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Windows 10 AIO 26in1 Build 15063 296 x32 x64 en-US


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Windows 10 AIO 26in1 Build 15063 296 x32 x64 en-US
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Size: 6.83 GB

No Windows 10 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Unattended Settings were added to the installation.
No Registry Settings were modified.

64-bit Microsoft Sources:

32-bit Microsoft Sources:

Installation Indexes:
Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Home N
Windows 10 Home Single Language
Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Pro N
Windows 10 Professional VL
Windows 10 Professional N VL
Windows 10 Education
Windows 10 Education N
Windows 10 Education VL
Windows 10 Education N VL
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Enterprise N

Dual Release File: Win10_15063.296_x32_x64_26in1_en-US_murphy78.iso
Size: 6.83 GB
SHA-1: 7F7ADA801AE0E5DBC8490C7FD705BC0EF005A462

x86 (32-bit-only version): Win10_15063.296_x32_13in1_en-US_murphy78.iso*
Size: 2.99 GB
SHA-1: 5A22EB844849F5F05382071B07C88E611B3CA052

x64 (64-bit-only version): Win10_15063.296_x64_13in1_en-US_murphy78.iso*
Size: 3.87 GB
SHA-1: CEEF94D586C3875CE42AA0ABD4D318CE1506FB4F

*Run the associated exe delta patch to create this iso.

Language: en-US (English - United States)

Tools used:
MS DaRT 10
diskpart script v1.2.8 (*shift-f10* during boot setup, then "menu":wink:
oscdimg for ISO mastering
gimagex 2.11 for display name changes on VL versions
dism for ESD recovery compression/integration

DISM /add-package and /resetbase (Indexes, boot.wim and winre.wim):

DISM /add-package and /resetbase (Indexes only):

-DualBoot setup with UEFI/Fat32 support
I can only test UEFI x64 as I only have x64 processor, but ia32
should work for certain UEFI devices with only 32-bit processors
-Netfx3 added before cumulative update integration
-DiskPart v1.2.8 script with ESD support, multi-version setup,
fast setup (fewer keys but default settings)
To run my diskpart script, boot into usb or dvd setup,
then press shift-f10 to bring up console and type "menu"
The script will then ask if you wish to use it, etc.
-Scripts folder for disabling auto-updates, driver updates,
telemetry, app telemetry, reboot to winre, etc.
-DaRT 10 added to Boot and Winre
This has options to reset passwords, edit registry, remove updates,
scan system files, get a remote desktop connection, etc.

-Use a USB program such as RUFUS to put this on a USB Flash drive
for boot installs.
-For upgrade, you can simply mount the iso. I would recommend
using a USB/DVD tho, in case your system gets borked during
upgrade process.
-Also, Uninstall any AV programs or specialized driver programs
like VM or VPN software before upgrading. They will likely
interfere with the process.

-All of the enterprise and VL versions have a spp package to
set the gVLK automatically.
-I recommend inserting the gVLK during setup if you
plan to install an EduVL/ProVL/Enterprise SKU. It will
change the channel to Volume. It's not required, but it
will give you a bogus Retail channel if you don't.
-Alternatively you can run the diskpart script and it will use
the default channel after HAL detection phase. (Setup does this
early because of need to display EULA before install)

I recommends Buy premimum account for High speed+parallel downloads!



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