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    Unterforum Comics:


    Ähnlich, wie bei Unterhaltung und Magazinen, sollte der Titel alle relevanten Informationen enthalten, hier bitte

    - den Titel des Comics
    - den Verlag (einige Comics sind in verschiedenen Verlagen erschienen)
    - das Erscheinungsjahr

    Erlaubt sind folgende Formate:

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    Bei Unsicherheiten zur korrekten Benennung bitte die Informationen von www.comicguide.de nutzen.

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Pflichtangaben hier sind:

    - Titel des Bandes und ggf. Nummer
    - Cover
    - falls bekannt technische Daten (DPI, Breite, Speicherqualität)
    - Größe des Downloads
    - Hoster
    - ggf. Passwort
    - falls bekannt Releasenamen
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Red, White & Liberal How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Free Download Alan Colmes, "Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong"
English | 2011 | ISBN: 0060562978, 0060734337 | EPUB | pages: 352 | 0.5 mb
As one of the foremost liberal voices in television and talk radio today, Alan Colmes has long been braving the wilds of controversial issues and conservative slander. Already a talk radio star and the only liberal to be heard nationally, Colmes has also taken the television world by storm on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, and he is famous for his hard-hitting stance on the challenges that Americans face today.​

In Red, White & Liberal, Alan Colmes addresses a fundamental question: In this time of uncertainty, how can we protect our freedom without diminishing our liberties, while burnishing our rightful place as the world's beacon of democracy? Colmes urges Americans to see past the tactics of the vocal right and to combat the problems that threaten our liberties, including the government's manipulation of the War on Terror to silence critics and expand its powers to frightening proportions; the lies we've been force-fed about the war in Iraq and the unsettled situation in Afghanistan; the misguided use of religion by the right to justify hatred and prejudice; and the successful conservative smear campaign against the left that has turned liberal into a four-letter word.
In order to preserve our freedoms, Colmes calls America back to its liberal roots. He reminds us that our forefathers spoke out against the status quo and fought for the individual's right to opportunity, privacy, and personal choice; that they prized progress and open-mindedness over divisive party politics; and that they believed the ability to express dissent was crucial to keeping a democracy healthy. Colmes suggests that it is our patriotic duty to voice our concern when we feel that wrongs are being done. From debunking the myth of the liberal media to exposing conservative hypocrisy to showing how Jesus was a liberal and the War on Terror is a failure, Colmes presents the issues with thoughtful, provocative arguments, hard facts and logic, and searing humor. He urges us to extend our hands across party lines to find real solutions, protect our shores, and preserve our freedoms.
Certain to spark debate and cause readers to both reevaluate and reaffirm their beliefs, Red, White & Liberal is a witty, passionate testament to the liberal ideals that have made America great, and that will continue to ensure liberty and justice for all.

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