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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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WinCanVX v1.4.8 MultiLanguage WinALL Incl Keygen-BLiZZARD


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

WinCanVX v1.4.8 MultiLanguage WinALL Incl Keygen-BLiZZARD

File Size: 829 MiB

Maintaining sewers starts with understanding sewer condition, and WinCan makes it easy to collect detailed, standards-compliant inspection data. Relentless focus on innovation and productivity has made WinCan the industry's most preferred sewer inspection software, with more than 8,500 licenses worldwide.

Powerful Analytics
Gathering sewer condition data is just the beginning. To help you make better decisions, WinCan identifies trends, pinpoints hotspots, prioritizes maintenance and lets you forecast budgets. Its broad range of reporting and data visualization tools lets you drill down to the insight you need.

Cloud-Based Collaboration
It takes a team to keep sewers flowing. WinCan Web is a cloud-based platform that lets you assign work and share inspections securely across your team. Results are available instantaneously, everywhere, through an app or browser-without the hassle of servers, offsite backups or email attachments.

Tailored Capability
WinCan bundles combine the core functionality needed for any given role on your team. Whether it's collecting, analyzing or managing data, WinCan bundles are configured to deliver full capability at an attractive price.

Room to Grow
WinCan's modular design lets you expand your capability as needs evolve. Add-on modules support emerging technologies like side scanning, laser, sonar and 3D visualization, as well as powerful features like image-based measurement and data validation/import/export.

Hardware Neutrality
Your choice of software should never constrain your choice of inspection equipment. WinCan works with all brands of sewer inspection technology-including crawlers, zoom cameras and push cameras-as well as all major applications of side-scanning, laser profiling, manhole scanning and other emerging technologies.

Enterprise Compatibility
Data is only useful when it's shared. WinCan integrates with more municipal asset management applications than any other sewer software, ensuring the status and needs of your sewer department automatically roll up into broader asset tracking and resource planning activities.

Feature Walk-through
In one minute, see how easy it is to document and share inspections with WinCan. Then continue on to explore WinCan's analytical toolkit, cloud-based workflow and support for emerging technologies.

Standards Compliance
To understand sewer condition citywide, individual inspections must be performed to a common standard. WinCan supports more observation catalogs worldwide than any other sewer inspection software, ensuring your data is fully portable and yields superior insight.

Whats New:
• CleverScan: New version 1.5.1
• MACP7: Scoring added
• Printing: All pages after the inclination page appear in landscape fixed
• MAP: "Transfer to" for shapes written with MULTILINESTRING added

Installation Steps:
After installing go to the Program Information / License
Adminstration dialog
Switch the Licensing System to "Wincan" and close it
Run our keygen as Admin and generate the license
Back in Wincan import the generated "license.xml" in the same

Attention: Offline / Firewall !!

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