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Standford University Press - EBooks Collection


Standford University Press - EBooks Collection
English | PDF-EPUB | 288 Files | 2.40 Gb​

A collection of over 400 ebooks from Stanford University Press, over lots of different academic fields. Contains a roughly even number of epubs and pdfs, with some ebooks available in both formats and others only in one or the other. All or mostly retail.

Content list:
15 Sports Myths and Why They're Wrong - Rodney Fort & Jason Winfree.pdf
Aesthetic Materialism_ Electricity and American Romanticism - Paul Gilmore.pdf
Aesthetics of Hate_ Far-Right Intellectuals, Antisemitism, and Gender in 1930s France - Sandrine Sanos.pdf
Aesthetics of Hate_ Far-Right Intellectuals, Antisemitism, and Gender in 1930s France, The - Sandrine Sanos.epub
Agony of Greek Jews, 1940-1945, The - Steven Bowman.pdf
Alchemical Mercury - Karen Pinkus.pdf
America's Corporate Art_ The Studio Authorship of Hollywood Motion Pictures (1929-2001) - Jerome Christensen.pdf
American Terror_ The Feeling of Thinking in Edwards, Poe, and Melville - Paul Hurh.pdf
Architects of Austerity_ International Finance and the Politics of Growth - Aaron Major.pdf
Arendt and Adorno_ Political and Philosophical Investigations - Lars Rensmann.epub
Arendt and Adorno_ Political and Philosophical Investigations - Lars Rensmann.pdf
Arts and the Definition of the Human_ Toward a Philosophical Anthropology, The - Joseph Margolis.epub
Arts and the Definition of the Human_ Toward a Philosophical Anthropology, The - Joseph Margolis.pdf
Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung_ On a Hidden Potential of Literature - Hans Gumbrecht & Erik Butler.epub
Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung_ On a Hidden Potential of Literature - Hans Gumbrecht & Erik Butler.pdf
Attacking Judges_ How Campaign Advertising Influences State Supreme Court Elections - Melinda Hall & Melinda Gann Hall (1).pdf
Attacking Judges_ How Campaign Advertising Influences State Supreme Court Elections - Melinda Hall & Melinda Gann Hall.epub
Balance of Power_ Theory and Practice in the 21st Century - T. V. Paul.pdf
Before Imagination_ Embodied Thought From Montaigne to Rousseau - John Lyons.pdf
Between Birth and Death_ Female Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century China - Michelle King.epub
Between Birth and Death_ Female Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century China - Michelle King.pdf
Between Philosophy and Literature_ Bakhtin and the Question of the Subject - Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan.pdf
Binding Violence_ Literary Visions of Political Origins - Moira Fradinger.pdf
Borrowed Light_ Vico, Hegel, and the Colonies - Timothy Brennan.pdf
Camp Sites_ Sex, Politics, and Academic Style in Postwar America - Michael Trask.pdf
Choice of Achilles_ The Ideology of Figure in the Epic, The - Susanne Wofford.epub
Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, With Selected Letters of Una Jeffers_ Volume Three, 1940-1962, The - James Karman.pdf
Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, With Selected Letters of Una Jeffers_ Volume Two 1931-1939, The - James Karman.epub
Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, With Selected Letters of Una Jeffers_ Volume Two 1931-1939, The - James Karman.pdf
Common Knowledge_ An Ethnography of Wikipedia - Dariusz Jemielniak.pdf
Concerning the Spiritual--and the Concrete--in Kandinsky's Art - Lisa Florman.epub
Concerning the Spiritual--and the Concrete--in Kandinsky's Art - Lisa Florman.pdf
Contemporary Social Psychological Theories - Peter J. Burke.pdf
