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Multi Commander 9.7.0 Build 2590 Multilingual


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Multi Commander 9.7.0 Build 2590 Multilingual
File Size : 15.5 Mb

Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer.

It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient. It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking , Auto-sorting , Browse inside archives, registry and FTP, Search for file, View files and pictures and the Scripting support let you automate many task. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard using shortcut so you can work fast and efficient.- Tabs allowing you to have multiple folders open.

- Caching that enable fast file browsing.

- Show files in Detailed, List, or Thumbnail list modes.

- Background work for all tasks that takes to finish, allowing you to continue working without interruptions.

- Customize the layout and colors to fit your styling needs.

- Extensions and plugins that will increase the functionality of Multi Commander.

- FTP, Registry , Zip, 7-Zip, Rar , Tar , GZ , Bz2 , Jar Support

- View and Change file permissions, Take ownership of files.

- Picture tools like Convert / Rotate Pictures, View/Remove EXIF tags, Adjust EXIF Date of pictures.

- Internal picture viewer for Jpg, Png, Gif, Png, Bmp, Tiff and many RAW formats.

- Show Movie information from IMDB/Rotten tomato as extra columns on you movie files.

- Audio tools like View Audio file properties, View/Edit MP3 Tags.

- Open API for developers to create extensions and plugins.

- Remember selections when you get back from another location when browsing the filesystem.

- Use mouse and drag and drop or use quick keyboard command for all the task.

- FileOperations plugins that can automatically sort / unpack files when they are moved or copied.

- MultiRename tool for fast and safe rename of multiple files/folder, Rule based and supports Undo.

- File viewer that lets you view files of any size, as ASUnicode/UTF8/Binary and Hex.

- Take over the file type association from windows. Configure view, edit and open action based on file type and path.

- Both 32bit and 64bit versions available.

- Handle folders with many thousands of files with easy, And use power full filters to limit what you want to view.

- Compare folders and select the files and folders that are different, that are the same and many other options.

- Powerfull script ee allowing you to create script that automate tasks.

- Portable. Can be installed and run from portable (USB) device. Will not write any settings/session info on host computer.

- Multi Language support. English, German, French, Czech, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Polish and Japanese is supported.

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