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Realtime Landscaping Architect 2018 v18


Warez Upper
Realtime Landscaping Architect 2018 v18.03

Englisch / inkl. Crack + Anleitung



Professionelle Landschafts-Design-Software. Beeindrucken Sie Ihre Kunden mit detaillierten 2D- und 3D-Landschaftsdesigns mit Realtime Landscaping Architect. Entwerfen Sie komplette Landschaften wie Höfe, Gärten, Schwimmbäder, Teiche, Decks, Zäune, Terrassen und vieles mehr.

- Gestalten Sie professionelle Landschaftspläne
- Erstellen Sie effektive Präsentationen und Videos
- Leistungsstarke und dennoch einfach zu verwendende Konstruktionswerkzeuge
- 17.000 Objekte, darunter 7.400 Pflanzen

Design Landschaftspläne:
Gestalten Sie Häuser, Decks, Zäune, Höfe, Gärten, Schwimmbäder, Wasserspiele und vieles mehr mit benutzerfreundlichen Tools. Verleihen Sie Ihren Plänen einen handgezeichneten Look mit einer Vielzahl von Pflanzensymbolen und Farbwäschen. Fügen Sie mit dem Assistenten automatisch Anlagenetiketten hinzu und fügen Sie mit wenigen Mausklicks eine Anlagenlegende hinzu. Bereiten Sie Bewässerungssysteme, Pflanzdetails und andere CAD-Zeichnungen mit exakter Größe und Skalierung vor. Enthält Zeichnungsvorlagen für die Blattformate A0 bis A4 und benutzerdefinierte Formate werden ebenfalls unterstützt. Eine umfangreiche Bibliothek mit Symbolen ist enthalten, und Sie können mit dem Assistenten eigene Symbole erstellen.

Gleichzeitiges 2D- und 3D-Design:
Während Sie Ihre Landschaft entwerfen, werden die 2D- und 3D-Ansichten automatisch aktualisiert. Bei Bedarf können Sie zwischen den Ansichten wechseln. Entwerfen Sie Häuser, Decks und andere Objekte in 2D und wechseln Sie dann zu 3D, um ihre Höhe festzulegen. Die meisten Tools können in beiden Ansichten verwendet werden.

Die 2D-Ansicht, die Planansicht, wird zum Erstellen von künstlerischen, stilisierten, CAD-ähnlichen oder realistischen Top-Down-Landschaftsplänen verwendet. Wenn ein Objekt zur Planansicht hinzugefügt wird, wird es sowohl in der Plan- als auch in der 3D-Ansicht angezeigt, kann jedoch bei Bedarf für jede Ansicht angepasst werden. Mit dieser Funktion können Landschaftsgestalter gleichzeitig detaillierte 2D-Pläne und realistische 3D-Entwürfe erstellen.

Wählen Sie Ihren Design-Auftritt:
In Realtime Landscaping Architect sind viele verschiedene Entwurfstypen für Planentwürfe verfügbar. Dazu gehören große Bibliotheken mit Symbolen, Farbwäschen, Schraffurmustern, Farbverläufen und mehr. Erstellen Sie kräftige, lebendige Designs oder entscheiden Sie sich für ein traditionelles Schwarzweiß-CAD-Erscheinungsbild. Durch die Verwendung von Farbwaschmitteln sind auch handgezeichnete oder gemalte Motive möglich.

Hochwertige Pflanzen:
Gestalten Sie Landschaften mit einer Bibliothek von über 7.400 hochauflösenden Pflanzen, einschließlich Sträuchern, Einjährigen, Stauden, Kakteen, Wassergarten und tropischen Pflanzen. Pflanzen sind in allen Klimazonen enthalten, sodass Sie die für Ihren Kunden am besten geeigneten Pflanzen auswählen können.

Bei den meisten Pflanzen handelt es sich um hochauflösende, professionell maskierte Bilder von echten Pflanzen, sodass sie auch aus nächster Nähe realistisch wirken. Die Bibliothek umfasst außerdem 470 hochauflösende 3D-Anlagenmodelle, die sich ideal für Filme und 3D-Komplettlösungen eignen, sowie fast 500 zusätzliche 3D-Anlagenmodelle mit Standardauflösung.

