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Siemens PLM NX v11


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Siemens PLM NX 11.0 Easy Fill Advanced 1.2


CoreTech System(Moldex3D) Co., Ltd., the true 3D CAE plastics simulation solution innovator, announced its leading mold filling simulation technology has been integrated with the latest release of NX software, Siemens’ flagship computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering analysis (CAD/CAM/CAE) solution. NX EasyFill Advanced will enable the innovative and professional mold filling simulation technologies to further enhance the mold design-to-manufacturing process for users of NX 11.

NX offers a range of tools that help you assess the moldability of plastic parts. These validation and mold flow analysis tools are intended for use by designers in the early stages of product development, and are fully integrated with NX design functions. They combine technologies from Siemens PLM Software and Moldex3D, a leading provider of computer-aided engineering (CAE) software for the plastics industry, to deliver intuitive injection molding simulations embedded in NX.

You can easily setup and perform analyses with only a few clicks. The moldability validation and flow analysis tools enable you to identify and correct potential injection molding problems as you design the product. The mold filling simulation tools feature automatic meshing and support parallel computing to deliver results faster.

NX Molded Part Validation gives you the tools you need to ensure that designs are manufacturable. The software examines part models to identify features that could compromise the injection molding process. The automated checking allows you to identify draft angles, undercut areas, sharp corners and small radiuses, and other issues that can impede successful molding.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 170,95 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Siemens NX 10.0-11.0 version 2016.10 Solvers Updates


Siemens PLM Software has released an updates of TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) module to Siemens NX 10.0-11.0, is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries.

NX Thermal software provides heat transfer solutions and is an add-on module to either NX Advanced FEM or NX Advanced Simulation. NX Thermal can simulate conduction, convection and radiation phenomena for complex products and large assemblies. NX Thermal is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries including aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, consumer products and appliances, energy, medical, electronics and semiconductors. In addition, NX Thermal can also be used with NX Flow, the NX-integrated CFD solution, for coupled thermo-fluid simulation.

NX Thermal continues Siemens’ long heritage in thermal simulation and leverages the same technology that underpinned the I-deas TMG solution. NX Thermal uses high-order finite volume-based technology on a FE mesh to accurately and efficiently simulate heat transfer phenomenon. It combines the versatility of FE-based analysis with the accuracy of a finite volume scheme. The NX Thermal solver technology allows simulation of NX parts and assemblies within complex thermal environments.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 423,77 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Siemens NX 10.0-11.0 version 2016.10.2 Solvers Updates


Siemens PLM Software has released an updates of TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) module to Siemens NX 10.0-11.0, is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries.

NX Thermal software provides heat transfer solutions and is an add-on module to either NX Advanced FEM or NX Advanced Simulation. NX Thermal can simulate conduction, convection and radiation phenomena for complex products and large assemblies. NX Thermal is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries including aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, consumer products and appliances, energy, medical, electronics and semiconductors. In addition, NX Thermal can also be used with NX Flow, the NX-integrated CFD solution, for coupled thermo-fluid simulation.

NX Thermal continues Siemens’ long heritage in thermal simulation and leverages the same technology that underpinned the I-deas TMG solution. NX Thermal uses high-order finite volume-based technology on a FE mesh to accurately and efficiently simulate heat transfer phenomenon. It combines the versatility of FE-based analysis with the accuracy of a finite volume scheme. The NX Thermal solver technology allows simulation of NX parts and assemblies within complex thermal environments.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 423,86 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Siemens NX 10.0-11.0 version 2016.12 Solvers Updates


Siemens PLM Software has released an updates of TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) module to Siemens NX 10.0-11.0, is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries.

NX Thermal software provides heat transfer solutions and is an add-on module to either NX Advanced FEM or NX Advanced Simulation. NX Thermal can simulate conduction, convection and radiation phenomena for complex products and large assemblies. NX Thermal is used to address thermal analysis requirements in a wide range of industries including aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, consumer products and appliances, energy, medical, electronics and semiconductors. In addition, NX Thermal can also be used with NX Flow, the NX-integrated CFD solution, for coupled thermo-fluid simulation.

NX Thermal continues Siemens’ long heritage in thermal simulation and leverages the same technology that underpinned the I-deas TMG solution. NX Thermal uses high-order finite volume-based technology on a FE mesh to accurately and efficiently simulate heat transfer phenomenon. It combines the versatility of FE-based analysis with the accuracy of a finite volume scheme. The NX Thermal solver technology allows simulation of NX parts and assemblies within complex thermal environments.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 426,15 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Siemens PLM NX v11 64-Bit - Inkl. Aktivierung

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegte Anleitung lesen --> Fertig!


NX 11 for Design: Transformieren Sie die Produktentwicklung

Bessere Konstruktion beginnt mit besserer Software. Transformieren Sie Ihre Produktentwicklungsprozesse mit NX 11. Die neueste NX Version bietet Funktionen für Convergent Modeling und schnelle Fertigung, optimierter Zeichnungserstellung und Dokumentation sowie verbessertem Rendering. Active Workspace in NX 11 wurde um diese Elemente herum erstellt, um nahtlosen Zugriff auf PLM-Funktionen direkt in NX zu ermöglichen.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 6,9 GB
Format: .iso
Sprache: Deutsch





Siemens NX v11.0.0 (x64)

Englisch / inkl. Crack SolidSQUAD / 64-Bit



NX 11: Neue Entwicklungstechnologie für ein neues Innovationszeitalter

NX 11 stellt Ihnen neue Tools zur Verfügung, mit denen Sie Ihre Produktentwicklung erheblich verbessern können. Optimieren Sie Ihre Konstruktions-, Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsprozesse mit NX CAD, CAM und Simcenter 3D.

Über NX
Schnellere Produktentwicklung durch NX

NX von Siemens PLM Software ist eine integrierte Softwaresuite zur Produktentwicklung und –fertigung die Sie dabei unterstützt qualitativ hochwertigere Produkte schneller und effizienter herzustellen.
Integriertes CAD/CAM/CAE: Smarter decisions, better products

NX bietet alle wichtigen Funktionalitäten für eine schnelle, effiziente und flexible Produktentwicklung:

leistungsstarke Lösungen für die Produktentwicklung, 3D-Modellierung und Dokumentation
multidisziplinäre Berechnungen struktureller, beweglicher, thermischer, fließender und multi-physikalischer Anwendungen
vollständige Teilefertigungs-Lösungen für den Werkzeugbau, die spanende Bearbeitung und die Qualitätskontrolle

NX und seine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung hilft Ihnen dabei bessere Produkte zu produzieren. Durch schnellere Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Fertigung wird die Markteinführungszeit verkürzt.

Größe: 7,15 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Iso
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-Bit)
Hoster: Share-Online, FileFactory, Oboom



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