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Pixellu SmartAlbums v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.1.0 (x64)


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 98,45 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.1.3 (x64) + Portable


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 98,45 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.2.1 (x64)


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 117,11 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.2.2 (x64)


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 117,11 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

SmartAlbums | v2.2.2.17932711 | Englisch | inkl. Crack


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

Pixellu Smart Albums 2 ist ein Fotobuch-Designer für Profi-Fotografen. Wir haben uns dieses Programm genauer angesehen

Smart Albums 2 ist auf Profi-Fotografen ausgerichtet, die oft Fotobücher erstellen. Die Anforderungen: Es muss schnell und unkompliziert gehen und der Kunde soll die Möglichkeit haben, das Fotobuch online vor dem Druck zu begutachten. Ach ja: Das Design soll auch ansprechend sein und sich individuell anpassen lassen.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Größe: 112 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _


Pixellu SmartAlbums


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 112,56 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.2.3


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 112,81 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Pixellu SmartAlbums v2.2.6


Size: 137MB
Format: EXE
Sprache: ENG
System: Win XP/7/8.1/10
Medizin: Key/Patch
Password: No.Pom.Day

Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. Weve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. Its that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.





Pixellu SmartAlbums 2.2.6


Album Design Software for Photographers. Enjoy making albums with SmartAlbums. The fastest, easiest and most intuitive album design software available. We’ve made it easy so you can get back to the things you love.

The easiest way to design your albums.
Pixellu™ SmartAlbums® puts thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips, while giving you full creative freedom. Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design. It’s that simple. With beautiful layouts to choose from, easy customization, and time-saving technologies, there is no better way to design your album.

Astounding speed.
Drop your images onto the Timeline and see your spreads come to life with each click. It feels magical, and yet makes perfect sense.

Peace of mind.
Forget bleeds, safe zones, and all other print jargon; SmartAlbums has got you covered! Select from dozens of available lab company presets and rest easy knowing your album files are accurate and print-ready.

An entirely new way to communicate with your clients.
The all-new Cloud Proofing doesn’t just work seamlessly with SmartAlbums, it makes the entire album design process effortless and fun. Easily share a beautiful presentation of the album draft with your clients and review their comments and feedback without ever leaving the application. SmartAlbums gets you from design to done in no time.

Helpful Warnings
SmartAlbums analyzes your album and warns you of any potential issues, helping you catch problems early. Have peace of mind knowing every album will be prepared to perfection.

Export to Photoshop & InDesign
Export to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign in fully layered PSD & IDML formats to seamlessly connect SmartAlbums to your current workflow.

Template Popularity
Choose to show your top templates more often by “favoriting” them, and hide others by opting to “reject”.

Resize Album
Change the album size of your design at any time, allowing for fast and easy album upgrades and changes.

Import Formats
Import a wide range of file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.

Lightroom and Bridge Ratings
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, allowing you to sort the images based on those ratings.

Gap Control
SmartAlbums enables you to be very precise with the spacing between images, ensuring gap consistency throughout the album.

Face Detection
When an image must be cropped, such as with square frames, SmartAlbums automatically repositions the image inside the frame to avoid cropping faces.

Handcrafted Templates
Human beings perceive beauty; computers don’t. This is why every single layout in SmartAlbums is hand crafted by a professional graphic artist, not a mathematical algorithm.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 112,81 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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