Erstellen Sie Schwimmbäder und Bäder:
Entwerfen Sie atemberaubende Schwimmbäder und Bäder. Unterstützt werden Poolstile für Boden, Boden, mehrere Ebenen und Infinity-Rand. Erstelle Spas, die in Pools fließen, füge Pools mit Steingarten, Sprungbrettern oder Wasserrutschen hinzu. Fügen Sie Produkte von nationalen Herstellern wie SR Smith, Master Tile und PebbleTec (tm) hinzu. Präsentieren Sie Ihren Kunden einen überraschend realistischen Blick auf Ihre Design-Ideen für Ihr Schwimmbad, inklusive fließendem Wasser, Reflexionen, Wellen und sogar Nachtbeleuchtung...


Größe: 4.73 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Share-Online, RapidGator


Realtime Landscaping Architect 2018 v18.05


Realtime Landscaping Architect 2018 v18.05 | 4.7 GB

Professional Landscape Design Software. Impress your clients with detailed 2D and 3D landscape designs using Realtime Landscaping Architect. Design complete landscapes including yards, gardens, swimming pools, ponds, decks, fences, patios, and much more.

- Design professional landscape plans
- Create effective presentations and videos
- Powerful, yet easy to use design tools
- 17,000 objects, including 7,400 plants

Design Landscape Plans
Design houses, decks, fencing, yards, gardens, swimming pools, water features, and much more with easy-to-use tools. Give your plans a hand-drawn look using a wide variety of plant symbols and color washes. Add plant labels automatically using the wizard, and add a plant legend with just a few mouse clicks. Design irrigation systems, planting details, and other CAD drawings with accurate size and scale. Includes drawing templates for sheet sizes A0-A4, and custom sizes are also supported. An extensive library of symbols is included, and you can create your own using the wizard.

Simultaneous 2D and 3D Design
As you design your landscape, the 2D and 3D views are updated automatically. Freely switch between views as needed. Design houses, decks, and other objects in 2D, and then switch to 3D to set their elevation. Most tools can be used in either view.

The 2D view, called the Plan view, is used for creating artistic, stylized, CAD-like, or realistic top-down landscape plans. If an object is added to the Plan view it will appear in both the Plan and 3D views, but can be customized for each view if needed. This functionality allows landscape designers to create both detailed 2D plans and realistic 3D designs at the same time.

Choose your Design Appearance
Many different design types of plan designs are available in Realtime Landscaping Architect through large libraries of symbols, color washes, hatch patterns, gradients, and more. Create rich vibrant designs, or opt for a traditional black and white CAD appearance. Through the use of color washes, even hand-drawn or painted designs are possible.

High Quality Plants
Design landscapes using a library of over 7,400 high resolution plants including shrubs, annuals, perennials, cacti, water garden and tropical. Plants are included from all climate zones, so you can choose the ones best suited to your client's location.

Most plants are high-resolution, professionally masked pictures of real plants, so they look realistic even close up. The library also includes 470 high-resolution 3D plant models which are ideal for movies and 3D walkthroughs, and nearly 500 additional standard-resolution 3D plant models.

Create Swimming Pools and Spas
Design breathtaking swimming pools and spas. Above ground, in-ground, multiple level, and infinity edge pool styles are all supported. Create spas that flow into pools, add pools with rockery, diving boards, or waterslides. Add products from national manufacturers such as S.R. Smith, Master Tile, and PebbleTec™. Present clients with a surprisingly realistic view of your swimming pool design ideas, complete with flowing water, reflections, ripples, and even nighttime lighting.

Design Irrigation Systems
Design irrigation systems perfectly suited to your client's landscape design. Add sprinklers, piping, and other symbols. Set the coverage angle and radius of each sprinkler head as needed.

Create Cost Estimates and Material Lists
Quickly estimate the cost of each project using the integrated and automatic Project Material List. Simply open the list, enter prices for the different landscaping objects, and print the result. When creating client quotes, you can export the material list to Excel and add labor, excavation, and other custom items as needed.

Deck Design Made Easy
Use the intuitive deck tools to create decks of virtually any size, shape, and style. Create a deck design in as few as five clicks, and then customize your creation until you find the perfect combination of style and function. Select one of our predefined styles to instantly visualize a new look, or design your own. Help clients visualize your design ideas with realistic deck furniture, outdoor kitchens, and more.

Design Patios, Fencing, Driveways, and More
The possibilities are endless with the wide variety of tools included in Realtime Landscaping Architect. Create metal, vinyl, wood, or chain link fencing with ease. Add patios and driveways by simply drawing their shape and selecting a material. Add realistic paths, hedges, rockery, and much more.

