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    - Threadtitel

    Idealerweise ist sofort zu erkennen um was es sich handelt. Verseht euren Titel mit den relevanten Informationen, das hilft euch und damit auch uns und allen Suchenden erheblich weiter.

    Beispiel: [Thriller] Dan Brown - Inferno oder bei Magazinen:

    Computerbild - 14/2014 (es muss ersichtlich sein, um welche Ausgabe und welches Magazin es sich handelt)

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    [Science Fiction]

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Folgende Pflichtangaben gilt es einzuhalten:

    - Autor
    - Titel
    - Präfix
    - Cover
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    - Inhaltsbeschreibung
    - enthaltene Formate
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    - Hoster
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    Unterforum Comics:


    Ähnlich, wie bei Unterhaltung und Magazinen, sollte der Titel alle relevanten Informationen enthalten, hier bitte

    - den Titel des Comics
    - den Verlag (einige Comics sind in verschiedenen Verlagen erschienen)
    - das Erscheinungsjahr

    Erlaubt sind folgende Formate:

    - CBR
    - CBZ

    Grundsätzlich gilt: jede Version eines Comics erhält einen eigenen Thread, Ersteller eines Comics können ihre Bände gerne mit dem Zusatz (Original-Release) versehen.

    Bei Unsicherheiten zur korrekten Benennung bitte die Informationen von www.comicguide.de nutzen.

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Pflichtangaben hier sind:

    - Titel des Bandes und ggf. Nummer
    - Cover
    - falls bekannt technische Daten (DPI, Breite, Speicherqualität)
    - Größe des Downloads
    - Hoster
    - ggf. Passwort
    - falls bekannt Releasenamen
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Lighten Your Load 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Free Yourself From Stress, Toxins, and Clutter


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


"Lighten Your Load: 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Free Yourself From Stress, Toxins, and Clutter" by Karin Kiser
2016 | EPUB | 124 pages | ISBN: 152384406X | English | 0.2 MB​

The Truth Behind Stress Management And Why Most 'Mainstream' Advice Is Wrong...

Discover How to Create More Time, Energy, Vitality And Freedom In Your Life

Have you felt the symptoms of stress creeping into your life more and more?

Darkening your relationships, mindset and body...You're not alone.

The American Psychological Association recently revealed that over 75% of Americans experience at least one symptom of stress per month. These numbers are likely growing. This is not acceptable. Change is not just required, it's a necessity.

Stress isn't something that just appears, it builds up slowly, and if left unchecked it can lead to some truly frightening consequences. Everything from obesity, unhappiness, insomnia, lack of job satisfaction, illness, and many other side effects.

The problem with traditional approaches to stress management is they avoid the root causes of stress, and focus on external factors that are often impossible to control.

Instead you must focus on the root causes - your environmental, psychological, emotional, and physical health. This is the "secret" to stress management and creating more time, energy, vitality, and freedom in your life.

Lighten Your Load reveals the simple, actionable strategies anyone can use to address the root causes of their stress and finally start living life lighter.

Inside this book you'll discover the 35 surprisingly simple ways to a happier, more fulfilled life, such as:

Why your bathroom is a source of stress and how to solve this problem today.

21 little-known ways to naturally boost your energy levels

How to detox your mind and body in just 3-minutes and wipe the slate clean every single day.

How to free up time and energy by regaining control over your inbox

Inside Lighten Your Load you'll also discover how everything from the beauty products in your medicine cabinet, to the processed foods in your pantry...even the movies you watch all have a massive impact to your health, wellness, and happiness.

If you're ready to finally free yourself from the clutches of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, then this might just be the most important book you ever read. Because quite frankly, traditional approaches do not work in today's fast paced, high-intensity world.

Focusing on the external factors of your job, finances or other people can only help in the short term.

Lighten Your Load focuses on the long term, and addresses negativity, toxins, clutter, and stress by going directly to the root causes. Here's just some of what you'll discover how to do:

Boost your energy levels with natural exercises anyone can do in just a few minutes per day.

Add more peace, calm, and tranquility to your day... even when everything seems to be going out of control.

De-stress your life with simple strategies that deliver lasting results.

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