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Lisa Tuttle - The Curious Affair of the Witch at Wayside Cross


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Title: The Curious Affair of the Witch at Wayside Cross
Author: Lisa Tuttle

Published: 2017
Language: English
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Extension: EPUB
Size: 4 MB
Subjects: Fantasy, Fiction, Thriller, Historical Fiction

The paranormal answer to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, Jesperson and Lane are turning the Victorian era upside down in this bewitching series from John W. Campbell Award winner Lisa Tuttle.
"A lively, entertaining blend of murder mystery and supernatural adventure . . . Arthur Conan Doyle would have approved."-George R. R. Martin, on The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief
"Witch!" cries the young man after stumbling unexpectedly into the London address of the consulting-detective partnership of Mr. Jasper Jesperson and Miss Lane. He makes the startling accusation while pointing toward Miss Lane . . . then he drops dead. Thus begins the strangest case yet to land-quite literally-on the doorstep of Jesperson and Lane.
According to the coroner, Charles Manning died of a heart attack-despite being in perfect health. Could he have been struck down by a witch's spell? The late Mr. Manning's address book leads Jesperson and Lane to the shrieking pits of Aylmerton, an ancient archaeological site reputed to be haunted by a vengeful ghost. There they sift through the local characters, each more suspicious than the last: Manning's associate, Felix Ott, an English folklore enthusiast; Reverend Ringer, a fierce opponent of superstition; and the Bulstrode sisters, a trio of beauties with a reputation for witchcraft.
But when an innocent child goes missing, suddenly Jesperson and Lane aren't merely trying to solve one murder-they're racing to prevent another.
Don't miss any of Lisa Tuttle's enchanting Jesperson and Lane novels:
Praise for Lisa Tuttle
"A stylish, distinctive storyteller." -The Washington Post Book World
"This John W. Campbell Award-winning author remains one of fantasy's best." -Publishers Weekly
"Sleepwalkers, psychics, and the spirits of the dead (or are they?) make for a heady stew in Lisa Tuttle's latest, The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief, the first full-length novel about Jasper Jesperson and Miss Lane, a dauntless duo of Victorian detectives first introduced in her stories for Down These Strange Streets and Rogues. They're an entertaining pair, and it's great to see them back in action in a longer work. Here's hoping this is only the first in a long series of Lane and Jesperson adventures. Tuttle does a lovely job of putting us back in the foggy streets of Victorian London in this lively, entertaining blend of murder mystery and supernatural adventure. Arthur Conan Doyle would have approved." -George R. R. Martin, on The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief

Download Lisa Tuttle - [From the Casebooks of Jesperson & Lane 02] - The Curious Affair of the Witch at Wayside Cross

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