.js. Są to biblioteki używane przez profesjonalistów. Oszczędzą Ci one ogromną ilość czasu podczas tworzenia stron!

Po kursie nauczysz się szybko i bezproblemowo tworzyć ładnie wyglądająca stronę, zgodnie z najnowszymi normami.

W każdej lekcji podaję jak najwięcej szczegółów, aby każdy mógł zrozumieć techniki tworzenia stron. Staram się nie tylko uczyć, ale również podczas wyjaśniania radzić jak przyjacielowi co jest "lepsze", a co "gorsze" :)


Ponad 157,000 studentów na Udemy uczy się z moich kursów. Dołącz do grupy zadowolonych Użytkowników. Jeśli mój kurs Ci się nie spodoba to pamiętaj, że masz aż 30 dni na to by uzyskać pełną refundację. Gwarantuję Ci 100% satysfakcji.


Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania związane z poruszonymi tematami to pisz śmiało, zawsze chętnie pomogę :)

Proszę zanim zakupisz kurs oglądnij darmowe lekcje! Nie kupuj kota w worku! Sprawdź jakość kursów przed zakupem!

Naucz się szybko i bezproblemowo tworzyć strony WWW :) Zostań web developerem już dziś!

Who this course is for:
Ten kurs tworzenia stron WWW jest przeznaczony dla każdego. Nie musisz wiedzieć nic na temat tworzenia stron internetowych, aby się za niego zabrać.



Komple Uygulamalı Web Hacking


Komple Uygulamalı Web Hacking
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: Turkish | Size: 6.42 GB | Duration: 6.5 hours

What you'll learn
Bu eğitim sonunda hem web hacking işlemlerini öğrenecek hemde temel güvenlik işlemleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olacaklar.
Güncel zafiyetleri kendi lab ortamınızda test edebileceksiniz.

Temel web hacking terminolojisine sahip olmak
Uygulamalı Web Hacking Yöntemleri, gerçek bir lab ortamında yapılan web hacking-penetrasyon işlemlerini orta düzeyde gösteren anlaşılır ve uygulanabilir bir eğitimdir. Eğitimde amaç;piyasadaki mevcut hacking işlemlerini yasal çerçevenin dışına çıkmadan ve profesyonel bir şekilde gerçek örneklerle öğretmeyi amaçlar.

Bu eğitimde tüm araçlar ücretsiz ve erişilebilir yapıdadır. Eğitimde web hacking alanında metodoloji takip edilerek yapılacaktır.Bu metodoloji;

Bilgi Toplama

Zafiyet Tespit Etme


Yetki Yükseltme safhalarından oluşmaktadır.

Her bir aşamada o alana ait araçlar ile işlemler yapılarak olayın mantığı öğretilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Sizde web hacking ve penetrasyon işlemlerinde yetkinlik kazanmak ve uygulanabilir teknikler öğrenmek isterseniz mutlaka bu eğitimi satın alın. Eğitimde kupon kodu için lütfen benimle iletişime geçin.

Who this course is for:
Etik Hacking işlemlerine meraklılar
Penetrasyon Testleri yapanlar
Web Güvenliğini önemseyenler



Curso Completo de PHP 7


Curso Completo de PHP 7
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: Portuguese | VTT | Size: 12.6 GB | Duration: 33.5 hours

What you'll learn
Com este curso completo que aborda conceitos, e exemplos práticos você aprenderá com dois especialistas como desenvolver projetos reais.
Ao final do Curso, os alunos que assistirem todas as aulas, realizarem os testes, exercícios e acompanharem os projetos desenvolvido com os instrutores, estarão aptos a desenvolverem sites e sistemas utilizando uma linguagem robusta e completa que é o PHP 7, além de aprenderem boas práticas e analisarem mudanças ocorridas na linguagem.

É importante que os alunos tenham conhecimentos básicos de HTML e CSS, usaremos o HTML5 e o CSS3, mas não explicaremos a fundo essas tecnologias.
É desejável que os alunos conheçam Lógica de Programação, caso não o saibam poderão adquirir o curso, mas será melhor aproveitado com este conhecimento prévio.
Procurando se especializar como Programador WEB? Ou talvez buscando uma carreira que ofereça mais tempo livre e flexibilidade? Sempre teve curiosidade em aprender de uma forma prática, como programar no lado Back-End?

Qualquer que seja sua motivação você veio ao lugar certo.

Este Curso de PHP 7 Completo vai proporcionar em um só lugar tudo o que precisa saber para criar seu próprio website. A equipe de instrutores da Hcode estará disponível para responder suas dúvida.

Neste curso cobriremos os seguintes tópicos:

1) Aprenda em um curso completo a linguagem PHP, e sua nova versão 7, aprenda o que mudou em relação ao PHP 5.6 além de boas práticas e os comandos mais importantes. Mesmo que você não tenha conhecimento algum e nunca tenha programado, conseguirá acompanhar com inúmeros exemplos e dicas dos Instrutores que atuam a mais de 10 anos com PHP. 2) Aprenda a criar um sistema administrativo de uma loja virtual gerando boleto bancário. 3) Trabalhe com Banco de Dados, Segurança. 4) Aprenda a criar um recursos incríveis, utilizando PHP e MySQL.

Ao final deste curso PHP 7 você estará apto a criar sites modernos e completos, poderá se diferenciar no mercado de trabalho e até mesmo começar uma nova carreira de desenvolvedor web.

Acesso vitalício! Te aguardo no curso!

Who this course is for:
Este curso de PHP destina-se aos que desejam se tornar programadores ou desenvolvedores web profissionais utilizando a linguagem PHP.
Estudantes de Cursos voltados a Tecnologia da Informação ou Interessados em ingressar na área de Tecnologia da Informação, e mais especificamente no mercado de Desenvolvimento Web.
Front-End Developer que desejam conhecer o mundo Back-End, além de se aprofundarem em Programação PHP. Absorvendo conhecimento sobre uma das linguagens de programação mais populares do mundo.



iPad Lettering Masterclass


iPad Lettering Masterclass
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: German | Size: 5.05 GB | Duration: 4 hours

What you'll learn
Die Procreate App in ihrem Umfang benutzen
Brushes und Lettering Guides importieren
Farbe, Licht und Schatten in Letterings einbinden
Doodles und Skizzen anfertigen
Muster und Watercolor Effekte erstellen
Eigene Procreate Brushes und Stempel erstellen

Apple iPad Pro oder iPad 2018
Apple Pencil
Procreate App
Ein Schritt-für-Schritt iPad Lettering Kurs für Beginner, der deinen Lettering-Fähigkeiten einen ganz neuen Kick gibt.

Du findest wundervoll geschriebene Zitate, Wörter und Illustrationen auf Instagram, Pinterest oder Facebook und hast dich schon immer gefragt, wie das gemacht wurde? Mit diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie!

In insgesamt 3,5h Videoanleitungen und 28 Lektionen helfe ich dir, tief in das Digitale Lettering auf dem iPad Pro einzutauchen. Wir kombinieren das analoge Zeichnen mit der digitalen Welt auf ganz wundervolle und auch zeitsparende Weise. Nutze die Vorteile von Ebenen, Masken und Co. Für den Start habe ich dir sogar einen eigenen Lettering-Brush entworfen.

Das wirst du im Kurs lernen:

Die Basics von Procreate

Alle Arten von Handlettering auf dem iPad

Brushes, Vorlagen und Kunstwerke importieren und exportieren

Letterings und Elemente umfärben und Farbverläufe kreieren

Lettering Effekte setzen durch Licht, Schatten, Radiergummi, Deckkraft und Texturen

Coole Foto-Lettering-Effekte umsetzen

Doodles und Bleistift-Zeichnungen

Muster einfach erstellen

Eigene Brushes und Stempel erstellen

Watercolor Effekte digital anfertigen

Komplette Projekte kreieren von der Skizze bis zum finalen Export

Formen und Layout verwenden

Dieser Kurs ist für absolute Beginner im digitalen Lettering, aber auch für Fortgeschrittene. Besonders der Einstieg ist sehr umfangreich und leicht verständlich erklärt, damit du deine Kreativität und deinen Stil individuell entfalten kannst. Die Fortgeschritteneren haben alle Infos an einem Ort können sich mit den weiterführenden Einstellungen und Projekten so richtig austoben.

