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SIMetrix v8


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
SIMetrix 8.00g


SIMetrix Technologies has released 8.00g version of SIMetrix and SIMetrix/SIMPLIS. This product families provide professional circuit design and simulation tools for analog and power electronics engineers.

SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a popular Circuit Simulation package. SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a combination of two independent circuit simulators: SIMetrix, a SPICE-based simulator with numerous enhancements including custom models for power transistor devices; and SIMPLIS, a fast simulator that uses piecewise linear approximations and includes useful analysis modes for switching power supply circuits.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 277 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


SIMetrix v8.00g (x64)

Englisch / Crack



SIMetrix Technologies has released 8.00g version of SIMetrix and SIMetrix/SIMPLIS. This product families provide professional circuit design and simulation tools for analog and power electronics engineers.

SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a popular Circuit Simulation package. SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a combination of two independent circuit simulators: SIMetrix, a SPICE-based simulator with numerous enhancements including custom models for power transistor devices; and SIMPLIS, a fast simulator that uses piecewise linear approximations and includes useful analysis modes for switching power supply circuits.

Größe: 277,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator



SIMetrix v8.00g - Inkl. Crack

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


SIMetrix Technologies has released 8.00g version of SIMetrix and SIMetrix/SIMPLIS. This product families provide professional circuit design and simulation tools for analog and power electronics engineers.

SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a popular Circuit Simulation package. SIMetrix/SIMPLIS is a combination of two independent circuit simulators: SIMetrix, a SPICE-based simulator with numerous enhancements including custom models for power transistor devices; and SIMPLIS, a fast simulator that uses piecewise linear approximations and includes useful analysis modes for switching power supply circuits.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 285 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Englisch





SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Elite v8.4 x64 Final


SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Elite v8.4 x64 Final | 606 MB | Language: English

Unique simulator designed for high-speed analysis of linear and mixed circuits.
Appendix SIMPLIS (abbreviation of «SIMulation for Piecewise LInear System») was created for the purpose of rapid prototyping of power supplies and switching regulators, as well as keyword research schemes voltage converters. It, as well as the SPICE program operates at the level of the radio circuit components, but the transient analysis performs 10-50 times faster.

Such SIMPLIS module simulation speed is achieved by using a piecewise linear approximation instead of solving systems of nonlinear equations used in the SPICE program. The application performs the following assays: Transient, PFC / frequency response of the closed loop and autoregulation of the operating point. The last analysis is a rapid calculation of the steady-state operating mode switching power supply at constant load and power. For particularly complicated in terms of simulation cases provides another analysis mode - Multi-Tone AC, being the method of determining the similarity of the two-frequency intermodulation distortion. In addition the program has a function of automatically converting SPICE-models SIMPLIS format model.

The second program is a full-fledged simulator SIMetrix analog-to-digital circuits. It is based on two common product - XSPICE and SPISE. The app has schematic editor, simulator and graphical post-processor. As the basic method is applied solution iteration of the Newton-Refsona providing speed calculation mode transients and DC. For particularly "tricky" schemes has psevdoperehodnogo analysis algorithm insulation / fixing not calculated node potentials and adaptable iteration step. SIMetrix program performs support model elements MOS9 specifications, BSIM3 / 4, Mextram, VBIC and is compatible with HSPICE file. Additionally, the application has a sampler and Bode calculator efficiency, and also supports the creation of an arbitrary logic block, simulating the operation of a digital device.

Distribution programs includes a detailed user manual, help files, and hundreds of examples of work performed from various directions circuitry.
Programs included in this kit have been developed through the efforts of the two partner companies - SIMetrix Technologies (United Kingdom, Berkshire, Thatcham Town) and SIMPLIS Technologies (United States, Oregon, Portland).

Reporting software suite to simulate electronic circuits is presented in English, localization is not available to him.

Year / Release Date: 2020
Version: 8.4
Developer: SIMetrix Technologies Ltd.
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System Requirements: Operating System - 64 bit Versions
The following operating systems are fully supported for SIMetrix and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS 64-bit versions:
Windows® 10 Home, Pro and Enterprise - 64 bit editions
Windows® 8.1, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Enterprise - 64 bit editions
Windows® 8, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Enterprise - 64 bit editions
Windows® 7 Home Premium / Professional / Enterprise / Ultimate - 64 bit editions
SIMetrix and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS will operate correctly if:
The system is running one of supported operating systems listed above, AND
The system meets the minimum hardware requirement for that operating system, AND
The system's CPU supports the SSE2 instruction set. Any system manufactured after about 2005 is likely to meet this requirement.
SIMetrix and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS are CPU-intensive applications and will benefit from the most powerful processors and largest memories.
Multicore support
SIMetrix Pro and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS Pro are able to use up to four physical cores, while SIMetrix Elite, and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS Elite can exploit 16 physical cores.
Please, however, be aware of the following:
Some processors increase the apparent number of CPUs by using a technology called "Hyperthreading". SIMetrix and SIMetrix / SIMPLIS do not directly use hyperthreaded (also known as "logical") CPUs.
The greatest benefit from multiple cores is achieved when running Monte Carlo analyses and other multiple analysis modes. This applies to both SIMetrix and SIMPLIS simulators. For this application, typical performance benefit of about 75% of the core count can be achieved. So for 4 cores a Monte Carlo run may execute about 3 times faster. The SIMetrix simulator can also exploit multiple cores to gain a speedup for single runs, but the performance benefit achieved is much more modest and typically there is little benefit in having more than about 4 cores.


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