Convulsing Bodies_ Religion and Resistance in Foucault - Mark Jordan.pdf
Copy, Archive, Signature_ A Conversation on Photography - Jacques Derrida & Jeff Fort & Hubertus von Amelunxen & Michael Wetzel & Gerhard Richter.epub
Copy, Archive, Signature_ A Conversation on Photography - Jacques Derrida.pdf
Counterculture Colophon_ Grove Press, the Evergreen Review, and the Incorporation of the Avant-Garde - Loren Glass.epub
Counterfeit Capital_ Poetic Labor and Revolutionary Irony - Jennifer Bajorek.pdf
Crescent Moon Over the Rational_ Philosophical Interpretations of Paul Klee - Stephen Watson.pdf
Cuban Missile Crisis in American Memory_ Myths Versus Reality, The - Sheldon Stern.pdf
Cultural Memory In The Present
Culture of Diagram, The - John Bender & Michael Marrinan.pdf
Daily Life of the Greek Gods, The - Giulia Sissa & Marcel Detienne.pdf
Dialectic and Dialogue - Dmitri Nikulin.pdf
Dolores Del Rio_ Beauty in Light and Shade - Linda Hall.pdf
Dostoevsky's Religion - Steven Cassedy.pdf
Dreaming of Michelangelo_ Jewish Variations on a Modern Theme - Asher Biemann.pdf
Emotional Logic of Capitalism_ What Progressives Have Missed, The - Martijn Konings.pdf
End of Intelligence_ Espionage and State Power in the Information Age, The - David Tucker.pdf
Enigma of Isaac Babel_ Biography, History, Context, The - Gregory Freidin.pdf
Eureka Myth_ Creators, Innovators, and Everyday Intellectual Property, The - Jessica Silbey (1).pdf
Eureka Myth_ Creators, Innovators, and Everyday Intellectual Property, The - Jessica Silbey.epub
Exemplarity and Mediocrity_ The Art of the Average From Bourgeois Tragedy to Realism - Paul Fleming.pdf
Faces of Aging_ The Lived Experiences of the Elderly in Japan - Yoshiko Matsumoto.pdf
Fiction Agonistes_ In Defense of Literature - Gregory Jusdanis.pdf
Flesh of My Flesh - Kaja Silverman.pdf
Flourishing_ A Frank Conversation About Sustainability - John R. Ehrenfeld & Andrew J. Hoffman.epub
Flourishing_ A Frank Conversation About Sustainability - John R. Ehrenfeld & Andrew J. Hoffman.pdf
Foucault and the Politics of Rights - Ben Golder.pdf
From Ah Q to Lei Feng_ Freud and Revolutionary Spirit in 20th Century China - Wendy Larson.pdf
Good Life_ Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing, The - Edward F. Fischer.pdf
Good Life_ Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing, The - Edward Fischer.epub
Great Clarity_ Daoism and Alchemy in Early Medieval China - Fabrizio Pregadio.pdf
Gruesome Spectacles_ Botched Executions and America's Death Penalty - Austin Sarat (1).pdf
Gruesome Spectacles_ Botched Executions and America's Death Penalty - Austin Sarat.epub
Guilt_ The Bite of Conscience - Herant A. Katchadourian.pdf
Having It All in the Belle Epoque_ How French Women's Magazines Invented the Modern Woman - Rachel Mesch.epub
Having It All in the Belle Epoque_ How French Women's Magazines Invented the Modern Woman - Rachel Mesch.pdf
Heidegger Among the Sculptors - Andrew A. Mitchell.epub
Heidegger Among the Sculptors_ Body, Space, and the Art of Dwelling - Andre J. Mitchell.pdf
Henry Ford's War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech - Victoria Woeste.pdf
Hip Figures_ A Literary History of the Democratic Party - Michael Szalay.pdf
His Hiding Place Is Darkness_ A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence (Encountering Traditions) - Francis Clooney.pdf
Hive Mind_ How Your Nation's IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own - Garett Jones.epub
Homer Economicus_ The Simpsons and Economics - Joshua Hall.epub
Homer Economicus_ The Simpsons and Economics - Joshua Hall.pdf
Illustration of the Master_ Henry James and the Magazine Revolution, The - Amy Tucker.pdf