Für diesen Kurs brauchst du unbedingt:

Apple iPad Pro oder iPad 2018

Apple Pencil

Procreate App

Wusstest du, dass du eine Menge Papier sparen kannst, wenn du deine Lettering-Fähigkeiten am iPad übst?
Das ist nur einer der vielen Vorteile des digitalen Letterings. Für viele Illustratoren, kreative Blogger und Influencer ist das Gestalten mit Procreate schon gar nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ich selbst liebe es, auf meinem Tablet künstlerisch tätig zu sein, egal wo ich bin: im Flieger, in der Bahn, auf der Couch, am Schreibtisch, im Auto oder sogar am Strand.

Warum auf dem iPad lettern und illustrieren?

Auf Procreate wird im Hintergrund alles automatisch gespeichert. Keine Angst vor Abstürzen mehr.

Deine Illustrationen können als Zeitraffer-Aufnahmen gespeichert und exportiert werden.

250 Schritte von "Rückgängig machen" und "Wiederherstellen"

Viele kostenlose Brushes verfügbar - sowohl vorinstalliert als auch herunterladbar

Simple Oberfläche für ablenkungsfreies lettern

Bequemes Handling mit dem Apple Pencil

Tolle Interaktion zwischen Procreate und Appel Pencil

Sofort digitale Werke erhalten und online posten

Der drucksensible Apple Pencil hat ein extrem stiftähnliches Gefühl

Zeitersparnis, weil Illustration Digitalisierung in einem Schritt zusammengefasst werden.

Ideen scribbeln, lettern und Watercolor Texturen malen, überall wo du bist

Bonus zum Kurs sind herunterladbare Brushes (Lettering und Watercolor Brushes), Lettering Guides und eine umfangreiche PDF mit vielen Infos, Shortcut Guide, Übersicht der Brush Einstellungen und weiterführenden Links für deine Letterings.

Ich glaube, dass das iPad Lettering die Zukunft digitaler Illustration ist. Genau deswegen ist genau JETZT der richtige Zeitpunkt deine Fortschritte zu perfektionieren und die Vorteile großartiger Technologie zu nutzen.

*Aufgrund von Procreate Updates, kann die App Oberfläche sich leicht verändern oder auf deinem iPad Pro anders aussehen. Solltest du Fragen haben, schick mir gern eine Nachricht an [email protected]

Happy Lettering!


Who this course is for:
Einsteiger im Digitalen Lettering
Handletterer, die ihre Fähigkeiten erweitern wollen
Illustratoren, die gern Zeit einsparen wollen
Digitale Hobby-Kreative
Fortgeschrittene digitale Letterer, die noch hilfreiche Übersichten , Tipps und Tricks suchen



Universidad Java: De Cero a Master +82 hrs (Java 13 update)!


Universidad Java: De Cero a Master +82 hrs (Java 13 update)!
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: Spanish | VTT | Size: 32.1 GB | Duration: 82.5 hours

What you'll learn
Crear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales Java con competencias reales para conseguir oportunidades en el mercado laboral y profesional como programador Java
Dominar los fundamentos de Java, conexión a base de datos, hasta la creación de aplicaciones Web con Servlets, JPS's, HTML, CSS y JavaScript, incluyendo HTML5 y CSS3. A este nivel se considera en el mercado laboral como programador Java Junior (Java Jr)
Dominar las tecnologías Java Empresariales (Java EE o antes Java2EE) como EJB's, JPA, Web Services, JSF, PrimeFaces, entre varias más. El mercado laboral se conocen como programadores Java Senior (Java Sr) y es de los rangos más altos en programadores Java.
Al finalizar dominarán todos los temas anteriores, ya que cada nivel se apoya del anterior para obtener los niveles que el mercado laboral Java necesita.
Sienta las bases para comenzar tu preparación de certificación como programador Java

El curso inicia desde cero, y llega hasta niveles intermedios y avanzados del lenguaje Java. Todo en un mismo curso.
No se requiere ningún conocimiento previo, solo manejo básico de PC
!Somos Best Seller!. Actualizado a Java 13 y Java EE 8, + 82 horas de video y subiendo, +37,000 estudiantes, + 11,500 reseñas de alumnos muy satisfechos, y el mejor Soporte de ALTA PRIORIDAD de cualquier duda de tu curso, únicamente para alumnos inscritos al curso. NUNCA ESTARÁS SOLO. "La Universidad Java es el mejor curso para aprender a programar en Java y en Español".

Nuevo: Hemos actualizando el curso de Universidad Java a la última versión de Java, que es Java 13 y Java EE 8. Además hemos mejorando el curso con cada una de las recomendaciones que nos han hecho nuestros alumnos. De esta manera cumplimos con el compromiso de mantener actualizado el curso a la última versión disponible de Java y ser el mejor curso para aprender Java en Udemy.

Este curso es una especialización en la tecnología Java. Comenzaremos desde los Fundamentos de Java, y te llevaremos paso a paso hasta convertirte en un experto Java en tiempo record y así puedas crear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales, incluyendo temas y tecnologías como Fundamentos de Java, Programación Orientada a Objetos, Patrones de Diseño y Mejores prácticas Java, JDBC, HTML,CSS y JavaScript, HTML5 y CSS3, Servlets y JSP's, Java Empresarial (Java EE), incluyendo EJB's, JPA, Web Services, Seguridad, todo esto utilizando Maven, Log4j2, patrones de diseño, mejores prácticas, arquitecturas empresariales multicapa y mucho mucho más.

Con todo lo anterior, tendrás las bases para preparar varias certificaciones como programador Java, además de adquirir el conocimiento para poder aplicar a varias vacantes laborales para comenzar a trabajar como programador Java en tiempo record.

La Universidad Java lleva años en el mercado capacitando profesionales Java listos para incorporarse al mercado laboral Java. Y ahora la Universidad Java está en UDEMY para brindar todo el arsenal de herramientas y tecnologías Java que necesitas para el mundo real y profesional en Java.

El mejor curso Online para aprender Java. El contenido está dividido en niveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java de manera incremental y así te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. Así asegurar el éxito de tu capacitación Java.

La Universidad Java incluye los siguientes temas de estudio en la tecnología Java y tecnologías relacionadas:

Nivel 1. Fundamentos de Java

Lección 1 - Comenzando con la Tecnología Java

El asombroso mundo de la programación en Java

Qué es la tecnología Java (desde un enfoque práctico)

Nuestro primer programa en Java desde cero

Lección 2 - Variables y Operadores en Java

Uso de Variables en Java y para qué las utilizamos

Tipos de Datos en Java y cómo se clasifican

Manejo y Clasificación de operadores en Java

Lección 3 - Sentencias de Control en Java

Uso de la estructura if-else y dónde utilizarla

Manejo de la esctrutura switch y cuando aplicarla

Lección 4 - Manejo de Ciclos en Java

Uso del ciclo for y su uso

Uso del ciclo while y cómo aplicarlo

Uso del ciclo do-while y cuando utilizarlo

Lección 5 - Programación Orientada a Objetos

Introducción a la Programación Orientada a Objetos (POO)

Manejo de Clases en Java

Uso de Objetos en Java

Lección 6 - Funciones en Java

Declaración de Métodos o Funciones en Java

Uso y llamado de Funciones en Java

Lección 7 - Manejo de Datos en Java

Uso de Arreglos en Java

Manejo de Matrices en Java

Lección 8 - Herencia en Java

Manejo de Herencia en Java

Uso de superclases y subclases en Java

Laboratorio Final del Nivel

Ejercicio Final donde se integra todo lo aprendido en este Nivel

Nivel 2. Programación con Java

Lección 1 - Polimorfismo en Java

Qué es el polimorfismo y su aplicación

Sobreescritura en Java y su uso

Lección 2 - Manejo Avanzado de Objetos en Java

Conversión de Objetos (cast)

Identificando el tipo de objeto con el operador instanceof

La importancia y uso del operador this

Lección 3 - Manejo de Bloques de Código en Java

Alcance de Variables (Scope)

Uso de bloques estáticos y no estáticos

Lección 4 - Uso de Clases Abstractas e Interfaces en Java

Diferencias entre Clases Abstractas e Interfaces

Declaración y uso de Clases Abstractas

Manejo de Interfaces en Java y cuándo utilizarlas

Lección 5 - Manejo de Excepciones en Java

Procesando las excepciones en Java

Uso de try-catch y propagación de Excepciones

Módulo 6 - Manejo de Colecciones en Java

Uso de las colecciones en Java

Manejo de List, Set y Map y la aplicación de cada estructura

Módulo 7 - Manejo de Archivos en Java

Manejo y uso de archivos en Java

Manejo de Streams en Java y sus usos

Laboratorio Final del Nivel

Ejercicio Final donde se aplica todo lo aprendido en este nivel

Nivel 3. Conexión a Bases de Datos con JDBC

Lección 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

La necesidad de una base de datos

Instalando MySql y Oracle

Descarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la base

Lección 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)

Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacional

Código JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datos

Lección 3 - Sentencia Select

Pasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBC

Uso de la sentencia select para leer la información de la BD

Lección 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBC

Pasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y delete

Uso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular información

Separación de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBC

Lección 5 - Metadatos con JDBC

Conocimiendo la estructura de las tablas de BD con JDBC

La importancia del uso de Metadatos en JDBC

Lección 6 - Patrones de Diseño

Patrón de Diseño DAO (Data Access Object)

Patrón de Diseño DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)

Laboratorio Final con la integración de todo lo visto en este Nivel

Nivel 4 - Servlets y JSPs

Lección 1 - Introducción a la Tecnología Web con Java

El asombroso mundo de la tecnología Web con Java

La revolución de las aplicaciones Web y cómo aprovecharla

El servidor de aplicaciones Tomcat y cómo utilizarlo

Lección 2 - Conceptos Básicos de los Servlets

Sin misterios: qué es la tecnología de los Servlets

Elementos y ciclo de vida de un Servlet

Lección 3 - Manejo de Sesiones con Servlets

Implementación del concepto de Sesiones con Servlets

Aprenderemos el uso del objeto HttpSession

Implementaremos un carrito de compras Web

Lección 4 - Conceptos Básicos de los JSPs

Estudiaremos cómo crear páginas Web dinámicas con JSPs

Aprenderemos los elementos fundamentales de los JSPs

Lección 5 - Conceptos Avanzados de Servlets y JSPs

Veremos cómo crear una aplicación Web integrando los Servlets y JSPs

Procesamiento de datos con Servlets y despliegue de información con JSPs

Lección 6 - JSTL y EL (Expression Language) en JSPs

Entenderemos las etiquetas JSTL para facilitar el uso de JSPs

Veremos el poder de EL (Expression Language) en los JSPs

Lección 7 - Patrón de Diseño MVC (Model View Controller)

Estudiaremos una arquitectura multicapas del mundo real con Servlets y JSPs

Aplicaremos el patrón de diseño MVC con Servlets y JSPs

Lección 8 - Aplicación SGA (Sistema de Gestión de Alumnos)

Integración de los primeros 5 niveles en un proyecto final (SGA)

Análisis, Diseño y Desarrollo de la aplicación SGA

Este nivel les permite conseguir empleo desde becario o programador Java Jr

Nivel 5 - Java Server Faces

Lección 1 - Introducción a JavaServer Faces

Qué es JSF y su rol en Java EE

Conceptos básicos de JSF y MVC

HolaMundo con JSF

Lección 2 - ManagedBeans en JSF

Concepto de ManagedBeans en JSF

Uso de ModelManagedBeans en JSF

Expression Language (EL) en JSF

Cocepto de BackingBeans en JSF

Manejo de Alcances (Scopes) en JSF

Lección 3 - Reglas de Navegación en JSF

Reglas de Navegación en JSF

Ciclo de Vida en JSF

Lección 4 - Validadores en JSF

Manejo de Validadores en JSF

Uso de Convertidores en JSF

Manejo de Mensajes e Internacionalización en JSF

Lección 5 - Manejo de Eventos en JSF

Uso de Value Change Listener

Manejo de ActionListener y ActionEvent en JSF

Uso de librería estándar y SelectItems en JSF

Lección 6 - Manejo de Facelets

La evolución de JSP y el uso de Facelets

El uso y la importancia de Faceltes en JSF

Lección 7 - Integración de Servicios Java EE

El rol de JSF, EJB y JPA

Ejercicio donde se integra todo lo visto en este Nivel

Nivel 6 - Java EE (ncluye EJB's y JPA, Web Services y Seguridad)

Lección 1 - Introducción a Java EE

Introducción al mundo Java Empresarial (Java EE)

Stack de Tecnologías Java EE

Arquitectura Multicapas en Java EE

Instalación de las Herramientas (Eclipse, MySql)

Instalación del Servidor de Aplicaciones Glassfish

Uso de Maven y JavaEE

HolaMundo con JavaEE

Lección 2 - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

Introducción a los EJB

Tipos y Configuración de un EJB

Inyección de Dependencias en Java EE

Empaquetamiento y Contenedores empresariales

Lección 3 - Introducción a Java Persistence API (JPA)

Introducción a Java Persistence API (JPA)

Entenidimiento de las clases de Entidad en JPA

Manejo de EntityManager y Persistence Unit

Uso de JUnit y JPA

Lección 4 - Consultas con JPA

Ciclo de Vida en JPA

Tipos de Relaciones en JPA

Consultas JPQL en JPA

Uso del API de Criteria en JPA

Manejo de Transacciones en JPA

Lección 5 - Rol de JSF

Rol de JSF en Java EE

Ajax en JSF

PrimeFaces y JSF

Integración JSF, PrimeFaces, AJAX, EJB y JPA

Lección 6 - WebServices y JavaEE

Introducción a los Web Services

Tipos de Web Services JAX-WS y JAX-RS

Qué es un Documento WSDL

Uso de Documentos XML y XSD (XML Scheme)

Manejo del API de JAXB

Estrategias de Generación de Web Services

Despliegue de Web Services

Creación del Cliente del Servicio Web

Lección 7 - REST Web Services

Introducción a REST Web Services

Análisis de Peticiones HTTP

Anotaciones del API JAX-RS

Integración de EJB y JAX-RS

Creación de un Cliente REST

Documento WADL y XSD del REST Web Service

Despliegue de un REST Web Service

Creación Cliente REST Web Service

Lección 8 - Seguridad en Java EE

Introducción a la Seguridad en Java EE

Autenticación y Autorización en Java EE

Seguridad en la Capa Web en Java EE

Seguridad en Capa EJB en Java EE

Autenticación de Clientes en Java EE

Autenticación del Cliente Web

Autenticación del Cliente SOAP y REST Web Service

Ejercicio Final con la integración de todo lo aprendido

Y por si fuera poco, te obsequiamos como bono de regalo los cursos de "HTML, CSS y JavaScript", "HTML5 y CSS3", y "Android con Java y Kotlin", los cuales están incluidos de manera gratuita en este curso e incluye lo siguiente:

Bono Regalo 1: Nivel - HTML, CSS y JavaScript

Lección 1 - Introducción a HTML

Estudiaremos una introducción a la tecnología HTML

Enteniendo el papel de HTML en el mundo de las aplicaciones Web

Lección 2 - Componentes en HTML

Los componentes de HTML y cómo se estructura una página Web

Uso de componentes de Texto, Fuentes, Preformato y más en HTML

Lección 3 - Introducción a CSS

Introducción a las Hojas de Estilo CSS

Los aspectos más importantes a considerar al utilizar CSS

Uso de clases e indentificadores en CSS

Lección 4 - Formularios en HTML

Elementos a considerar al crear Formularios HTML

Componentes para la creación de Formularios HTML

Lección 5 - Introducción a JavaScript

Qué es JavaScript y cómo aplicarlo en nuestras páginas HTML

Elementos básicos del lenguaje JavaScript

Lección 6 - Validación de Formularios HTML

Integración de Formularios HTML y JavaScript

Validación de Formularios con JavaScript

Bono Regalo 2: Nivel - HTML5 y CSS3

Módulo I. Introducción y Documentos HTML5

Módulo II. Formularios y Manejo Multimedia en HTML5

Módulo III. Storage y Manejo de Archivos

Módulo IV. Geolocalización en HTML5

Módulo V. Drag and Drop y Canvas en HTML5

Módulo VI. Lo nuevo en CSS3

Bono Regalo 3: Nivel - Android con Java y Kotlin (Introducción)

Módulo I. Introducción e Instalación de Android Studio

Módulo II. Creación de aplicaciones con Android y Java

Módulo III. Creación de aplicaciones con Android y Kotlin

Al finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido con la Universidad Java. Y a partir de ese momento grandes oportunidades laborales y profesionales te esperan en el mundo real.

También te recomendamos inscribirte a nuestro curso de Universidad Java 2, ya que es el complemento ideal de este curso, el cual incluye temas como:

Struts Framework

Hibernate/JPA Framework

Spring Framework

JBoss Administration

Lógica de Programación

y mucho más!!!

Así que además de este fabuloso curso de la Universidad Java, te recomendamos también inscribirte al curso de Universidad Java 2 donde expandirás tu conocimiento como programador Java en tiempo record!!

Recuerda, que tu satisfacción está garantizada o tu dinero de vuelta.

Saludos y te vemos del otro lado.

