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Maplesoft MapleSim 2019


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Maplesoft MapleSim 2019.2.1 x64


Maplesoft MapleSim 2019.2.1 x64 | 1.6 GB

Maplesoft has released an maintenance update to MapleSim 2019. Latest release MapleSim and its family of products offers improved performance, new and improved model creation and analysis tools, and enhancements to working with CAD models that offer significant benefits to those working on machine design and automation projects.

MapleSim 2019.2.1 Update
MapleSim 2019.2.1 is a maintenance update for MapleSim 2019 users, which provides updates to both your MapleSim and Maple installations.
The update fixes the following problems:
- A component renaming problem in MapleSim that sometimes occurred when copying and pasting custom components into the Local Components palette.
- Maple failed to run the code in the maple.ini/.mapleinit initialization files when loading existing worksheets containing a restart() command
- Installing some packages from the MapleCloud was unsuccessful
This update will also provide all the improvements from the MapleSim 2019.2 update, if you have not already installed them.

Maplesoft has announced a new release of MapleSim, a system-level modeling tool. From digital twins for virtual commissioning to system-level models for complex engineering design projects, MapleSim is designed to help organizations reduce development risk, lower costs and enable innovation. The latest release provides improved performance, increased modeling scope and more ways to connect to an existing toolchain, according to the company.

Maplesoft says simulation is faster for all customers in MapleSim 2019 due to more efficient handling of constraints when preparing the model, resulting in more compact, faster simulation code without any loss of fidelity. In addition, models developed in MapleSim and then exported for use in other tools also run faster in the target applications.

New built-in and add-on components and expanded support for external libraries mean that engineers can create more models, faster, in MapleSim 2019, says Maplesoft. The new release expands the scope of models that can be created using pre-existing components, with additions to hydraulics, electrical, multibody, and more. The MapleSim Engine Dynamics Library from Modelon is a new add-on library that provides specialized tools for modeling, simulating and analyzing the performance of combustion engines. This component library is useful for representing transient engine responses, and can be used for analyzing engine performance, performing emission studies, controls development, hardware-in-the-loop verification of vehicle electronic control units, and more.

MapleSim 2019 also offers advances in toolchain integration. Improvements include additional options for FMI connectivity, including support for variable-step solvers, as well as fixed-step, for running imported models in MapleSim and exporting models to other tools. In addition, the new B&R MapleSim Connector add-on gives automation projects the ability to test and visualize control strategies from within B&R Automation Studio, and to export simulation data for motor, servo, and gearbox sizing within SERVOsoft.

MapleSim 2019.2 and its family of products offers improved performance, new and improved model creation and analysis tools, and enhancements to working with CAD models that offer significant benefits to those working on machine design and automation projects.
What's New in MapleSim 2019

Maplesoft has provided mathematics-based software solutions to educators, engineers, and researchers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for over 30 years. Maplesoft's flagship product, Maple, combines the world's most powerful mathematics engine with an interface that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems. Building on this technology, the product line includes solutions for education and research, system simulation, calculation management, and systems engineering. In 2018, Maplesoft spun off its online education product line into a separate corporation, DigitalEd.

Maplesoft products provide modern, innovative solutions to meet today's technical challenges, from exploring math concepts on a smartphone to reducing development risk in complex engineering design projects. Maplesoft products and services are used by more than 8000 educational institutions, research labs, and companies, in over 90 countries.
Maplesoft is a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Group.

Product: Maplesoft MapleSim
Version: 2019.2.1 (Latest build: 1435526)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: Maplesoft Maple 2019.2.1
Size: 1.6 Gb


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