Incest Avoidance and the Incest Taboos_ Two Aspects of Human Nature - Arthur Wolf.pdf
Iranophobia_ The Logic of an Israeli Obsession - Haggai Ram.pdf
Islandology_ Geography, Rhetoric, Politics - Marc Shell.pdf
Kantian Ethics and Economics_ Autonomy, Dignity, and Character - Mark D. White.pdf
Law and the Utopian Imagination - Austin Sarat & Lawrence Douglas & Martha Umphrey.epub
Law and the Utopian Imagination - Austin Sarat & Lawrence Douglas & Martha Umphrey.pdf
Leaving Marxism_ Studies in the Dissolution of an Ideology - Stanley Pierson.pdf
Less Legible Meanings_ Between Poetry and Philosophy in the Work of Emerson - Pamela Schirmeister.pdf
Lianda - John Israel.epub
Library and the Workshop_ Social Democracy and Capitalism in the Knowledge Age, The - Jenny Andersson.pdf
Literary Polemics_ Bataille, Sartre - Suzanne Guerlac.pdf
Literature and the Creative Economy - Sarah Brouillette.epub
Literature and the Creative Economy - Sarah Brouillette.pdf
Long and Short of It_ From Aphorism to Novel, The - Gary Morson.epub
Madmen, Intellectuals, and Academic Scribblers_ The Economic Engine of Political Change - Edward Lopez & Wayne Leighton.epub
Madmen, Intellectuals, and Academic Scribblers_ The Economic Engine of Political Change - Edward Lopez & Wayne Leighton.pdf
Making History in Iran_ Education, Nationalism, and Print Culture - Farzin Vejdani.pdf
Making of the State Reader_ Social and Aesthetic Contexts of the Reception of Soviet Literature, The - Evgeny Dobrenko & Jesse Savage.pdf
Making Tea, Making Japan_ Cultural Nationalism in Practice - Kristin Surak.pdf
Male Confessions_ Intimate Revelations and the Religious Imagination - Bjorn Krondorfer.pdf
Markets in the Name of Socialism_ The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism - Johanna Bockman.pdf
Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism_ Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism - A. James Gregor.epub
Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism_ Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism - A. James Gregor.pdf
Medieval Venuses and Cupids_ Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry - Theresa Tinkle.epub
Meridian Crossing Aesthetics
Mind-Body Stage_ Passion and Interaction in the Cartesian Theater, The - R. Darren Gobert.pdf
Miracle of Analogy_ Or the History of Photography, Part 1, The - Kaja Silverman.epub
Monsters by Trade_ Slave Traffickers in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture - Lisa Surwillo.epub
Monsters by Trade_ Slave Traffickers in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture - Lisa Surwillo.pdf
Nature of Creative Development, The - Jonathan S. Feinstein.pdf
No Law_ Intellectual Property in the Image of an Absolute First Amendment - David Lange & Jefferson Powell.pdf
Obscure Invitations_ The Persistence of the Author in Twentieth-Century American Literature - Benjamin Widiss.pdf
On Ethics and History_ Essays and Letters of Zhang Xuecheng - Philip Ivanhoe.pdf
On Philosophy_ Notes From a Crisis - John McCumber.epub
On Philosophy_ Notes From a Crisis - John McCumber.pdf
Orphan Scandal_ Christian Missionaries and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, The - Beth Baron.epub
Other Adam Smith_ Popular Contention, Commercial Society, and the Birth of Necro-Economics, The - Mike Hill & Warren Montag.pdf
Our Bodies, Ourselves and the Work of Writing - Susan Wells.pdf
Out of Character_ Modernism, Vitalism, Psychic Life - Omri Moses.pdf
Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (Even the Frame) - Paul Crowther.epub
Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (Even the Frame) - Paul Crowther.pdf