Ing. Ubaldo Acosta

Pasión por la tecnología Java

Fundador de Global Mentoring

Who this course is for:
Cualquiera que esté interesado en convertirse en un profesional programador Java
Cualquier interesado en aprender Java desde los fundamentos
Cualquier interesado en aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones empresariales con Java EE, incluyendo tecnologías como JSF, PrimeFaces, EJB's, JPA, Web Services y Seguridad en Java EE, entre muchos temas más
Cualquier interesado en convertirse en un especialista Java Jr, Java Medio o Java Sr. dependiendo del nivel que se estudie, pero al terminar tendrán el nivel de un programador Java Sr.
El curso lo puede estudiar cualquier interesado en Java, desde programadores novatos, intermedios o avanzados, ya que la Universidad Java abarca todos los niveles
Cualquier interesado en aprender HTML5 y CSS3 aplicandolo en proyectos Java Web y Empresariales
Cualquier interesado en convertirse en un programador profesional Java



The Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY (Updated 10/2019)


The Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY (Updated 10/2019)
Video: .MP4, 1280x720 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 55:28:42
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Subtitles | Size: 31.3 GB

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SEO: SEO Keywords, SEO Copywriting, UX SEO, WordPress SEO, Local SEO, Voice SEO, Video SEO
What you'll learn
MASTER Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Ads & Marketing & SMO
Get 10k to 100k monthly FREE Visitors with Step by step SEO Guidance
Get NEW CLIENTS & Boost your PROFITS through efficient Social Media Strategies
Step by step MASTER 200 SEO factors in "How to - learning by doing" approach
Create responsive website on WordPress (No coding required!)
Grow customer reach through smarter Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads
Become #1 Digital Marketing Expert - work as freelancer or land highly paid job
MASTER Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Retargeting & Remarketing
MASTER Local Search Engine Optimisition & Google my Business (Google Maps)
MASTER SEO WordPress Yoast + Google Search Console configuration
Proceed on-page, content & image SEO. Implement Rich Snippets, etc.
MASTER copywriting & User experience & Reputation management
Apply powerful strategies to get High Quality backlinks (Including Wikipedia)
MASTER dozens of powerful SEO & Social Media strategies to get real results
Optimise Facebook for SEO & SMO
Optimise YouTube for SEO & SMO
Optimise LinkedIn for SEO & SMO
Optimise Pinterest for SEO & SMO
MASTER Video SEO & YouTube SEO
MASTER Mobile SEO & UX Signals
Increase C-T-R. Use Featured Snippets
Use the power of Google RankBrain

The internet connection. No previous knowledge required.
You can CREATE your 1st Facebook Business Page during this course.
You can CREATE your 1st WordPress website during this course (no coding!).
You can SET UP your 1st Facebook Ads & Custom audiences during this course.
You can SET UP dynamic ads & catalogue sales during this course.
You can MASTER 200 SEO factors in step by step SEO process.
You can MASTER the complete SEO & Local SEO during this course.
You can MASTER Social Media Marketing Strategies during this course.
Become SEO, SOCIAL MEDIA & DIGITAL MARKETING EXPERT. Increase your SALES & PROFITS. Get NEW CUSTOMERS. With 56 hours of training, strategies, advices, assignments, blueprints, summaries, TO-DO lists & step by step guides you can follow - this is my most comprehensive Digital Marketing Course available.

This course is yours strategical guide proven to ROCKET-FUEL your Digital Marketing skills. You will know how to MASTER your SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing.
From beginner to expert:
Digital marketing fundamentals
Social media marketing
E-mail marketing fundamentals
Facebook marketing
Facebook advertising
Facebook strategy to decrease Facebook ads costs
Facebook strategy to increase C-T-R rate
Facebook relevancy score
Facebook quality ranking
Facebook engagement rate ranking
Facebook conversion rate ranking
Facebook video content MASTERY
Customer journey on Social media
Social Media marketing trends for 2019
Digital marketing trends for 2019
Facebook & Instagram best practices
Content strategy
Think 1st on social media strategy
Facebook blueprints with score relevancy 10
Facebook blueprints for real estate
Facebook blueprints for new business page boosting
Facebook business page set up
Facebook business page optimisation
Facebook business page advanced settings
Facebook business page appoitments
Facebook competition analysis
Facebook posts
Facebook polls
Facebook video polls
Facebook jobs
Facebook targeting
Facebook pixel
Facebook advanced pixel events
Facebook remarketing
Facebook advanced remarketing strategies
Facebook retargeting
Facebook lookalike audiences
Facebook insights
Facebook creative hub
Facebook local ads
Facebook video ads
Facebook & Instagram easy video creation
Facebook engagement ads
Facebook lead generation ads
Facebook traffic ads
Facebook dynamic ads
Facebook catalogue sales ads
Facebook catalogue feeds
Facebook business manager
Facebook business analytics
Facebook search
Instagram ads
Instagram boosting
Instagram stories strategy
YouTube marketing
Video marketing
WordPress website creation (no coding!)
WordPress security
SEO Fundamentals
SEO Strategy
SEO & Social Media optimisation strategy
SEO RankBrain
SEO Featured snippets
SEO Snippet baits
SEO Key factors
SEO Tools
SEO Analytics
White Hat SEO
SEO Case studies
Mobile SEO
SEO Voice search
Google new SEO Biggie algorithm
Google new SEO Quality rater guidelines
SEO E-A-T Strategy
SEO Visual content
SEO Comments
SEO Prune zombie pages strategy
SEO Keywords research
Barnacle SEO
SEO Keywords & CPC
SEO Keywords trends
SEO GSC keywords research
SEO Synonymus keywords
SEO Related keywords
SEO Ahrefs content gap
SEO Searcher intent
SEO LSI keywords
SEO Tool Collabim
SEO Keywords organisation
SEO Content organisation & optimisation
SEO Evergreen content strategy
SEO Copywriting
SEO Reddit threads copywriting strategy
SEO Slippery slide copywriting strategy
SEO The "AIDA" copywriting formula
SEO The "FOMO" copywriting strategy
SEO Landing pages copywriting strategy
SEO UX optimisation
SEO Website architecture
SEO WordPress Yoast configuration & optimisation
SEO Google search console
SEO Google analytics
SEO Website speed optimisation
SEO On-page
SEO Images
SEO WordPress security
SEO Rich Snippets
SEO Wikipedia link building
SEO YouTube link building
SEO Facebook link building
SEO LinkedIn link building
SEO Pinterest link building
SEO 300 bloggers outreach link building
SEO Link building strategy
YouTube SEO
Video SEO
SEO Video featured snippets
SEO Video keywords research
SEO Video optimisation
SEO YouTube channel authority
SEO Video promotion strategies
SEO YouTube session time
SEO YouTube watch time
SEO YouTube audience retention
SEO YouTube engagement
SEO YouTube C-T-R
SEO Ranking videos in Google
SEO Podcasts
SEO Audit
SEO Ecommerce architecture
SEO Canonical tags
Technical SEO
SEO for Local business
SEO Google my business (Google maps)
SEO Explanations throughout my whole course
SEO & SMO Facebook Search
SEO & SMO Instagram Search
SEO & SMO (Social media optimisation) MASTERY throughout my whole course
SEO & SMO - Facebook business page set up & optimisation
SEO & SMO - Video marketing on Facebook & Instagram
SEO & SMO - Content MASTERY on Social media
SEO & SMO - Customer journey on Social media
Google local website creation
Google local ads
Google Analytics
Do you need help understanding SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing Strategies?
Wish you knew how to benefit from all the features SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing offers, but don't know where to begin?
This course can greatly help you. When you enrol, you'll learn the tested, proven, and unbeatable way to WIN with your SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing.
Enrol NOW in this Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY!
This course will teach you everything you need to know about Facebook Marketing & Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Ads:
✔ Facebook marketing & advertising
✔ Instagram boosting
✔ Facebook ads strategy 0,00095 $ for results
✔ Facebook score relevancy
✔ Facebook business page optimization
✔ Facebook competition analysis
✔ Facebook posts
✔ Facebook jobs
✔ Facebook pixel
✔ Facebook remarketing
✔ Facebook lookalike audiences
✔ Facebook local ads
✔ Facebook lead generation ads
✔ Facebook traffic ads
✔ Facebook keywords research
✔ Facebook business analytics
✔ Facebook local ads in tandem with Google local ads
✔ Facebook engagement ads
✔ Facebook video ads
✔ Facebook video creation
✔ Facebook video polls
✔ Facebook reach ads
✔ Facebook blueprints with score relevancy 10
✔ Facebook blueprints for boosting new business pages
✔ Facebook blueprints for real estate
✔ Facebook quality ranking
✔ Facebook engagement ranking
✔ Facebook Conversion rate rating
✔ Facebook polls
✔ Facebook content creation MASTERY
✔ Facebook conversion ads
✔ Facebook advanced pixel settings with events
✔ Facebook catalogue feeds
✔ Facebook catalogue sales
✔ Facebook & Instagram & Messenger dynamic ads
✔ Facebook retargeting
✔ Facebook BEST practices
✔ Facebook personas
✔ Facebook advanced targeting
✔ Facebook ads manager
✔ Facebook business manager
✔ Facebook creative hub
✔ Facebook insights
✔ Facebook search
✔ Facebook canvas
✔ Google Analytics usage for Facebook ads
✔ Facebook & Instagram marketing trends
✔ Facebook TO-DO list for dynamic ads
✔ Facebook TO-DO list for lead ads
✔ And much more!
You will get all my expert Facebook Ads knowledge PLUS 13 Powerful Social Media Marketing Strategies:
✔ Cutting Edge Social Media Strategy to Master Video Content
✔ Social Media Marketing Trends 2019
✔ Social Media Essentials to build great content
✔ Think Social First on Social Media - Why a Traditional Marketing Mindset may be holding you back
✔ Facebook vs. Instagram - Advertising differences & Best practices
✔ Strategical Guide to Decreasing Facebook Ads Costs with Facebook Relevance Score
✔ My internet Efficiency Awarded Facebook Strategy - Real case studies with Score Relevancy 10
✔ My Fast & Highly Effective Instagram Super Booster
✔ SEO & Social Media Marketing Optimization - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
✔ Insider Social Media Keywords Research to help you WINat Social Media Search
✔ Super-hacks for Positive Reputation Management
✔ Super-hacks to use the power of Google my Business
✔ My Easy Guide for Beginnersthroughout the whole course
Did you know that video is shared 1 200 % more on Social Media than any other content types? You will get my Top Bonus - The exclusive OFFEO video package:
✔ You will know how to create magnificent videos for social media in few clicks
✔ 100 cinematic particle footages
✔ Spectra 4K light leaks
✔ 600 icons
✔ 247 power words to boost your conversions
✔ 392 headlines to increase your conversions
✔ Worth $ 1 700
✔ You will also get the complete guide on WordPress website creation
✔ And exclusive 50 % discount on SEO Tool Collabim to proceed your keywords content research
This SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) course is covering both traditional SEO & Social Media Optimisation: Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Facebook, Instagram #, Instagram Stories, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. leading you step by step to success:
✔ SEO Fundamentals
✔ SEO Strategy
✔ SEO & Social Media optimisation strategy
✔ SEO Key factors
✔ SEO Tools
✔ SEO Analytics
✔ SEO Keywords research
✔ SEO Keywords organisation
✔ SEO Content organisation & optimisation
✔ SEO Copywriting
✔ SEO UX optimisation
✔ SEO WordPress Yoast configuration & optimisation
✔ SEO Google search console
✔ SEO Website speed optimisation
✔ SEO On-page
✔ SEO Images
✔ SEO WordPress security
✔ SEO Rich Snippets
✔ SEO Wikipedia link building
✔ SEO YouTube link building
✔ SEO Facebook link building
✔ SEO LinkedIn link building
✔ SEO Pinterest link building
✔ SEO 300 bloggers outreach
✔ SEO PR link building
✔ SEO Link building strategy
✔ SEO for Local business
✔ SEO Google my business (Google maps)
✔ SEO MASTERY explanations for beginners throughout my whole course
✔ SMO (Social media optimisation) MASTERY throughout my whole course
✔ Video SEO
✔ YouTube SEO

