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The Foundry Mari v3


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
The Foundry Mari (x64) | V3.0V2 | Englisch | inkl. Crack



With the artist-friendly 3D paint tools you need to make the most of your creativity, together with the power and performance to handle even the most complex assets, MARI is the clear choice for today’s challenging VFX, animation and games productions. Supported by the world’s most advanced layering system, MARI is capable of handling high-resolution textures and millions of polygons without ever compromising on speed or efficiency. It also provides a fully customizable user interface that lets you work just the way you want.

Able to handle millions of polygons and multiple high-resolution textures without slowing down, MARI takes care of the technical issues so you can focus your energy on applying detail where it matters most. The powerful and intuitive layering system lets you mix paint with procedurals, filters, color correction and masks—painting directly onto 3D models in a fluid and flexible way.
Featuring a real-time interactive environment that directly supports Arnold, V-Ray, Redshift and Unreal shaders, plus a fully integrated workflow with MODO for rendering and baking, MARI gives you the confidence that your textures will look the way you intended in the end result. And as you’d expect from The Foundry, MARI offers all the avenues for customization you need to make it a perfect fit in your pipeline.



Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded.net, Share-Online.biz, Oboom.com
Größe: 411 MB
Parts: 1




The Foundry Mari 3.2v1 (x86/x64)


MARI is the most fluid and natural way to paint in 3D. It makes life simple for artists by allowing them to paint directly onto 3D models with more time for painting and less time managing technical issues.

MARI’s cutting-edge paint tools give you the freedom and flexibility to create truly stunning effects and detail, with the added advantage of full triplanar projection for faster scene set-up.

Advanced layering
The full power of a layer-based workflow along with adjustments, procedurals and advanced masking means that you can paint faster and with greater control than ever before with MARI. Procedural layers make it easy to create the look you want, seamlessly blending procedural and painted detail with the same toolkit. A powerful procedural engine is built into the heart of the layer stack, offering fluid, GPU-accelerated real-time procedural noises, patterns, projections and more.

Realistic interactive preview
With MARI, you can create normal maps on the fly from bump maps, making it simpler and easier to generate and manipulate textures. Shadow support lets you cast real-time shadows on objects from multiple light sources and provides a customisable real-time 3D shader preview for things like specular highlights, displacement preview via bump mapping and colour correction. MARI also allows you to import multiple camera moves through which to view your model.

Geometry handling
MARI handles animated geometry and animated textures with ease, making it possible to isolate, select, mask and hide geometry per patch and face. Being able to have overlapping UVs means you can re-use the same texture across 3D models in any shared UV space, as well as handling multiple objects, versions and instances, with or without baked animation.
Color management

With OpenColorIO (OCIO), the open source color management solution from Sony Picture Imageworks, you can handle color transforms and image display across multiple applications by setting up a single profile to provide consistent colors across the board. A key tool in simplifying the color management process, OCIO is suitable for both visual effects work and animated features and is specifically geared towards post-production work.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 365 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The foundry Mari | v3.2V1 | Englisch | inkl. Crack


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

With the artist-friendly 3D paint tools you need to make the most of your creativity, together with the power and performance to handle even the most complex assets, MARI is the clear choice for today’s challenging VFX, animation and games productions. Supported by the world’s most advanced layering system, MARI is capable of handling high-resolution textures and millions of polygons without ever compromising on speed or efficiency. It also provides a fully customizable user interface that lets you work just the way you want.

Able to handle millions of polygons and multiple high-resolution textures without slowing down, MARI takes care of the technical issues so you can focus your energy on applying detail where it matters most. The powerful and intuitive layering system lets you mix paint with procedurals, filters, color correction and masks—painting directly onto 3D models in a fluid and flexible way.
Featuring a real-time interactive environment that directly supports Arnold, V-Ray, Redshift and Unreal shaders, plus a fully integrated workflow with MODO for rendering and baking, MARI gives you the confidence that your textures will look the way you intended in the end result. And as you’d expect from The Foundry, MARI offers all the avenues for customization you need to make it a perfect fit in your pipeline.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Rapidgator, Oboom
Größe: 362 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The Foundry Mari v3.2V1 (x64)

Englisch / Crack XForce



With the artist-friendly 3D paint tools you need to make the most of your creativity, together with the power and performance to handle even the most complex assets, MARI is the clear choice for today’s challenging VFX, animation and games productions. Supported by the world’s most advanced layering system, MARI is capable of handling high-resolution textures and millions of polygons without ever compromising on speed or efficiency. It also provides a fully customizable user interface that lets you work just the way you want.

Able to handle millions of polygons and multiple high-resolution textures without slowing down, MARI takes care of the technical issues so you can focus your energy on applying detail where it matters most. The powerful and intuitive layering system lets you mix paint with procedurals, filters, color correction and masks—painting directly onto 3D models in a fluid and flexible way.
Featuring a real-time interactive environment that directly supports Arnold, V-Ray, Redshift and Unreal shaders, plus a fully integrated workflow with MODO for rendering and baking, MARI gives you the confidence that your textures will look the way you intended in the end result. And as you’d expect from The Foundry, MARI offers all the avenues for customization you need to make it a perfect fit in your pipeline.

Größe: 365,53 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



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