Philosophy, Revision, Critique_ Rereading Practices in Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Emerson - David Wittenberg.pdf
Photography for Everyone_ The Cultural Lives of Cameras and Consumers in Early Twentieth-Century Japan - Kerry Ross.pdf
Plant Theory_ Biopower and Vegetable Life - Jeffrey Nealon.pdf
Poetic Affairs_ Celan, Grunbein, Brodsky - Michael Eskin.pdf
Police Aesthetics_ Literature, Film, and the Secret Police in Soviet Times - Cristina Vatulescu.pdf
Politics of Deconstruction_ A New Introduction to Jacques Derrida - Susanne Ludemann.epub
Politics of Deconstruction_ A New Introduction to Jacques Derrida - Susanne Ludemann.pdf
Post-Postmodernism_ Or, the Cultural Logic of Just-In-Time Capitalism - Jeffrey Nealon.pdf
Power of Life_ Agamben and the Coming Politics (To Imagine a Form of Life, II), The - David Kishik.pdf
Practice of Misuse_ Rugged Consumerism in Contemporary American Culture, The - Raymond Malewitz.epub
Practice of Misuse_ Rugged Consumerism in Contemporary American Culture, The - Raymond Malewitz.pdf
Problem of Distraction, The - Paul North.epub
Projections_ Comics and the History of Twenty-First-Century Storytelling - Jared Gardner.epub
Projections_ Comics and the History of Twenty-First-Century Storytelling - Jared Gardner.pdf
Race Decoded_ The Genomic Fight for Social Justice - Catherine Bliss.pdf
Rawls and Habermas_ Reason, Pluralism, and the Claims of Political Philosophy - Todd Hedrick.pdf
Regulating Prostitution in China_ Gender and Local Statebuilding, 1900-1937 - Elizabeth Remick.pdf
Releasing the Image_ From Literature to New Media - Robert Mitchell.pdf
Requiem for the Ego_ Freud and the Origins of Postmodernism - Alfred Tauber.epub
Requiem for the Ego_ Freud and the Origins of Postmodernism - Alfred Tauber.pdf
Robinson Jeffers and the American Sublime - Robert Zaller.epub
Robinson Jeffers and the American Sublime - Robert Zaller.pdf
Science and the Life-World_ Essays on Husserl's Crisis of European Sciences - David Hyder.pdf
Scripting Revolution_ A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions - Keith Baker & Dan Edelstein.pdf
Shattered Dreams of Revolution_ From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire - Bedross Der Matossian.pdf
Skin of the System_ On Germany's Socialist Modernity, The - Benjamin Robinson.pdf
Slow Print_ Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture - Elizabeth Miller.pdf
Stanford Studies In Jewish History And Culture
Struggle for the World_ Liberation Movements for the 21st Century, The - Charles Lindholm & Jose Pedro Zuquete.epub
Struggle for the World_ Liberation Movements for the 21st Century, The - Charles Lindholm & Jose Pedro Zuquete.pdf
Taking Ourselves Seriously & Getting It Right - Harry G. Frankfurt & Debra Satz.pdf
Taking Wrongs Seriously_ Apologies and Reconciliation - Elazar Barkan & Alexander Karn.pdf
The Emotional Politics of Racism_ How Feelings Trump Facts in an Era of Colorblindness - Paula Ioanide.pdf
Theater of Truth_ The Ideology of (Neo)Baroque Aesthetics, The - William Egginton.pdf
Thinking Allegory Otherwise - Brenda Machosky.pdf
Thinking Its Presence_ Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Asian American Poetry - Dorothy Wang.pdf
Thinking Its Presence_ Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Asian American Poetry - Dorothy Wang_001.pdf
Time in the Shadows_ Confinement in Counterinsurgencies - Laleh Khalili.pdf
Time of the Crime_ Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Italian Film, The - Domietta Torlasco.pdf
Totalitarianism and Political Religion_ An Intellectual History - A. James Gregor.epub
