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    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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ORPALIS PDF Reducer Professional v3

ORPALIS PDF Reducer v3.1.18 Professional


ORPALIS PDF Reducer v3.1.18 Professional | 32 MB | Languages: English, French

Use ORPALIS PDF Reducer to select either individual files or entire folders to minimize the size of your PDFs and images. Make web publishing of PDFs a snap allowing fast web view or just save time when sending them via internet. And get everything done really fast!

PDF Reducer includes powerful, innovative and sophisticated features developed by worldwide recognized experts in document imaging.

ORPALIS PDF Reducer is a super fast and powerful PDF compression Software for general public and developers meant to help anyone to get existing PDF files reduced up to 80% more than concurrent products. To achieve that, ORPALIS PDF Reducer provides different innovative and highly sophisticated size-reducing techniques which can be optionally applied by user selection.

Unrivaled lossless data re-compression
Innovative and highly sophisticated techniques which restructure existing content and apply the most effective compression scheme based on data type. Documents are printable and zoomable without loss of quality. PDF Reducer is able to serialize several compression algorithms on images in order to (surpass) the limitations of some compression schemes.

Remove unwanted or unused objects
You might have received PDFs containing additional, unwanted objects: let PDF Reducer remove them for you.

Automatic color detection and layout analysis
Usually, scanning batches of papers under scanner's color-mode implies mixing together colored and B&W documents. PDF Reducer automatically identifies the B&W ones and encodes them as plain B&W thus dramatically reducing the file size.

Raster images re-sampling and re-composing
Decrease un-necessary high resolution to dramatically reduce the file size without affecting the viewing experience.

Content segmentation and optimal compression
Segments embedded images, separates text, finds similar bitmap sections and makes optimized recompression.

Input file formats
With PDF Reducer version 3 you can downsize a large variety of images and documents. Nearly 100 input files formats are now available besides PDF, including raster images formats such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 and RAW camera formats.

Multi-threading support
Executes PDF processing via multiple, simultaneous and concurrent threads, decreasing processing time by using CPU resources most efficiently.

Command line interface support
Automate PDF processing with commands without needing repetitive actions control via the GUI (graphic user interface).

Unlimited batch processing fully available in On-Premises Editions, segmented in Cloud Edition
Executes PDF processing via multiple, simultaneous and concurrent threads, decreasing processing time by using CPU resources most efficiently.

Dragn drop support
Do it fast, don't mind Windows Explorer.

Language & Interface
Default user interface language in ORPALIS PDF Reducer is English. Based on your Windows language settings, ORPALIS PDF Reducer automatically displays the localised version of the interface, if it exists among ORPALIS PDF Reducer translated interface versions. Currently, available languages for ORPALIS PDF Reducer interface are: English and French.

Release Notes:
Requirements: Windows Vista or higher. PC with at least 512 MB RAM.


Größe: 32 MB
Sprache: Languages: English, French.
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






ORPALIS PDF Reducer v3.1.21 Professional


ORPALIS PDF Reducer v3.1.21 Professional | 32 MB | Languages: English, French

Use ORPALIS PDF Reducer to select either individual files or entire folders to minimize the size of your PDFs and images. Make web publishing of PDFs a snap allowing fast web view or just save time when sending them via internet. And get everything done really fast!


PDF Reducer includes powerful, innovative and sophisticated features developed by worldwide recognized experts in document imaging.

ORPALIS PDF Reducer is a super fast and powerful PDF compression Software for general public and developers meant to help anyone to get existing PDF files reduced up to 80% more than concurrent products. To achieve that, ORPALIS PDF Reducer provides different innovative and highly sophisticated size-reducing techniques which can be optionally applied by user selection.

Unrivaled lossless data re-compression
Innovative and highly sophisticated techniques which restructure existing content and apply the most effective compression scheme based on data type. Documents are printable and zoomable without loss of quality. PDF Reducer is able to serialize several compression algorithms on images in order to (surpass) the limitations of some compression schemes.

Remove unwanted or unused objects
You might have received PDFs containing additional, unwanted objects: let PDF Reducer remove them for you.

Automatic color detection and layout analysis
Usually, scanning batches of papers under scanner's color-mode implies mixing together colored and B&W documents. PDF Reducer automatically identifies the B&W ones and encodes them as plain B&W thus dramatically reducing the file size.

Raster images re-sampling and re-composing
Decrease un-necessary high resolution to dramatically reduce the file size without affecting the viewing experience.

Content segmentation and optimal compression
Segments embedded images, separates text, finds similar bitmap sections and makes optimized recompression.

Input file formats
With PDF Reducer version 3 you can downsize a large variety of images and documents. Nearly 100 input files formats are now available besides PDF, including raster images formats such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 and RAW camera formats.

Multi-threading support
Executes PDF processing via multiple, simultaneous and concurrent threads, decreasing processing time by using CPU resources most efficiently.

Command line interface support
Automate PDF processing with commands without needing repetitive actions control via the GUI (graphic user interface).

Unlimited batch processing fully available in On-Premises Editions, segmented in Cloud Edition
Executes PDF processing via multiple, simultaneous and concurrent threads, decreasing processing time by using CPU resources most efficiently.

Drag n drop support
Do it fast, don't mind Windows Explorer.

Language & Interface
Default user interface language in ORPALIS PDF Reducer is English. Based on your Windows language settings, ORPALIS PDF Reducer automatically displays the localised version of the interface, if it exists among ORPALIS PDF Reducer translated interface versions. Currently, available languages for ORPALIS PDF Reducer interface are: English and French.

Release Notes:
Requirements: Windows Vista or higher. PC with at least 512 MB RAM.


Größe: 32 MB
Sprache: English, French
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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