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Ultimate Polygraph - BioDigital Lie Detector


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Ultimate Polygraph - BioDigital Lie Detector

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Unterhaltung
Aktualisiert: 27.10.2014
Version: 1.1
Größe: 7.3 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: Tamer Abdel-Baset
© 2014 - iSoft Development
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch.



Have you ever wondered if your friend is lying or telling you the truth?
Do you sometime feel that you need to know some of your friend’s secrets, but you feel he would never tell?

Then you need a Polygraph (Lie Detector) device, however these devices are not commonly available. So we did it, and developed the most realistic Lie Detector simulator App, that looks and behaves just like real polygraph devices. it measures the person’s voice level, stability and balance, and displays feedbacks on the app screen in a very realistic way.

The app looks very realistic, that you can easily fool your friends to believe that it’s the real deal, and they will tell their secrets without lying, we promise you.

Just ask your friend to put his index finger on the scanner in the app screen, then ask him whatever question you want, then let him answer your question. once he finishes his answer, ask him to remove his finger, and the App will give you the result, either if it a lie or truth.

The app provides three different methods of deciding the lie test result:
1- Random, and in this method, the lie test will give you a random result, either Lie or Truth. you cannot set or predict the result in advance, imagine how much fun you can have.
2- One by One, and this method enables you to set the result before each test. the possibilities are limitless. you can drive your friends crazy.
3- Sequence, and this is the most advanced method. it enables you to set a sequence of results, that the app follows. then you can just give the device to your friend and the app will follow your instructions without even touching it. no one will detect what you did.

Install the Ultimate Polygraph - BioDigital Lie Detector now, and start having so much fun with your friends.

*** Please note that this app does not provide real lie detection functionality, but only a simulation, it's meant for entertainment purposes only



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