Transcendence_ On Self-Determination and Cosmopolitanism - Mitchell Aboulafia.pdf
Transcendental Heidegger - Jeff Malpas.pdf
Truth of the Technological World_ Essays on the Genealogy of Presence, The - Friedrich A. Kittler; translated by Erik Butler.epub
Truth of the Technological World_ Essays on the Genealogy of Presence, The - Friedrich Kittler & Erik Butler.pdf
Two Sports Myths and Why They're Wrong - Rodney Fort & Jason Winfree.epub
Two Sports Myths and Why They're Wrong - Rodney Fort & Jason Winfree.pdf
Understanding Hegel's Mature Critique of Kant - John McCumber.pdf
Violent Origins_ Walter Burkert, Rene Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation - Rene Girard.pdf
Virtues of Abandon_ An Anti-Individualist History of the French Enlightenment, The - Charly Coleman.pdf
Why Internet Porn Matters - Margret Grebowicz.pdf
Why Literary Periods Mattered_ Historical Contrast and the Prestige of English Studies - Ted Underwood.epub
Why Literary Periods Mattered_ Historical Contrast and the Prestige of English Studies - Ted Underwood.pdf
World of Freedom_ Heidegger, Foucault, and the Politics of Historical Ontology, The - Robert Nichols.pdf
Worlding America_ A Transnational Anthology of Short Narratives Before 1800 - Oliver Scheiding.pdf
Writing Against Time - Michael Clune.epub
Writing Against Time - Michael Clune.pdf
About Europe_ Philosophical Hypotheses - Denis Guenoun.pdf
Adventures in the French Trade_ Fragments Toward a Life - Jeffrey Mehlman.pdf
Adventures in the French Trade_ Fragments Toward a Life - Professor Jeffrey Mehlman.epub
After La Dolce Vita_ A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy - Alessia Ricciardi.pdf
Antigone Complex_ Ethics and the Invention of Feminine Desire, The - Cecilia Sjoholm.pdf
Atheism That Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought, An - Stefanos Geroulanos.epub
Atheism That Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought, An - Stefanos Geroulanos.pdf
Barbarism and Its Discontents - Maria Boletsi.epub
Barbarism and Its Discontents - Maria Boletsi.pdf
Covenant of Creatures_ Levinas's Philosophy of Judaism, A - Michael Fagenblat.epub
Covenant of Creatures_ Levinas's Philosophy of Judaism, A - Michael Fagenblat.pdf
Deleuzian Concepts_ Philosophy, Colonization, Politics - Paul Patton.epub
Deleuzian Concepts_ Philosophy, Colonization, Politics - Paul Patton.pdf
Event and Its Terrors_ Ireland, Famine, Modernity, The - Stuart John McLean.pdf
Event and Its Terrors_ Ireland, Famine, Modernity, The - Stuart McLean.pdf
Exemplarity and Chosenness_ Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy - Dana Hollander.epub
Exemplarity and Chosenness_ Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy - Dana Hollander.pdf
Faith as an Option_ Possible Futures for Christianity - Hans Joas.pdf
Future and Its Enemies_ In Defense of Political Hope, The - Daniel Innerarity & Sandra Kingery.pdf
Future and Its Enemies_ In Defense of Political Hope, The - Daniel Innerarity.epub
Game of Probability_ Literature and Calculation From Pascal to Kleist, The - Rudiger Campe.epub
Game of Probability_ Literature and Calculation From Pascal to Kleist, The - Rudiger Campe.pdf
Georges Bataille_ Phenomenology and Phantasmatology - Rodolphe Gasche.epub
Georges Bataille_ Phenomenology and Phantasmatology - Rodolphe Gasche.pdf
Heidegger's Volk_ Between National Socialism and Poetry - James Phillips.pdf
Houses in Motion_ The Experience of Place and the Problem of Belief in Urban Malaysia - Richard Baxstrom.epub
Houses in Motion_ The Experience of Place and the Problem of Belief in Urban Malaysia - Richard Baxstrom.pdf
Human Rights as a Way of Life_ On Bergson's Political Philosophy - Alexandre Lefebvre.pdf
