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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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VMware vSphere v7.0


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
VMware vSphere v7.0 (x64) ISO


VMware vSphere v7.0 (x64) ISO | 1.58 Gb
include vSphere Replication

Benefits of vSphere 7 Simplified Lifecyle Management

Simplify vSphere software patching and firmware upgrades with the updated lifecycle manager and update planner. Automate lifecycle management using RESTful APIs and the industry standard JSON for added flexibility.

Intrinsic Security and Control
Protect your vSphere hosts and applications with a simple, comprehensive and policy-driven model. Perform remote attestation for sensitive workloads using vSphere Trust Authority. Secure your access and account management using vSphere identity federation.

Application Acceleration
Improve the performance and resiliency of applications using improvements in vMotion, DRS and persistent memory. Provision efficient pools of accelerated hardware for AI/ML applications with supported GPUs. Support latency-sensitive applications with precision time protocol.


Home Page -


VMware vSphere 7 (Update 08.2020)


VMware vSphere 7 (Update 08.2020) | 88.6 GB | Language: English

New architecture: an all-in-one. Those. all components for control are enclosed in it.

vCenter HA cluster.
To ease migration to new applaens - vCenter Server Appliance Migration tool.
The new API (REST-based APIs for VM Management) to simplify and automate infrastructure management.
Finally, the official vSphere Client Web client based on HTML5.

Updated VMware Update Manager, Host Profiles and Auto Deploy. All simplified maintenance.
Proactive HA. If a problem with the host, the host may be output in quarantine and HMW smigrirovat with him, before a problem actually will damage the host.
vSphere HA Orchestrated Restart. Policy VM dependencies on reboot after HA operation.

Fault Tolerance is integrated with DRS to determine the best host and storage for shadow copies of a VM. Also FT operates through multiple network adapters.
Many extensions to the DRS and others.
Safe boot for hosts and VMs.
Encryption with vMotion.
Encryption VM disks.
Advanced audit.
Management Policies.

Update 08.2020:
VMware NSX for vSphere
Old images removed

Year: 2020
Version 7
Developer: VMWare
Developer website: System requirements: CPU: x86_64 compatible
HDD and RAM - the more, the better
Architecture: x86, amd64
Crack: absent
Language: English



VMware vSphere 7 Update 08.2020 | 88.6 GB


Language: English
Format before unpacking: .rar
Format after unpacking: ISO
Platform: Windows x86-x64
Size: 88.6 GB
Hoster: UploadGIG, NitroFlare, RapidGator


VMware vSphere 7 (Update 04.2021)


VMware vSphere 7 (Update 04.2021) | 165.5 GB | Language: English

New architecture: all-in-one. Those. All components for control are enclosed in it.

Vcenter Ha Cluster.
For simplicity of migration to the new Applaens - VCenter Server Appliance Migration Tool.

New API (Rest-Based Apis for VM Management) to simplify automation and infrastructure management.
Finally, the official VSphere Client web client based on HTML5.

Updated VMware Update Manager, Host Profiles and Auto Deploy. It is simplified in service.

Protective HA. If there are problems with the host, the host can be led to quarantine, and to fulfill the VM to fulfill it, before the problem really fails.

VSphere HA Orchestrated Restart. VM dependency policies when rebooting after HA triggering.

FAULT TOLERANCE is integrated with DRS to determine the optimal host and storage for the shadow copy of the VM. And the FT works through several network adapters.

Many extensions in DRS and others.
Safe download for hosts and VM.
Encryption with vmotion.
Encryption of VM discs.
Advanced audit.
Managing with policies.

Year of release: 2020
Version: 7.
Developer: VMWare.
System Requirements: CPU: x86_64 compatible
HDD and RAM - the more, the better
Architecture: x86, AMD64
Tabletka: absent
Interface language: English

What News?
VMware vCloud Director


Größe: 165.5 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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