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    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
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    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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XMind 7 Pro v3


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
XMind 7 Pro 3.6.0 Build 201511090408 - Multi - Serial


The Most Popular Mind Mapping Tool - Millions of people use XMind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, run brainstorming and get work organized. A more elegant way to gather, analyze and utilize knowledge, information and ideas. Idea Factory records and collects inspirations further and faster. Timer stays to let us control the session. Night mode decreases light and protects your eyes in a dark room.

Clarify Thinking
Confronting information overload and ideas shortage, we are able to clarify thinking for better decision with XMind. We manage to gather most ideas and structure them in logical structure, then to steer clear of irrelevant information and identify the critical. And, the relationships, patterns, priorities, and trends will be identified. Then, we can better assess the profit, cost and risk for better decisions, like market strategy and development plan etc.

Individual Brainstorming
With XMind, you can start the individual brainstorming session easily and quickly. Displaying the central topic and building a stress-free scene, here, you can take all attention on recording the inspiration and sparkles in your mind. Then, you'll find the solution is hidden within them. More important, we can discover it by evaluating, organizing and connecting the ideas.

Works with Office/PDF
How to make colleagues access our mind maps if they don't have XMind? With some simple operations, we can export our mind maps into more than 10 universal formats. In this way, your team can collaborate seamlessly. You can choose from a variety of export options from Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel (NEW), PDF, RTF, HTML, Plain Text, to PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, SVG (NEW), as well as other Mind Mapping software vendors like Freemind and Mindjet MindManager. It's also supported to import from Freemind and Mindjet MindManager.

Open Source & Award Winner
We opened the source of XMind (except some professional features). That means you can integrate XMind into your product, store data into XMind files, or even build your own mind mapping software based-on XMind. And we are glad to see that. BTW, XMind is the best Eclipse RCP application 2008, the best project for academia 2009 in the SourceForge community, and one of the PCWorld 100 best products of 2010.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Language : Multilingual

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 151 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: mojado

XMind 7 Pro 3.6.1 build 201512240104 - Multi - Serial


The Most Popular Mind Mapping Tool - Millions of people use XMind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, run brainstorming and get work organized. A more elegant way to gather, analyze and utilize knowledge, information and ideas. Idea Factory records and collects inspirations further and faster. Timer stays to let us control the session. Night mode decreases light and protects your eyes in a dark room.

Clarify Thinking
Confronting information overload and ideas shortage, we are able to clarify thinking for better decision with XMind. We manage to gather most ideas and structure them in logical structure, then to steer clear of irrelevant information and identify the critical. And, the relationships, patterns, priorities, and trends will be identified. Then, we can better assess the profit, cost and risk for better decisions, like market strategy and development plan etc.

Individual Brainstorming
With XMind, you can start the individual brainstorming session easily and quickly. Displaying the central topic and building a stress-free scene, here, you can take all attention on recording the inspiration and sparkles in your mind. Then, you'll find the solution is hidden within them. More important, we can discover it by evaluating, organizing and connecting the ideas.

Works with Office/PDF
How to make colleagues access our mind maps if they don't have XMind? With some simple operations, we can export our mind maps into more than 10 universal formats. In this way, your team can collaborate seamlessly. You can choose from a variety of export options from Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel (NEW), PDF, RTF, HTML, Plain Text, to PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, SVG (NEW), as well as other Mind Mapping software vendors like Freemind and Mindjet MindManager. It's also supported to import from Freemind and Mindjet MindManager.

Open Source & Award Winner
We opened the source of XMind (except some professional features). That means you can integrate XMind into your product, store data into XMind files, or even build your own mind mapping software based-on XMind. And we are glad to see that. BTW, XMind is the best Eclipse RCP application 2008, the best project for academia 2009 in the SourceForge community, and one of the PCWorld 100 best products of 2010.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Language : Multilingual

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 149,21 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: mojado

XMind 7 Pro v3.6.1 Build 201512240104 - Inkl. Crack

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


Mittels XMind lassen sich kreative Ideen oder strukturiertes Vorgehen mit einer Mindmap abbilden.

Dank der Software XMind Pro haben Sie Meetings, Brainstormings oder Strukturen locker im Griff. Dafür greift das Tool auf die erprobte Mindmapping-Technik zurück. Ausgangspunkt ist ein Hauptknoten, an den Sie etliche weitere Knoten ketten können. Diese Kinderknoten lassen sich wiederum untergliedern und so in einer Hierarchie ordnen. So bekommt Ihre Struktur mit der Zeit ein Gesicht. Neben Mindmaps können Sie aber auch sogenannte "Fischgräten"-Diagramme und Spreadsheets mit XMind erstellen. Einzelne Knoten lassen sich grafisch hervorheben und Bilder können bestimmte Sachverhalte besser erläutern oder für Auflockerung sorgen. Weiterhin lassen sich bereits vorhandene Mindmaps aus FreeMind oder MindManager importieren. Eigene Diagramme können als HTML-Seite oder PNG-, GIF-, JPG- oder BMP-Grafik exportiert oder auf der Hersteller-Plattform veröffentlicht werden.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 146 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





XMind 7.5 Pro 3.6.50 Build 201606271038 Multilingual


The Most Popular Mind Mapping Tool - Millions of people use XMind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, run brainstorming and get work organized. A more elegant way to gather, analyze and utilize knowledge, information and ideas. Idea Factory records and collects inspirations further and faster. Timer stays to let us control the session. Night mode decreases light and protects your eyes in a dark room.

Clarify Thinking
Confronting information overload and ideas shortage, we are able to clarify thinking for better decision with XMind. We manage to gather most ideas and structure them in logical structure, then to steer clear of irrelevant information and identify the critical. And, the relationships, patterns, priorities, and trends will be identified. Then, we can better assess the profit, cost and risk for better decisions, like market strategy and development plan etc.

Individual Brainstorming
With XMind, you can start the individual brainstorming session easily and quickly. Displaying the central topic and building a stress-free scene, here, you can take all attention on recording the inspiration and sparkles in your mind. Then, you'll find the solution is hidden within them. More important, we can discover it by evaluating, organizing and connecting the ideas.

Works with Office/PDF
How to make colleagues access our mind maps if they don't have XMind? With some simple operations, we can export our mind maps into more than 10 universal formats. In this way, your team can collaborate seamlessly. You can choose from a variety of export options from Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel (NEW), PDF, RTF, HTML, Plain Text, to PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, SVG (NEW), as well as other Mind Mapping software vendors like Freemind and Mindjet MindManager. It's also supported to import from Freemind and Mindjet MindManager.

Open Source & Award Winner
We opened the source of XMind (except some professional features). That means you can integrate XMind into your product, store data into XMind files, or even build your own mind mapping software based-on XMind. And we are glad to see that. BTW, XMind is the best Eclipse RCP application 2008, the best project for academia 2009 in the SourceForge community, and one of the PCWorld 100 best products of 2010.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Language : Multilingual

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 143,43 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: mojado

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