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    - jegliche Art von Pornographie
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    - Threadtitel

    Idealerweise ist sofort zu erkennen um was es sich handelt. Verseht euren Titel mit den relevanten Informationen, das hilft euch und damit auch uns und allen Suchenden erheblich weiter.

    Beispiel: [Thriller] Dan Brown - Inferno oder bei Magazinen:

    Computerbild - 14/2014 (es muss ersichtlich sein, um welche Ausgabe und welches Magazin es sich handelt)

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    [Science Fiction]

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Folgende Pflichtangaben gilt es einzuhalten:

    - Autor
    - Titel
    - Präfix
    - Cover
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    - Inhaltsbeschreibung
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    - Hoster
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    Unterforum Comics:


    Ähnlich, wie bei Unterhaltung und Magazinen, sollte der Titel alle relevanten Informationen enthalten, hier bitte

    - den Titel des Comics
    - den Verlag (einige Comics sind in verschiedenen Verlagen erschienen)
    - das Erscheinungsjahr

    Erlaubt sind folgende Formate:

    - CBR
    - CBZ

    Grundsätzlich gilt: jede Version eines Comics erhält einen eigenen Thread, Ersteller eines Comics können ihre Bände gerne mit dem Zusatz (Original-Release) versehen.

    Bei Unsicherheiten zur korrekten Benennung bitte die Informationen von www.comicguide.de nutzen.

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Pflichtangaben hier sind:

    - Titel des Bandes und ggf. Nummer
    - Cover
    - falls bekannt technische Daten (DPI, Breite, Speicherqualität)
    - Größe des Downloads
    - Hoster
    - ggf. Passwort
    - falls bekannt Releasenamen
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Learning Karaf Cellar


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Learning Karaf Cellar by Jean-Baptiste Onofre
English | July 22, 2014 | ISBN: 1783984600 | 114 pages | PDF/EPUB/MOBI/Code Files | 6.46 Mb​

Build and implement a complete clustering solution for the Apache Karaf OSGi container
About This BookInstall and use Cellar as a provisioning clustering solution for Apache KarafExtend Cellar usage to more than just provisioning by implementing distributed solutionsPractical, step-by-step tutorial with real use cases and examples to help you seamlessly manage a cluster of Karaf InstancesWho This Book Is For
If you are new to Karaf and want to install and manage multiple Karaf instances by farming or clustering, then this book is for you. If you are a Java developer or a system administrator with basic knowledge of Karaf, you can use this book as a guide. Some background knowledge of OSGi and/or Karaf would be preferred but is not mandatory.
What You Will LearnExplore the Apache Karaf OSGi container and its featuresInstall and configure multiple Karaf containersLeverage Hazelcast using Cellar to provide clusteringCreate and manage multiple cluster groupsDiscover the different components of Cellar and how to administrate themImplement a fine-grained topology by filtering cluster eventsUse Cellar to implement remote communication between OSGi bundles (DOSGi)Use Cellar with Camel to implement a remote communication between Camel routes and a distributed cacheIn Detail
Apache Karaf is a popular OSGi container that provides rich and broad features, and together with Cellar, you can easily manage farms of containers that provide synchronization between the instances of Karaf. In a real production system, users require a farm of containers to implement failover and scalability, as well as the tools required to provision the different members of a cluster. This book will help you understand the architecture, installation, and configuration of a cluster and teach you about different components and features to get the best out of a clustering solution using Apache Karaf Cellar.
Learning Karaf Cellar starts with an introduction to some of the key features of Karaf. After a quick but detailed understanding of OSGi and Karaf, this book takes you through the concept of provisioning clusters and then covers what Cellar is and how to use it.

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