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    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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Nhv boot 2022 v945 extreme


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Windows x64 | File Size: 2.87 GB

NHV BOOT 2022 Computer rescue toolkit with modern design, extremely fast boot speed, compatible from old computers to the latest computers. NHV BOOT 2022 brings many advanced features to everyone to be able to solve computer problems, especially suitable for Engineering - IT. NHV BOOT every detail is meticulously cared for by the author with an intuitive interface aimed at all users.

General Info
Name: NHV BOOT 2022
Format: ISO
Version: 945
Language: English
MD5: 6AEC1A34D431993D3549C9EE0C986427

Modern design
NHV BOOT 2022 with a completely new and modern design style. Every detail is carefully taken care of

Cross-platform support
NHV BOOT 2022 supports cross-platform from old to new computers. Support Windows, macOS, Linux operating systems

Premium features
NHV BOOT 2022 is full of the most advanced rescue features. Full professional software

WinPE boot speed
NHV BOOT 2022 with very fast boot speed. WinPE works extremely stable . Guaranteed processing

Optimizing the experience
NHV BOOT 2022 is designed to suit all types of users. Always bring the best experience!

Support and updates
NHV BOOT 2022 will always support users. Regularly update features and software

What's New
- Update Grub Bootloader to the latest version
- Streamline the structure of folders in the boot partition
- The disk space bar interface (the bar showing the disk space) has been added border (border)
- Support to mount partitions that are not assigned Letter Disk in WinPE
- Support to connect Wifi laptop Macbook 2020
- Update EaseUS Partition Master 16.5 . CPUZ 1.99

- Support booting according to 2 boot standards UEFI and Legacy
- Includes versions of Win11PE (64-bit) Win10PE (64-bit) Win10PE (32-bit)

Full of advanced rescue software, always updated with new versions
- Supports all generations of computers from the old to the newest
- Very fast boot and loading speed on all WinPE versions
- WinPE interface is designed to be intuitive, synchronous, and modern
- Support to install Windows 11 bypass with Setup.exe. Bypass TMP 2.0 and Secure Boot
- Supports NVME hard drive recognition of Intel Gen 11 AMD 5000 Series computers
- Automatically add NVME IRST Intel Gen 11 driver when installing Windows with Setup.exe
- Identify Apple SSD hard drives, TrackPad, Wifi on new MacBook laptops
- Supports reading and writing APFS macOS, Ext4 Linux partitions
- Support to unlock Bitlocker in WinPE requires a password or recovery key
- Supports unlocking computers with passwords, fingerprints, Microsoft accounts and Domains
- Win11PE (64-bit) Win10PE (64-bit) with many features automatically recognize LAN + Wifi
- Win11PE (64-bit) Win10PE (64-bit) can be used well on UEFI 2GB Ram machines
- NHV BOOT has support for the latest 11th gen Intel CPU laptop touch screen
- Have Anydesk and AeroAdmin to help control remote support connection via WinPE
- Support UEFI 32bit boot with Win10PE 32bit for some supported machines (secure boot is off)
- Modern Wifi connection interface, connection speed is much faster than other boot versions using PE Network
- Support to receive touchpad for the latest laptops gen 11 or older
- Support to receive Intel Gen 11 and AMD 5000 Series laptop audio
- Modern boot menu and app icon design, completely different from other boot versions

Full of advanced features suitable for Engineering / IT and everyone
- Regular update support to ensure that the software in NHV BOOT is always the latest



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