Mighty Fight Federation Kunio and Riki - CODEX


Mighty Fight Federation Kunio and Riki-CODEX



Über dieses Produkt
The hot-blooded renegades Kunio & Riki from the hit series River City Ransom/Kunio-kun have joined the Mighty fight Federation! Use their signature moves like “Mach Punch”, “Mach Kick”, “Acro Circus” and pick up items like dodge-balls and baseball bats to pummel your opponents faster than they can say “BARF!”
This content includes:

• 2 Playable characters: Kunio & Riki
• 2 New Stages: Nekketsu High School Rooftop & Gym
• Arcade Mode Cutscenes for Kunio & Riki
• 10 New Combo Missions
• New River City Ransom/Kunio-kun music track by Tee Lopes!

Use of this add-on requires the full version of the game (sold separately). You may also need to install the most recent game patch.

Genre: Aktion, Indie | Erscheinungsjahr: 4. Nov. 2021
Sprachausgabe: EN | Bildschirmtexte: EN
Hoster: DD, RG, (NF) | Format iso | Größe: 2.11 GB | Parts: 3



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Mighty Fight Federation Kunio and Riki-CODEX



Über dieses Produkt
The hot-blooded renegades Kunio & Riki from the hit series River City Ransom/Kunio-kun have joined the Mighty fight Federation! Use their signature moves like “Mach Punch”, “Mach Kick”, “Acro Circus” and pick up items like dodge-balls and baseball bats to pummel your opponents faster than they can say “BARF!”
This content includes:

• 2 Playable characters: Kunio & Riki
• 2 New Stages: Nekketsu High School Rooftop & Gym
• Arcade Mode Cutscenes for Kunio & Riki
• 10 New Combo Missions
• New River City Ransom/Kunio-kun music track by Tee Lopes!

Use of this add-on requires the full version of the game (sold separately). You may also need to install the most recent game patch.

Genre: Aktion, Indie
Release: 4. Nov. 2021
Entwickler: Komi Games Inc.
Publisher: Forthright Entertainment
Sprachausgabe: EN
Bildschrimtexte: EN

Format iso
Größe: 2.11 GB
Parts: 3





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