Who this course is for:
B2B, B2C, entrepreneurs, start-ups, marketers, influencers, Facebook admins, Facebook editors, content creators, creatives, advertisers, real estate agents, job seekers, local businesses, website owners, website admins, SEO help seekers, bloggers, etc.




The Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY (Updated 10/2019)
Video: .MP4, 1280x720 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 55:28:42
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Subtitles | Size: 31.3 GB

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SEO: SEO Keywords, SEO Copywriting, UX SEO, WordPress SEO, Local SEO, Voice SEO, Video SEO
What you'll learn
MASTER Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Ads & Marketing & SMO
Get 10k to 100k monthly FREE Visitors with Step by step SEO Guidance
Get NEW CLIENTS & Boost your PROFITS through efficient Social Media Strategies
Step by step MASTER 200 SEO factors in "How to - learning by doing" approach
Create responsive website on WordPress (No coding required!)
Grow customer reach through smarter Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads
Become #1 Digital Marketing Expert - work as freelancer or land highly paid job
MASTER Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Retargeting & Remarketing
MASTER Local Search Engine Optimisition & Google my Business (Google Maps)
MASTER SEO WordPress Yoast + Google Search Console configuration
Proceed on-page, content & image SEO. Implement Rich Snippets, etc.
MASTER copywriting & User experience & Reputation management
Apply powerful strategies to get High Quality backlinks (Including Wikipedia)
MASTER dozens of powerful SEO & Social Media strategies to get real results
Optimise Facebook for SEO & SMO
Optimise YouTube for SEO & SMO
Optimise LinkedIn for SEO & SMO
Optimise Pinterest for SEO & SMO
MASTER Video SEO & YouTube SEO
MASTER Mobile SEO & UX Signals
Increase C-T-R. Use Featured Snippets
Use the power of Google RankBrain

The internet connection. No previous knowledge required.
You can CREATE your 1st Facebook Business Page during this course.
You can CREATE your 1st WordPress website during this course (no coding!).
You can SET UP your 1st Facebook Ads & Custom audiences during this course.
You can SET UP dynamic ads & catalogue sales during this course.
You can MASTER 200 SEO factors in step by step SEO process.
You can MASTER the complete SEO & Local SEO during this course.
You can MASTER Social Media Marketing Strategies during this course.
Become SEO, SOCIAL MEDIA & DIGITAL MARKETING EXPERT. Increase your SALES & PROFITS. Get NEW CUSTOMERS. With 56 hours of training, strategies, advices, assignments, blueprints, summaries, TO-DO lists & step by step guides you can follow - this is my most comprehensive Digital Marketing Course available.

