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Novel Coronavirus Manual


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Novel Coronavirus Manual: A Compilation of Things to Know and Do to Protect Yourself from the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak. (Step by Step) by HaLaDi Family
2020 | ASIN: B084PZ6XSD | ISBN-13: 9798612385189 | English | 58 pages | EPUB | 1 MB

Arm Up Yourself with Comprehensive and Crucial Information to Fight Against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak from Wuhan, China!

In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city with a population of around 11 million people in Hubei Province, China. A number of the initial cases had been linked with Huanan Seafood Market, the largest wholesale market of live animal and seafood in Jiangshan District, Wuhan. Investigation found that it was caused by a previously unknown virus, now named the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). So far, the disease has spread throughout 28 countries and territories, infected over 34,000 people with over 700 deaths recorded.In this book, we will provide you an insightful look about what is currently known about the virus through a pack of knowledge that has been well selected and organized. The information will help you answers these questions below:
What is Coronavirus and Where it comes from?
How does the virus spread and Who is at risk?
What is the symptoms? How can we tell if someone is infected and How dangerous the disease is?
Are there any specific treatments and vaccines to prevent or treat the new virus?

More than that, our book will also be your personal medical assistant by showing detailed instructions and specific guides on what people need to do to protect themselves and people around from this emerging and infectious disease, includes:
How to strengthen your immune system through diet and exercising?
What types of hand rub and mask to use to maintain good personal hygiene? How to make DIY hand rub and mask?
What are other things to notice?

The book will also help you clarify some MYTHS and give you a DAILY UPDATE on the numbers of cases and deaths reported during the Novel Coronavirus outbreak.Please keep in mind that this is a new virus and what is known about the virus now might change in the future. The contents of this book include information we collected from different official and reliable sources on the Internet and our personal knowledge (by the time of February 11).The book is published for the purpose of providing accurate information and sharing necessary tips to help you stay conscious and fearless during this chaotic and emergency time. We hope that this book will play a part in improving the current situation and help strengthen the physical as well as mental health of everyone.

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