The Next Car Game Pre-Alpha v0.1703433DM


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The Next Car Game Pre-Alpha v0.170343 Incl Sneak Peek 2.0 Cracked-3DM​


Next Car Game is a new demolition derby themed racing game with soft-body damage modeling, sophisticated driving dynamics and in-depth vehicle upgrading, featuring both demolition derbies and more traditional track races. It’s all about fun, breakneck racing and over-the-top crashes.

Expect epic crashes and tight, neck-to-neck fights over the finish line on run-down racing tracks. Expect proper demolition derbies. Expect brand new ways for metal to bend and the signature once-in-the-lifetime moments that can be achieved only with true-to-life physics simulation.


Format: Spiel-Daten
* Sprache: Englisch
* Hoster: Share-Online/Uploaded
* Größe: 1870 MB

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