In the Self's Place_ The Approach of Saint Augustine - Jean-Luc Marion.epub
In the Self's Place_ The Approach of Saint Augustine - Jean-Luc Marion.pdf
Little Did I Know_ Excerpts From Memory - Professor Emeritus Stanley Cavell.pdf
Living Thought_ The Origins and Actuality of Italian Philosophy - Roberto Esposito.epub
Living Thought_ The Origins and Actuality of Italian Philosophy - Roberto Esposito.pdf
Long Space_ Transnationalism and Postcolonial Form, The - Peter Hitchcock.epub
Long Space_ Transnationalism and Postcolonial Form, The - Peter Hitchcock.pdf
Mark of the Sacred, The - Jean-Pierre Dupuy.epub
Mark of the Sacred, The - Jean-Pierre Dupuy.pdf
Memos From the Besieged City_ Lifelines for Cultural Sustainability - Djelal Kadir.pdf
Milton and the Post-Secular Present_ Ethics, Politics, Terrorism - Feisal Mohamed.epub
Milton and the Post-Secular Present_ Ethics, Politics, Terrorism - Feisal Mohamed.pdf
Mother Folly_ A Tale - Francoise Davoine.epub
Multidirectional Memory_ Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization - Michael Rothberg.epub
Multidirectional Memory_ Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization - Michael Rothberg.pdf
Neuro-Image_ A Deleuzian Film-Philosophy of Digital Screen Culture, The - Patricia Pisters.epub
Neuro-Image_ A Deleuzian Film-Philosophy of Digital Screen Culture, The - Patricia Pisters.pdf
New Demons_ Rethinking Power and Evil Today, The - Simona Forti.epub
On Historicizing Epistemology_ An Essay - Hans-Jorg Rheinberger.epub
On Historicizing Epistemology_ An Essay - Hans-Jorg Rheinberger.pdf
Outlaw Justice_ The Messianic Politics of Paul - Theodore Jennings Jr_.pdf
Outlaw Justice_ The Messianic Politics of Paul - Theodore Jennings.epub
Paper Machine - Jacques Derrida.pdf
Philosophers and Thespians_ Thinking Performance - Freddie Rokem.pdf
Philosophy and Melancholy_ Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theater and Language - Ilit Ferber.epub
Philosophy and Melancholy_ Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theater and Language - Ilit Ferber.pdf
Post-Postmodernism_ Or, the Cultural Logic of Just-In-Time Capitalism - Jeffrey Nealon.epub
Powers of the Secular Modern_ Talal Asad and His Interlocutors - Charles Hirschkind & David Scott.pdf
Radical Equality_ Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy - Aishwary Kumar.pdf
Re-Figuring Hayden White - Frank Ankersmit & Ewa Domanska & Hans Kellner.epub
Re-Figuring Hayden White - Frank Ankersmit & Ewa Domanska & Hans Kellner.pdf
Reconfiguring Islamic Tradition_ Reform, Rationality, and Modernity - Samira Haj (2).pdf
Reconfiguring Islamic Tradition_ Reform, Rationality, and Modernity - Samira Haj.epub
Religion in Public_ Locke's Political Theology - Elizabeth Pritchard.pdf
Specter of Capital, The - Joseph Vogl.epub
Specter of Capital, The - Joseph Vogl.pdf
Spinoza Contra Phenomenology_ French Rationalism From Cavailles to Deleuze - Knox Peden.epub
Systems Theory of Religion, A - Niklas Luhmann.epub
Testing the Limit_ Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the Phenomenological Tradition - Francois-David Sebbah & Stephen Barker.pdf
Testing the Limit_ Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the Phenomenological Tradition - Francois-David Sebbah.epub
Theaters of Justice_ Judging, Staging, and Working Through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo - Yasco Horsman.pdf
Theory of Society, Volume 1 - Niklas Luhmann.pdf
Theory of Society, Volume 2 - Niklas Luhmann & Rhodes Barrett.epub
Theory of Society, Volume 2 - Niklas Luhmann & Rhodes Barrett.pdf
Violence Taking Place_ The Architecture of the Kosovo Conflict - Andrew Herscher.pdf
