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    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
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    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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Premier System X6.3 v17.3.1237 Multilanguage Incl Keygen-rG


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Premier System X6.3 v17.3.1237 Multilanguage Incl Keygen-rG

File Size: 533 MiB
Languages: Multilingual

Premier System is a complex economic software (ERP system) specifically designed for small and medium businesses (SMB). The range of PREMIER system® modules covers all business agendas (economy, trade and services, HR, production, engineering, etc.) and in combination with extension modules and specialized solutions forms a compact structure suiting practically any industry and any type of business.

The system modularity allows clients to choose a variant best meeting their requirements for an information system. Thus especially small businesses (individual users) can find advantageous categories and packages that can serve as a basis for future extension depending on the growth of their business. The high level of universality and comprehensiveness predetermine that the program is applicable in any branch of business.

By choosing the PREMIER system® software you choose reliability, high-quality performance, immediate availability of information, and - first and foremost - general growth of your business. The quality implementation and development are based on the Company's ISO 9001 certification.

- Over 10 year PREMIER system® has worked its way up to the head of software products for small and medium sized businesses
- With its portfolio of almost 1650 clients (approx. 8-9 thousand licenses) PREMIER system® belongs to those which rank among most widespread software products in the Czech Republic
- Genuine Czech software closely connected to the up-to-date legislation and supporting the latest technologies
- Quality comes through the customers' satisfaction - references

- Extremely easy to use and well-arranged screens
- Principle of nesting and minimum number of function keys
- Control options: mouse and keyboard
- Hotkeys of the user's choice for the most frequent tasks and modules
- Window-oriented program (more than one open window at a time)
- Exceptional graphic environment and excellent ergonomy
- Does not require a high-level user; minimum training costs

- Easy installation carries minimum implementation costs
- Easy administration of the program incl. remote administration
- Stable running does not require constant maintenance
- Branch office data on-line processing using the terminal server

The pillar of the PREMIER system® success is the know-how and professional approach to needs of the large client portfolio.
From its very outset, the Company's priority is the client-centred and individual approach and flexible response to the client's requests, suggestions, and changes in its working processes. The system openness enables fast implementation of changes, incl. automatic update over the Internet. The system offers a variety of tools to accommodate user's needs: creation of view modes and view gallery, definable and unlimited number of output reports, automatic generation of printout reports according to defined view modes, user preferences, and a sophisticated system of access rights. The product features fast and easy adaptability to legislative changes, development, and client's needs.

- Foreign language reports: English, Germen, Russian, Italian, and Slovak
- Foreign language versions: menu switchable to English, German, and Slovak versions
- Legislation readiness - Slovakia

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Language: Multilingual

Installation Steps:

3.clict to "registrovat licenci" and use
keygen for your personal licence

our rls is enterprise version of course
and incl 4 languages, primary is czech and
rest arent translate good, but developer
sells this app as multi, also our dir is
multi too
use brain - for real life u buy legal copy
becouse its book-keeping app for company

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