This course is yours strategical guide proven to ROCKET-FUEL your Digital Marketing skills. You will know how to MASTER your SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing.
From beginner to expert:
Digital marketing fundamentals
Social media marketing
E-mail marketing fundamentals
Facebook marketing
Facebook advertising
Facebook strategy to decrease Facebook ads costs
Facebook strategy to increase C-T-R rate
Facebook relevancy score
Facebook quality ranking
Facebook engagement rate ranking
Facebook conversion rate ranking
Facebook video content MASTERY
Customer journey on Social media
Social Media marketing trends for 2019
Digital marketing trends for 2019
Facebook & Instagram best practices
Content strategy
Think 1st on social media strategy
Facebook blueprints with score relevancy 10
Facebook blueprints for real estate
Facebook blueprints for new business page boosting
Facebook business page set up
Facebook business page optimisation
Facebook business page advanced settings
Facebook business page appoitments
Facebook competition analysis
Facebook posts
Facebook polls
Facebook video polls
Facebook jobs
Facebook targeting
Facebook pixel
Facebook advanced pixel events
Facebook remarketing
Facebook advanced remarketing strategies
Facebook retargeting
Facebook lookalike audiences
Facebook insights
Facebook creative hub
Facebook local ads
Facebook video ads
Facebook & Instagram easy video creation
Facebook engagement ads
Facebook lead generation ads
Facebook traffic ads
Facebook dynamic ads
Facebook catalogue sales ads
Facebook catalogue feeds
Facebook business manager
Facebook business analytics
Facebook search
Instagram ads
Instagram boosting
Instagram stories strategy
YouTube marketing
Video marketing
WordPress website creation (no coding!)
WordPress security
SEO Fundamentals
SEO Strategy
SEO & Social Media optimisation strategy
SEO RankBrain
SEO Featured snippets
SEO Snippet baits
SEO Key factors
SEO Tools
SEO Analytics
White Hat SEO
SEO Case studies
Mobile SEO
SEO Voice search
Google new SEO Biggie algorithm
Google new SEO Quality rater guidelines
SEO E-A-T Strategy
SEO Visual content
SEO Comments
SEO Prune zombie pages strategy
SEO Keywords research
Barnacle SEO
SEO Keywords & CPC
SEO Keywords trends
SEO GSC keywords research
SEO Synonymus keywords
SEO Related keywords
SEO Ahrefs content gap
SEO Searcher intent
SEO LSI keywords
SEO Tool Collabim
SEO Keywords organisation
SEO Content organisation & optimisation
SEO Evergreen content strategy
SEO Copywriting
SEO Reddit threads copywriting strategy
SEO Slippery slide copywriting strategy
SEO The "AIDA" copywriting formula
SEO The "FOMO" copywriting strategy
SEO Landing pages copywriting strategy
SEO UX optimisation
SEO Website architecture
SEO WordPress Yoast configuration & optimisation
SEO Google search console
SEO Google analytics
SEO Website speed optimisation
SEO On-page
SEO Images
SEO WordPress security
SEO Rich Snippets
SEO Wikipedia link building
SEO YouTube link building
SEO Facebook link building
SEO LinkedIn link building
SEO Pinterest link building
SEO 300 bloggers outreach link building
SEO Link building strategy
YouTube SEO
Video SEO
SEO Video featured snippets
SEO Video keywords research
SEO Video optimisation
SEO YouTube channel authority
SEO Video promotion strategies
SEO YouTube session time
SEO YouTube watch time
SEO YouTube audience retention
SEO YouTube engagement
SEO YouTube C-T-R
SEO Ranking videos in Google
SEO Podcasts
SEO Audit
SEO Ecommerce architecture
SEO Canonical tags
Technical SEO
SEO for Local business
SEO Google my business (Google maps)
SEO Explanations throughout my whole course
SEO & SMO Facebook Search
SEO & SMO Instagram Search
SEO & SMO (Social media optimisation) MASTERY throughout my whole course
SEO & SMO - Facebook business page set up & optimisation
SEO & SMO - Video marketing on Facebook & Instagram
SEO & SMO - Content MASTERY on Social media
SEO & SMO - Customer journey on Social media
Google local website creation
Google local ads
Google Analytics
Do you need help understanding SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing Strategies?
Wish you knew how to benefit from all the features SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing offers, but don't know where to begin?
This course can greatly help you. When you enrol, you'll learn the tested, proven, and unbeatable way to WIN with your SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing.
Enrol NOW in this Ultimate SEO, Social Media & Digital Marketing MASTERY!
This course will teach you everything you need to know about Facebook Marketing & Facebook + Instagram + Messenger Ads:
✔ Facebook marketing & advertising
✔ Instagram boosting
✔ Facebook ads strategy 0,00095 $ for results
✔ Facebook score relevancy
✔ Facebook business page optimization
✔ Facebook competition analysis
✔ Facebook posts
✔ Facebook jobs
✔ Facebook pixel
✔ Facebook remarketing
✔ Facebook lookalike audiences
✔ Facebook local ads
✔ Facebook lead generation ads
✔ Facebook traffic ads
✔ Facebook keywords research
✔ Facebook business analytics
✔ Facebook local ads in tandem with Google local ads
✔ Facebook engagement ads
✔ Facebook video ads
✔ Facebook video creation
✔ Facebook video polls
✔ Facebook reach ads
✔ Facebook blueprints with score relevancy 10
✔ Facebook blueprints for boosting new business pages
✔ Facebook blueprints for real estate
✔ Facebook quality ranking
✔ Facebook engagement ranking
✔ Facebook Conversion rate rating
✔ Facebook polls
✔ Facebook content creation MASTERY
✔ Facebook conversion ads
✔ Facebook advanced pixel settings with events
✔ Facebook catalogue feeds
✔ Facebook catalogue sales
✔ Facebook & Instagram & Messenger dynamic ads
✔ Facebook retargeting
✔ Facebook BEST practices
✔ Facebook personas
✔ Facebook advanced targeting
✔ Facebook ads manager
✔ Facebook business manager
✔ Facebook creative hub
✔ Facebook insights
✔ Facebook search
✔ Facebook canvas
✔ Google Analytics usage for Facebook ads
✔ Facebook & Instagram marketing trends
✔ Facebook TO-DO list for dynamic ads
✔ Facebook TO-DO list for lead ads
✔ And much more!
You will get all my expert Facebook Ads knowledge PLUS 13 Powerful Social Media Marketing Strategies:
✔ Cutting Edge Social Media Strategy to Master Video Content
✔ Social Media Marketing Trends 2019
✔ Social Media Essentials to build great content
✔ Think Social First on Social Media - Why a Traditional Marketing Mindset may be holding you back
✔ Facebook vs. Instagram - Advertising differences & Best practices
✔ Strategical Guide to Decreasing Facebook Ads Costs with Facebook Relevance Score
✔ My internet Efficiency Awarded Facebook Strategy - Real case studies with Score Relevancy 10
✔ My Fast & Highly Effective Instagram Super Booster
✔ SEO & Social Media Marketing Optimization - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
✔ Insider Social Media Keywords Research to help you WINat Social Media Search
✔ Super-hacks for Positive Reputation Management
✔ Super-hacks to use the power of Google my Business
✔ My Easy Guide for Beginnersthroughout the whole course
Did you know that video is shared 1 200 % more on Social Media than any other content types? You will get my Top Bonus - The exclusive OFFEO video package:
✔ You will know how to create magnificent videos for social media in few clicks
✔ 100 cinematic particle footages
✔ Spectra 4K light leaks
✔ 600 icons
✔ 247 power words to boost your conversions
✔ 392 headlines to increase your conversions
✔ Worth $ 1 700
✔ You will also get the complete guide on WordPress website creation
✔ And exclusive 50 % discount on SEO Tool Collabim to proceed your keywords content research
This SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) course is covering both traditional SEO & Social Media Optimisation: Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Facebook, Instagram #, Instagram Stories, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. leading you step by step to success:
✔ SEO Fundamentals
✔ SEO Strategy
✔ SEO & Social Media optimisation strategy
✔ SEO Key factors
✔ SEO Tools
✔ SEO Analytics
✔ SEO Keywords research
✔ SEO Keywords organisation
✔ SEO Content organisation & optimisation
✔ SEO Copywriting
✔ SEO UX optimisation
✔ SEO WordPress Yoast configuration & optimisation
✔ SEO Google search console
✔ SEO Website speed optimisation
✔ SEO On-page
✔ SEO Images
✔ SEO WordPress security
✔ SEO Rich Snippets
✔ SEO Wikipedia link building
✔ SEO YouTube link building
✔ SEO Facebook link building
✔ SEO LinkedIn link building
✔ SEO Pinterest link building
✔ SEO 300 bloggers outreach
✔ SEO PR link building
✔ SEO Link building strategy
✔ SEO for Local business
✔ SEO Google my business (Google maps)
✔ SEO MASTERY explanations for beginners throughout my whole course
✔ SMO (Social media optimisation) MASTERY throughout my whole course
✔ Video SEO
✔ YouTube SEO

Who this course is for:
B2B, B2C, entrepreneurs, start-ups, marketers, influencers, Facebook admins, Facebook editors, content creators, creatives, advertisers, real estate agents, job seekers, local businesses, website owners, website admins, SEO help seekers, bloggers, etc.



Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch (updated 11/2019)


Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch (updated 11/2019)
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 9.19 GB | Duration: 14.5 hours

What you'll learn
130+ ethical hacking & security videos
Start from scratch up to a high-intermediate level
Learn what is ethical hacking, its fields and the different types of hackers
Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, OS X and Linux)
Hack & secure both WiFi & wired networks
Discover vulnerabilities & exploit them hack into servers
Hack secure systems using client-side and social engineering attacks
Use 30+ hacking tools such as Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, SQLmap.....etc
Understand how websites work, how to discover and exploit web application vulnerabilities to gain full control over websites
Secure systems from all the attacks shown
Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system
Install windows & vulnerable operating systems as virtual machines for testing
Learn linux basics
Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal
Learn Network Penetration Testing
Network basics & how devices interact inside a network
A number of practical attacks that can be used without knowing the key to the target network
Control connections of clients around you without knowing the password.
Create a fake Wi-Fi network with internet connection & spy on clients
Gather detailed information about clients and networks like their OS, opened ports ...etc.
Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions using a number of methods.
ARP Spoofing/ARP Poisoning
Launch Various Man In The Middle attacks.
Gain access to any account accessed by any client in your network.
Sniff packets from clients and analyse them to extract important info such as: passwords, cookies, urls, videos, images ..etc.
Discover open ports, installed services and vulnerabilities on computer systems
Gain control over computer systems using server side attacks
Exploit buffer over flows and code execution vulnerabilities to gain control over systems
Gain control over computer systems using client side attacks
Gain control over computer systems using fake updates
Gain control over computer systems by backdooring downloads on the fly
Create undetectable backdoors
Backdoor normal programs
Backdoor any file type such as pictures, pdf's ...etc.
Gather information about people, such as emails, social media accounts, emails and friends
Use social engineering to gain full control over target systems
Send emails from ANY email account without knowing the password for that account
Read, write download, upload and execute files on compromised systems
Capture keystrokes on a compromised system
Use a compromised computer as a pivot to gain access to other computers on the same network
Understand how websites & web applications work
Understand how browsers communicate with websites
Gather sensitive information about websites
Discover servers, technologies and services used on target website
Discover emails and sensitive data associated with a specific website
Find all subdomains associated with a website
Discover unpublished directories and files associated with a target website
Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website
Exploit file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website
Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities
Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities
Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities
Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections
Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames and passwords using SQL injections
Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections
Learn the right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections
Discover reflected XSS vulnerabilities
Discover Stored XSS vulnerabilities
Hook victims to BeEF using XSS vulnerabilities
Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user

Basic IT Skills
No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.
Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory
Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux
For WiFi cracking (10 lectures ONLY) - Wireless adapter that supports monitor mode (more info provided in the course).
Welcome this comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and by the end of it you'll be able to hack systems like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!