Warped Mourning_ Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied - Alexander Etkind.epub
Warped Mourning_ Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied - Alexander Etkind.pdf
What Is a Classic_ Postcolonial Rewriting and Invention of the Canon - Ankhi Mukherjee.pdf
Worlds Within_ National Narratives and Global Connections in Postcolonial Writing - Vilashini Cooppan.pdf
Europe, or the Infinite Task_ A Study of a Philosophical Concept - Rodolphe Gasche.epub
Europe, or the Infinite Task_ A Study of a Philosophical Concept - Rodolphe Gasche.pdf
For Love of the Father_ A Psychoanalytic Study of Religious Terrorism - Ruth Stein.epub
For Love of the Father_ A Psychoanalytic Study of Religious Terrorism - Ruth Stein.pdf
Highest Poverty_ Monastic Rules and Form-Of-Life, The - Giorgio Agamben.epub
Highest Poverty_ Monastic Rules and Form-Of-Life, The - Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Interpretation and Difference_ The Strangeness of Care - Alan Bass.pdf
Kingdom and the Glory_ For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government, The - Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Kingdom and the Glory_ For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government, The - Giorgio Agambeni.epub
Lautreamont and Sade - Maurice Blanchot & Michelle Kendall & Stuart Kendall.pdf
Life With Mary Shelley, A - Barbara Johnson & Judith Butler & Shoshana Felman.pdf
Life With Mary Shelley, A - Barbara Johnson & Shoshana Felman & Judith Butler.epub
Messianic Reduction_ Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time, The - Peter Fenves.pdf
Open_ Man and Animal, The - Giorgio Agamben.epub
Open_ Man and Animal, The - Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Opus Dei_ An Archaeology of Duty - Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Pilate and Jesus - Giorgio Agamben & Adam Kotsko.epub
Pilate and Jesus - Giorgio Agamben & Adam Kotsko.pdf
Poetic Force_ Poetry After Kant - Kevin Mclaughlin.epub
Poetic Force_ Poetry After Kant - Kevin Mclaughlin.pdf
Stasis_ Civil War as a Political Paradigm - Giorgio Agamben.epub
Stasis_ Civil War as a Political Paradigm - Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Technics and Time, 3_ Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise - Bernard Stiegler.pdf
Without Alibi - Jacques Derrida & Peggy Kamuf.pdf
Work of Fire, The - Maurice Blanchot.pdf
Yield_ Kafka's Atheological Reformation, The - Paul North.epub
Yield_ Kafka's Atheological Reformation, The - Paul North.pdf
As Light Before Dawn_ The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist - Eitan Fishbane.pdf
From Kabbalah to Class Strugle_ Expressionism, Marxism, and Yiddish Literature in the Life and Work of Meir Wiener - Mikhail Krutikov.pdf
Jewish Life on Three Continents_ The Memoir of Menachem Mendel Frieden, A - Lee Weissbach.pdf
Jewish Spain_ A Mediterranean Memory - Tabea Linhard.epub
Jewish Spain_ A Mediterranean Memory - Tabea Linhard.pdf
Jews and the Bible, The - Jean-Christophe Attias.epub
Jews and the Bible, The - Jean-Christophe Attias.pdf
Mediterranean Enlightenment_ Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform - Francesca Bregoli.epub
Nineteenth-Century Jewish Literature_ A Reader - Jonathan Hess & Maurice Samuels & Nadia Vaiman.pdf
Parable and Its Lesson_ A Novella, The - S. Agnon & Alan Mintz & James Diamond.epub
Sanctuary in the Wilderness_ A Critical Introduction to American Hebrew Poetry - Alan Mintz.pdf
Yosef Haim Brenner_ A Life - Anita Shapira & Anthony Berris.epub
Yosef Haim Brenner_ A Life - Anita Shapira & Anthony Berris.pdf


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