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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Produktivität
Aktualisiert: 14.10.2015
Größe: 2.8 MB
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch
Entwickler: Nikolay Entin
© 2014-2015 Nikolay Entin
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad, iPod touch (3. Generation), iPod touch (4. Generation), iPod touch (5. Generation) und iPod touch (6. Generation).
Version: 1.0.9



The App provides functionality to keep Address Book in organized form. It’s especially useful for people, which have a lot of contacts. When Address Book gets bigger it’s hard to remember all the people, who they are, what business or private relationships exist between me and them.

It offers possibility to visualize relationship between contacts, easy navigation between stored sets, keeping organized Address Book in case of redundant records (e.g. several contacts, which are specified by only first name "Alexander")

The App supports easy identification of role-based relationships (e.g. employer -> employee)

Typical usecases:
- I’ve got a recommendation for a good dentist from my classmate - they meet regularly. So I’ve entered contact data of the dentist in my address book. Year later there is a reason to contact the doctor, but it will be better if I refer to our common friend, it may eventually help me to get the appointment faster. But after a year I may already forget who gave me this contact.
Solution: if I’d have possibility to see relationships between the contacts, I can easily find out that the doctor is friend of the classmate.

- On weekend we suppose to visit cousin of my wife. The cousin lives in a big family with 3 children and parents of her husband. It’s hard to remember all the names, though writing them in notes of cousin’s entry in my address book is not good solution either - eventually I’d need to store phone numbers of the parents and children. Creation of separate records in address book is troublesome either - I even don’t know the family name of parents, and creation of records like “Mike” or “Jenny” may produce ambiguity.
Solution: if I’ll be able to connect people in relationships, there will be no ambiguity even if there are many records with the same names (e.g. only first names recorded). I also will be able to record and later remember who from this family is child, brother, parent, etc.

- I’m a businessman and regularly visit customers. On each visit I collect bunch of business cards. Even I can recognize titles of the people from the business cards, sometimes it’s hard to remember subordination of the people. I.e. who is chief, who is subordinate.
Solution: entering data to my address book and specifying relationships between colleagues allows me to recognize sort of Org-chart in the future.



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.0.9

This version is compatible with iOS8+. Unfortunately I don't have anymore possibilities to test on iOS7.

- Added Spotlight Search capability for iOS9 (contacts with connections will be indexed)
- Fixed bug with unsorted backups, which are shown without date stamp, if phone's locale was changed in meantime (dates were stored in localized format and are not parseable after change of locale)
- Fixed newly introduced bug in 1.0.8 - contacts with no first/last name appear in "N" section in the contacts list
- Fixed seldom crash in iCloud synchronization
- Improved handling of situation where a device was used without iCloud sync for contacts, then it's get synchronized with another one. In this case "linkem://" URLs will be merged and the App is confused because of the ambiguity - some links might get invisible without possibility to fix.
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