This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we'll start with ethical hacking basics and the different fields in penetration testing, installing the needed software (works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and then we'll dive and start hacking systems straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by analysing and exploiting computer systems such as networks, servers, clients, websites .....etc, so we'll never have any boring dry theoretical lectures.

The course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers a penetration testing / hacking field, in each of these sections you'll first learn how the target system works, the weaknesses of this system, and how to practically exploit theses weaknesses and hack into it, not only that but you'll also learn how to secure this system from the discussed attacks. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields.

The course is divided into four main sections:

1. Network Hacking - This section will teach you how to test the security of networks, both wired and wireless. First, you will learn some basic network terminology, how networks work, and how devices communicate with each other. Then it will branch into three sub sections:

Pre-connection attacks: in this subsection you'll learn what can you do before even connecting to a network, and even before having internet access; you'll start by learning how to gather information about the networks around you, discover the devices connected to them, and how to control connections around you (ie: deny/allow devices from connecting to networks) even without knowing the password of the target network.

Gaining Access: Now that you gathered information about the networks around you, in this subsection you will learn how to crack the key and get the password to your target network weather it uses WEP, WPA or even WPA2.

Post Connection attacks: Now that you have the key, you can connect to the target network, in this subsection you will learn a number of powerful techniques that allow you to gather comprehensive information about the connected devices, see anything they do on the internet (such as login information, passwords, visited urls, images, videos ....etc), redirect requests, inject evil code in loaded pages and much more! All the attacks here work against both wireless and wired networks. You will also learn how to create a fake WiFi network, attract users to connect to it and use all of the above techniques against the connected clients.

2. Gaining Access - In this section you will learn two main approaches to gain full control or hack computer systems:

Server Side Attacks: In this subsection you will learn how to gain full access to computer systems without the need for user interaction. You will learn how to gather useful information about a target computer system such as its operating system, open ports, installed services, then you'll learn how to use this information to discover weaknesses and vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain full control over the target. Finally you will learn how to generate different types of reports for your discoveries.

Client Side Attacks - If the target system does not contain any weaknesses then the only way to gain access to it is by interacting with the users, in this subsection you'll learn how to get the target user to install a backdoor on their system without even realising, this is done by hijacking updates or backdoornig downloadeds on the fly. Not only that but you'll also learn how to create trojans by backdooring normal files (such as an image or a pdf) and use social engineering to deliver this trojan to the target, to do this you'll learn how to spoof emails so they appear as if they're sent from the target's friend, boss or any email account they're likely to interact with.

3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised so far. You'll learn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute), maintain your access, spy on the target and even use the target computer as a pivot to hack other computer systems.

4. Website / Web Application Hacking - In this section you will learn how websites work, how to gather information about a target website (such as website owner, server location, used technologies ....etc) and how to discover and exploit the following dangerous vulnerabilities to hack into websites:

File Upload.

Code Execution.

Local File Inclusion.

Remote File Inclusion.

SQL Injection.

Cross Site Scripting (XSS).

At the end of each section you will learn how to detect, prevent and secure your system and yourself from the discussed attacks.

All the techniques in this course are practical and work against real systems, you'll understand the whole mechanism of each technique first, then you'll learn how to use it to hack into the target system, so by the end of the course you'll be able to modify the these techniques to launch more powerful attacks, and adopt them to different situations and different scenarios.

With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.

NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.

NOTE: This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity and no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED.

Who this course is for:
Anybody who is interested in learning ethical hacking / penetration testing
Anybody who wants to learn how hackers hack computer systems
Anybody who wants to learn how to secure their systems from hackers



ISPSoft For Delta PLC Programming (PLC-SCADA-9)


ISPSoft For Delta PLC Programming (PLC-SCADA-9)
h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 | English, aac, 44100 Hz, 2 channels | 16h 42mn | 8.1 GB
Instructor: Technical Training Provider

Complete practical Training on ISPSoft For DELTA PLC Programming.
What you'll learn

You will be enriched with the latest technical knowledge related with the industrial automation.
Students can establish their career in various manufacturing industries like Oil and Gas, Water/Waste Water Treatment, food & Beverages, Power Plants, Manufacturing Process, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Industries, Power Generation, Automotive, Fabricated Metals, Packaging Process, Metals and Mining's Aerospace, etc.


Students are supposed to be familiar with Desktop/Laptop.
No other prerequisites for this course, Because instructor will teach everything from scratch.


Today, PLC is being used in every process and manufacturing industries, apart from knowing the wires and connections, anyone should know the way to do PLC programs.

PLC-Programmable logic controller is an industrial solid-state computer that monitors input and output, and makes logic-based decisions for automated processes or machines.

Delta PLC is a control system using electronic operations. It's easy storing procedures, handy extending principles, functions of sequential/position control, timed counting and input/output control are widely applied to the field of industrial automation control.

ISPSoft is Delta's new generation software development tool for programmable logic controllers.which supports five programming languages and many appliedinstructions, is adopted. Besides, ISPSoft manages projects by means of integrating tasks. Theefficient and convenient development environment that ISPSoft provides enables users to applyPLCs to more complex control systems as well as to small control systems..And this course is covering complete programming of PLC Model DVP-14SS2 of Delta PLC.

After doing this course, you can easily program the other PLC series.This software is used for all the PLC series. And the instructions remain the same.

This course will teach you step by step How to make a Ladder Logics & Programming to any industrial process Control.

We have made explanation by Real Time LIVE Camera & Designing Software to understand the concept clearly.

Following is the brief information about the course:

Introduction of PLC.

Functions and Features of PLC.

What is Sink and Source concept?

Working Principle of PLC (Scan Time and Scan Cycle of PLC).

Wiring Connection and Communication of PLC.

Bit Logic with Interlocking and Holding Concept.

Timer, Counter, Compareinstruction, Math instructions, Move instructions and Program Control instructions etc.

And many more instructions are covering in course.

Problems with Solution (Industrial Level).
Who this course is for:

Students who are pursuing or having Masters/ Bachelor's Degree /Diploma in EC/EE/EEE/EI Branches.
Working Professionals are also invited to join this course to enhance their knowledge in Industrial Automation.
Maintenance Engineers.
Application Engineers.
PLC Programmers.



The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery


The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 16.4 GB | Duration: 34 hours

What you'll learn
Skills that will allow you to apply for jobs like: Web Developer, Software Developer, Front End Developer, Javascript Developer, and Full Stack Developer
Learn modern technologies that are ACTUALLY being used behind tech companies in 2020
Build 10+ real world Web Development projects you can show off
Build a professional Portfolio Website
Learn best practices to write clean, performant, and bug free code
Master modern Web Development fundamentals as well as advanced topics
Work as a freelance Web Developer
Master beginner and advanced JavaScript topics
Learn React + Redux to build rich front end applications
Build your own full stack websites and applications
Build a complex image recognition app using everything we learn in the course
Become a professional Web Developer and get hired
Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
Learn to implement user authentication
Use Express, SQL and PostgreSQL to create fullstack applications that scale
Master fundamental concepts in Web Development

A computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). That's it!
No previous coding experience is needed
All tools and software used in this course will be free
Prepare to learn real life skills and build real web apps that will get you hired!
Updated for 2020! Become a Fullstack Web Developer in 2020 by learning the most in demand skills! This is one of the fastest growing courses on Udemy with 10,000+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐in the last 6 months. Graduates of this course are now working at companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies (...seriously).

