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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Sun Seeker: 3D Augmented Reality Viewer


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Sun Seeker: 3D Augmented Reality Viewer

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Navigation
Aktualisiert: 05.01.2016
Version: 4.9.2
Größe: 13.1 MB
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Japanisch
Entwickler: Ajnaware Pty Ltd
© Ajnaware Pty Ltd
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone und iPad.



Provides a flat compass view and an augmented reality 3-D view showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its equinox, winter and summer solstice paths, rise and set times and more and a map view showing solar direction for each daylight hour.

For iOS8+ includes graphical Notifications screen widget showing today's solar data and position on arc

Ideal for
* Photographers - for planning optimal light conditions
* Real Estate Buyers - for finding the sun exposure of properties you are considering
* Gardeners - for finding optimal planting locations for current and seasonal solar exposure
* Architects - for getting a feel for the spatial variability of the solar angle throughout the year
* All Sun Lovers! To find the sun, even when it is hidden by clouds or walls

Main Features
* Uses GPS, magnetometer and gyroscope to find the correct solar position and path for your current location
* Flat compass view showing current solar position, diurnal solar angle and elevation (separated into day & night segments), shadow length ratio, atmospheric path thickness
* 3D augmented reality camera overlay view showing the sun's current position, its path with hour points marked
* Camera view also has an optional pointer to guide you towards the current location of the sun
* Map view showing solar direction arrows and elevations for each hour of the day
* Ability to choose any date and view solar path for that day
* Ability to choose any location on earth (includes 40,000+ cities or custom locations)
* Additional details including rise, set and culmination times, maximum elevation, civil, nautical and astronomical twilight times
* User option to include summer and winter solstice paths on both flat compass view and camera view

Videos, videos, videos
* Check out our YouTube video here:
* Search YouTube for "Sun Seeker app" for many other videos created by enthusiastic users

* See - also easily accessible from the app's info screen

* IMPORTANT - Please ensure that Settings / Location Services / System Settings / Compass Calibration is switched ON. The app's 3D view will not work without it!
* The compass accuracy depends on having an undistorted magnetic field around your device. If you use it close to metallic objects or electrical equipment, directional accuracy may be impaired.



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Neue Funktionen von Version 4.9.2

* Fixes backward compatibility with iOS7 & iOS8
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