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Quit Snoring


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Quit Snoring

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Gesundheit und Fitness
Aktualisiert: 04.12.2015
Version: 8.2
Größe: 21.3 MB
Sprachen: Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Hebräisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Schwedisch, Spanisch, Tradit. Chinesisch, Vereinf. Chinesisch
Entwickler: Pointer Software Systems, Ltd.
© 2012-2014 (c) PTech HM, Ltd.
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 9.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch.



Do you snore? Quit Snoring (previously "Snoring U") will improve your and your spouse sleep. Up to date Quit Snoring helps over 100,000 people to improve and monitor their breathing while sleeping.
"Thank you for a wonderful app. I am finding it very helpful in monitoring improvements in using a dental appliance."
"I have looked for ways to stop snoring and couldn't find anything as useful and practical as Quit Snoring…It's simple to setup and the results are beyond my expectations".
"Quit Snoring is the most advanced snoring app in iTunes that works…and has the best support ever…Finally a Snoring app that does what it says it will do."
Quit Snoring uses an essential new approach to overcome snoring episodes. While you're sleeping, Quit Snoring remains alert, even when your device goes into sleep mode. It monitors your sleep session, listen carefully and when you snore it will produce gentle nudge by that most snorers cease snoring.
A nudge is a vibration (on iPhone) or a sound that you selected in advance, or both. You can even record your own sounds to use as nudges. On the settings screen you can also adjust the volume of the sound and the maximum number of times Quit Snoring will nudge you with each snoring event.

When you awake in the morning, the Summary screen shows you how long you slept, how often you snored during the night, how loud your snoring was, and how many nudges you received. If you tap the "See Graph" button you'll see all of this and more, on an easy to read, zoom-able graph and you'll be able to choose the exact places you want to listen to.

If you're under the care of a physician for a sleep disorder, you can email the doctor all of your stats without leaving the app. Your doctor can see at a glance just how often you snore, and whether the nudges are helpful, as well as monitoring the progress over time of any other anti-snoring and/or anti apneic treatment.

Features of Quit Snoring include:
* NOW! Synchronize all your session data with your Mac/PC by downloading our new associated statistics software SU Master!
* Intelligent graph allow quick zooming, panning and listening to the sleep session
* Upload full sleep session data to your PC/Mac
* Records and plays back the entire sleep session
* Sophisticated algorithm to "nudge" a snorer
* Nudges to help you stop snoring
* Email from app
* Continues to work when device is in sleep mode
* Delayed start of monitoring
* History feature lets you review several sleep sessions
* Ability to add user notes to the sleep session
* Ability to add drop pins into the graph, including a note

In moderate cases Quit Snoring can help with individual occurrences of snoring. More important are the diagnostic benefits of Quit Snoring. The history feature keeps track of statistics for all previous sleep sessions.
If you use Quit Snoring, your spouse will thank you! If you're married or you share a bed, Quit Snoring can nudge you and get you to roll over and stop snoring before you wake your significant other.
Download Quit Snoring now because iPhone monitoring may improve your sleep, and the sleep of everyone around you.



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