Join a live online community of over 140,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a Senior Developer and Tech Lead.

This is the tutorial you've been looking for to become a modern web developer in 2020. It doesn't just cover a small portion of the industry. This covers everything you need to know to get hired: from absolute zero knowledge to being able to put things on your resume that will allow you to live the life you want.

Sounds too good to be true? Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain why I built this Web Development course and what is different here than thousands of other courses all over the internet:

I update the course every month to make sure you learn the most up to date skills! There is no wasted time here. We won't be using outdated technologies like PHP, Wordpress and JQuery. Although still useful, outdated technologies like the above are low paying and demands for them are decreasing. In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It's geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020.

After finishing this course, you will be able to apply for developer roles, get a promotion, or upgrade your job title as a developer and earn a higher salary. We won't be taking any shortcuts in this course. You are going to go from absolute zero: where you learn how the internet works. To mastery: where you build an image recognition app using a Machine Learning API (a subset of Artificial Intelligence) and all the other modern technologies that we learn in the course. Most students have commented how the projects in this course have impressed their interviewers and allowed them to get an offer.

This course is taught by an instructor who has worked in Silicon Valley, and one of the top tech companies in Toronto. I have built large scale applications, and have managed teams of developers. I am not an online marketer or a salesman, but a software developer who has worked directly with these technologies. I love programming and believe that there needs to be a course out there that actually teaches valuable real life skills (because most of them are taught by teachers with no work experience).

Your time is valuable and you don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a bootcamp. You want a course that outlines the best way to become a Web Developer, in simple and well explained terms, so that you fully understand topics instead of watching somebody on your screen and having no clue what is going on. I have taken the best pieces, tools, and practices that I have found over the years, and condensed everything into this course. 50 hours of videos doesn't mean much if the instructor isn't engaging or focuses on outdated topics. I made sure that everything covered in this course is efficient and focuses on getting you job ready as soon as possible!

We have a thriving online chat community so you really feel like you are part of a classroom and not just watching videos by yourself. You will have a chance to communicate with fellow students, work on group projects together, and contribute to open source projects. Anytime you have a question, you can ask in many locations and get help right away (including from myself).

The course is designed to give you employable skills so you can get a job. Here is what one student recently wrote after taking the course and being hired right away:

"I'm a self taught dev, who has been out of work for ~6 months. I had some family things that came up that prevented me from seeking permanent employment, so for awhile I was Postmates/Uber delivery driver.

After taking this course, I immediately got catapulted back to where I was before, but better equipped and with the knowledge to take on the next job. I had just finished the React section when I went to a recent interview, and it really helped me excel. As of today, I am officially re-employed back in the field, and it is all thanks to this course. I had a blast creating the final project, and FINALLY got around to learning SQL statements, and getting to use them in a project. I'm really ecstatic that Andrei went with teaching relational databases over something like MongoDB, which can also be fun, but is less practical for use on the job. So thanks Andrei , I really enjoyed the course and will be making sure to share it with others who find it helpful. I'm also looking forward to the new ES10 content that was recently added, and going through the DB stuff again when I go to build a personal project." - J.C.

Think of this course like a Web Developer bootcamp. By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:




Responsive Design


CSS Grid

Bootstrap 4

DOM Manipulation

Javascript (including ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10)

Asynchronous JavaScript


React + Redux

Git + Github

Command Line




RESTful API Design





Scalable Infrastructure


Production and Deployment

You will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:

Build real complex applications and websites

Build an image recognition app so you can add it to your portfolio

Go into a job interview confident that you understand the fundamental building blocks of web development and the developer trends in 2020

Be able to go off on your own and grow your skills as a developer, having built a solid foundation

Learn how frontend, servers, and databases communicate and how they all fit together in the eco system

Build your own startup landing page

Go off and work remotely by being a freelance developer that can bid on projects

This course is the accumulation of all of my years working in the industry, learning, and teaching. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things, that unless you have spent the last few years working with these technologies in a company, you will never fully understand. So this course is the answer to that exact problem for you: How to gain experience when you need experience to get hired? I have gone through thousands of coding books, online tutorials and bootcamps. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked and what hasn't, and I have created this course to narrow down the most efficient way to learn with the most relevant information.

I am 100% confident that you won't find a course like this out there. We're not going to be building simple todo applications and cat image sliders. We are going to learn actual practical skills that will put you into the workforce. Some unique sections that you won't find anywhere else are:

React.js + Redux: You will learn the library that companies like Netflix, Facebook and Instagram use to build fast, scalable applications. This is one of the highest in-demand skill in the industry.

A day in the life of a developer: What will your day to day look like and what tools will you use? I will take you through a sample day at a tech company.

How does the internet actually work? What is the history of these technologies?: You will actually understand the underlying concepts of the internet, and how the technologies we have now, have come to be where they are.

How do you actually deploy a real life app so that it is secure, and won't get hacked?: How does a real life app get out to the public in a safe and secure way?

What is Machine Learning and how you can harness its power: Whether you have heard about it or not, this is something that you will hear more and more in the coming years. Those who understand the high level concepts and can harness its power will have an advantage.

What does your developer environment on your computer look like?: We will be setting up our computers with all the tools necessary of a developer so you can use the same setup when you go work in the industry.

Why do we teach the above? Because in this day and age, just knowing HTML CSS and Javascript is not good enough, and you won't be able to grow in your role and command a higher salary. You will learn these things because these are the things you should know in 2020 so that you are miles ahead of the rest.

Make this the year that you took a risk, you learned highly in demand skills, you had new experiences, and you received new opportunities. I hope you join me in this journey.

This is the proudest work I have ever done in my life and I am confident that you won't find a course better than this.

See you inside!

Taught by:

Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.

Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.

Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.

Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.

See you inside the courses!

Who this course is for:
You want to learn to code and build websites and web apps
You are looking to start a career in Web Development
You know HTML and CSS but want to expand your skills and do more
You want to start your own business or become a freelancer
You want to learn REAL industry skills that are necessary in 2020 to get hired as a web developer and earn a higher salary
You want one course to teach you everything in one place from a senior developer that works in the industry



Marketing et réseaux sociaux : le guide complet


Marketing et réseaux sociaux : le guide complet
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: French | Size: 21.5 GB | Duration: 19 hours

What you'll learn
Comprendre le fonctionnement des réseaux sociaux
Être capable de réaliser un audit
Définir leur stratégie marketing
Choisir le ou les bons réseaux sociaux pour communiquer
Mettre en place une campagne de publicité multicanal
Créer les bons contenus en fonction de leurs objectifs
Utiliser les fonctions avancées des différents réseaux sociaux
Mesurer et obtenir des statistiques sur leurs actions
Réaliser un blog personnel ou d'entreprise
Créer une campagne d'emailing et assurer son suivi

Savoir utiliser un navigateur internet et avoir un compte sur au moins un réseau social (facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.)
Le cours sur le marketing et les réseaux sociaux le plus complet disponible sur udemy France : Comment réussir votre marketing et votre communication sur les réseaux sociaux.


Sans bla-bla ni termes techniques ou publicitaires, comment appréhender, comprendre, définir sa stratégie et mettre en place des actions simples pour obtenir des résultats.

Ce cours a été construit afin de vous donner les moyens et la méthodologie pour construire rapidement votre stratégie marketing afin d'augmenter vos ventes, d'attirer de nouveaux clients et de maîtriser les réseaux sociaux.

Les bases du marketing sur les réseaux sociaux

Comment définir votre stratégie

Mener votre audit et choisir les bons outils

Puis les guides complets des réseaux sociaux :

Facebook : la grande surface des réseaux sociaux (inclus : gestion de vos campagnes pub à partir de 1€!)

Twitter : le réseau de niche et des influenceurs (inclus : gestion de vos campagnes pub)

Instagram : le réseau de photographies (inclus gestion de vos campagnes pub)

LinkedIn : le Facebook des professionnels

MailJet : comment faire vos campagnes d'emailing

Snapchat : la nouvelle télévision des jeunes

WordPress : le blog au format réseau social

Les réseaux sociaux regorgent de futurs clients et de personnes qui s'intéressent à ce que vous faites, découvrez comment vous connecter avec et comment passer d'utilisateurs inconnus à des clients qui promeuvent votre marque !

À la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et réussissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification électronique à insérer dans vos CV et profil LinkedIn.

Who this course is for:
Toute personne intéressée à développer son projet ou entreprise sur les réseaux sociaux
Étudiant-e en communication & marketing
Employé-e ou cadre souhaitant évoluer professionnellement
Gérant-e pour développer son entreprise sur de nouveaux marchés



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