Plants from Every Planting Zone
Choose from over 7,400 high quality plants using the built-in search tools. Locate plants that will thrive at your client's location and add them to your landscape design with just a few mouse clicks. Use the Plant Growth tool to help clients visualize what their landscape will look like in the future: anywhere from three months to more than 20 years. This is a great way to determine spacing and other size considerations.

Design over a Photo or in Realistic 3D
Import a photo of your client's property and design the landscape. Or, design their entire landscape in full 3D using powerful design tools. Mix and match methods as needed based on the needs of each client.

Surprisingly Easy to Use
Realtime Landscaping Architect was designed from the ground up to be easy to use. Whether you are designing the landscape for one home or an entire housing development, Realtime Landscaping Architect will help you create impressive landscape designs without expensive classes or training. The software includes a built-in user guide, free email and toll-free technical support, and online tutorials. Have a question about a feature? Simply press F1.

Design Single and Multi-Story Houses
Use the House Wizard to drop in a pre-built house, or create a new one from scratch. Add houses simply by drawing their outline: the walls, trim, and even the roof are all created automatically. Easily add single and multi-story houses to your landscape design. Add doors, windows, porch lights, change the siding and roofing materials, select between gable and hip roof styles - all with just a few mouse clicks.

Only the exterior of houses are modeled, not the interior. This makes houses much easier to build and edit than traditional home design programs, and helps you focus on designing your client's landscape.

Garden Design and More
Create plant-filled gardens with mulch, edging, rockery, decorations, and more. Use the Plant Growth tool to help determine plant spacing. Use the realistic edging, rock border, and other tools to design complete landscapes for your clients. Present your designs in full 3D using the Realtime Walkthrough feature, complete with lighting, shadows, and other effects.
Add Lawn Furniture, Outdoor Kitchens, and More

Choose from thousands of objects to enhance your landscape designs such as swimming pool objects, 3D rockery, outdoor furniture, intricate gazebos, carports, sheds, and much more. Choose products from national brands such as S.R. Smith, Jerith, Philips Hadco, Amarr, Kichler, Highpoint Deck Lighting, MasterTile, Noble Tile, and RicoRock.

Realistic Pavers, Brick, Stone, and More
Select from a large library of professional materials including pavers, mulch, brick, wood, concrete, stacked stone, and more. Choose from products by Belgard, Unilock, R.I. Lampus, PebbleTec, and Eldorado. Change the color and brightness of any material as needed for each client.

Landscape Sloping or Uneven Property
Is your client's property sloped, on a hill, or terraced? Use the terrain sculpting tools to add slopes, hills, contour lines, and custom topology. Modify the terrain before, during, or after creating your landscape design. Create terraced landscape designs using the powerful Retaining Wall tool, using materials from Eldorado, Belgard, and Unilock.

Design Custom Ponds and Water Features
Design ponds, water gardens, and other water features using the advanced tools in Realtime Landscaping Architect. Design ponds and streams of any shape and size, add rockery, waterfalls, fountains, and jumping jets, and choose from a large library of accessories and decorations. Using our exclusive Realtime Walkthrough feature, you can present your designs to clients in real-time 3D, complete with flowing water, koi fish, and other effects.

DWG, DXF, and PDF Import
Import DWG, DXF, and PDF files into your landscape designs using the new CAD Drawing Import Wizard. In just a few clicks, you can design directly on top of site plans and other CAD drawings for accurate scale and placement. Extract shapes and contour lines from DWG and DXF files. Create lot boundaries, building outlines, and even entire topology using shapes from your existing CAD drawings.

Design Landscape Lighting
Help clients visualize your landscape lighting ideas using products from Philips Hadco, Kichler, and Highpoint. Any number of landscape lights, house lights, and swimming pool lights can be added to your landscape designs. Show clients impressive nighttime pictures and walkthroughs complete with realistic lighting and shadows.

Compelling Client Presentations
Present your design ideas and proposals using a variety of methods. Print your designs to any color printed supported by Windows. Send your design to a print shop in PDF or JPG format. E-mail 2D plans and 3D pictures of your designs. Create a video of your landscape design and upload to YouTube or burn to a DVD.

System Requirements:
* Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 with the latest Microsoft service packs
* 1 GHz CPU (2 GHz or more recommended)
* 4 GB System Memory (8 GB or more recommended)
* 30 GB available hard disk space
* DirectX 11-compatible Video Card with 512 MB Video Memory (1 GB or more recommended)
* Keyboard
* Mouse or other pointing device

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