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Near Earth Objects by Donald K Yeomans


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Near Earth Objects by Donald K Yeomans
epub | 2.87 MB | English | 9780691173337 | Donald K. Yeomans | Princeton University Press

Description: Of all the natural disasters that could befall us, only an Earth impact by a large comet or asteroid has the potential to end civilization in a single blow. Yet these near-Earth objects also offer tantalizing clues to our solar system's origins, and someday could even serve as stepping-stones for space exploration. In this book, Donald Yeomans introduces readers to the science of near-Earth objects-its history, applications, and ongoing quest to find near-Earth objects before they find us. In its course around the sun, the Earth passes through a veritable shooting gallery of millions of nearby comets and asteroids. One such asteroid is thought to have plunged into our planet sixty-five million years ago, triggering a global catastrophe that killed off the dinosaurs. Yeomans provides an up-to-date and accessible guide for understanding the threats posed by near-Earth objects, and also explains how early collisions with them delivered the ingredients that made life on Earth possible. He sho how later impacts spurred evolution, allowing only the most adaptable species to thrive-in fact, we humans may owe our very existence to objects that struck our planet. Yeomans takes readers behind the scenes of today's efforts to find, track, and study near-Earth objects. He sho how the same comets and asteroids most likely to collide with us could also be mined for precious natural resources like water and oxygen, and used as watering holes and fueling stations for expeditions to Mars and the outermost reaches of our solar system. **

"[ Near Earth Objects] gives readers an inside account of the latest efforts to find, track and study life-threatening asteroids and comets." ---ScientificAmerican.com's, *Observations*
"Donald K. Yeomans, Winner of the 2013 Carl Sagan Medal, American Astronomical Society"
"The book has an impressive from-the-horse's-mouth authority, yet it also has a pleasing, storytelling style, wry humour and some fun facts." ---Hazel Muir, *BBC Sky at Night*
"Donald K. Yeomans, One of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people 2013"
" Near-Earth Objects is a fascinating tour guide of the asteroids we should worry about." ---Marcus Chown, *New Scientist*
"Yeomans makes it seem like we're uncomfortably close to an asteroid-induced apocalypse. Luckily, he has a sense of humor about it, and he has some sensible scientific solutions." ---Sarah Rothbard, *Slate.com*
"This is a superb book that brings the reader up-to-speed on those menacing denizens of the deep-- Near Earth Objects, or NEOs for short. Moreover, this book is good bedtime reading for those that stay awake at night awaiting celestial calamity." ---Leonard David, *Coalition for Space Exploration*
"As Earth creaks on its course around the Sun, it is exposed to a relentless barrage of asteroids and comets. Donald Yeomans, who manages NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office, offers an introduction to the science of these lethal monsters, one of which may have seen off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and created the Chicxulub crater. Yeomans sho how the threats are balanced by potential boons, such as the theoretical delivery of the building blocks of life on Earth. Can these reeling masses even become interplanetary pitstops on the road to Mars?" ( Nature )
"Balancing the wonders of astronomy with the looming potential for an epic, planet-wide disaster, Yeomans, a fellow and research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explores the origins of near-Earth objects--asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteoroids--and the threat they can pose to our planet. . . . Yeomans's book is an accessible and far-ranging primer on the science of near-Earth objects." ( Publishers Weekly )
"Unlike many books involving space exploration I didn't get the feeling of fantasy, wishful thinking or sabre rattling. Yeomans just gives us good, reasoned arguments, presented in the main in a likeable, friendly fashion. . . . f you are interested in astronomy, the solar system or the survival of the human race, this is a book that should spark your interest." ---Brian Clegg, *Popular Science*

"Many people consider near-Earth objects to be important only because they pose a threat to Earth, but there are many other reasons for studying them. This book explains why. I know of no better introduction to the subject." ―Michael F. A'Hearn, University of Maryland
"This is an excellent and interesting book. I found it enjoyable and informative, and I strongly recommend it to anyone seeking a better understanding of near-Earth objects and the solar system in general." ―Daniel J. Scheeres, University of Colorado at Boulder
"This is a fine book. Yeomans treats all the important aspects of his topic, including finding near-Earth objects and calculating their orbits, the broader issues of solar system origins and early evolution, the threat of impacts by near-Earth objects of various sizes, and approaches to preventing impacts from occurring. The scholarship is at a high level." ―Clark R. Chapman, Southwest Research Institute
"The nearby asteroids are Earth's closest neighbors and key stepping stones for our expansion into space. Yet these rogue space rocks can also threaten our planet. Noted scientist Donald Yeomans is one of NASA's 'men in black,' keeping an eye out for wayward asteroids. He clearly explains what we know about these celestial denizens―and what discoveries will help us avoid a cosmic catastrophe." ―Tom Jones, veteran astronaut, author of *Sky Walking*
"This is a wonderful and timely book, not to mention a great read! Asteroids are indeed wondrous objects, and it is simply a matter of time before we find one with our address on it. Yeomans' unparalleled expertise, storytelling skills, and wry sense of humor are a savory delight. Enjoy!" ―Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut

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